When we were younger

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Memories shattered in a distant past,

Pebbles roll down a crumbled path,

quickly and quietly, like tiny rain drops.

How I miss a childhood's summer bliss.

The heat burned and the sun sizzled.

Lifeguards working on there tan.

Hoping the wind would be cooler.

To be innocent then. . .

Children ran.

Let's go to the parks, lakes, beaches, forests, Zoos, festivals, sleepovers galore.

They fell, and they swam.

To goals, across finish lines, and further to unknowns.

This once was all our homes.

Now we avoid the summer heat.

Yet we all still entertain and babysitting strangers.

We've gone our separate ways.

Walking along the road,

You could hardly tell there were important memories made here.

The love, struggle, heart break and loss.

We bared them together, and we struggled a lot

But now, the bright color of our memories fades,

We've all become faces lost to a forgotten camera roll, or file.

I wonder if on some sunny days, when you sit back to remember

Will you think of the memories we made together,

The moments that couldn't last forever.

I wish one day we could all sit down together

And laugh at when we were children.


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