1. Introduction- the first time we met

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Authors note, well here is the first theme, introduction. I hope you guys like it please vote and comment,thank you guys :)
-- Jessica--


Freddie could feel the frustration building up in side of him, yet again their bass player had quit. Leaving the band in the same position they were in just a year earlier....a bass player down. Every bass player they have had quit, they were not ready for a band that needed commitment. Freddie and the boys wanted to make it, be successful and create music for people to enjoy, but without a bass player they couldn't. It had been about a year since Tim left smile and Freddie convinced Roger and Brian to carry on. It had been a year since Freddie joined the other two and created the band Queen. But in that year the boys have had various bass players, each one either not being what they wanted and not fitting in or quitting and taking them right to the beginning again.

The worst part about the situation was the boys had a gig at the end of the week so they desperately needed a bass player. They had to find one, and the way to do that was auditions.

Freddie sighed, sitting down in his chair and resting his feet on the table in front of him. Roger and Brian sat beside him the same look on their faces....boredom. They had been sat here for two hours auditioning bass players to be in their band but so far no one fit. They had been sat in the same position for almost the full length of time, their butts were numb and they were now feeling extremely tired. Most people who had auditioned either couldn't play or didn't fit the image of the band.

A yawn escaped Roger's lips as the boys listened to yet another person play.....another person that they didn't think was right for the band. The boys were ready to give up and at this point Freddie felt extremely disappointed, if they couldn't find a bass player by the end of the week they would have to cancel the gig and that would mean loss of publicity.

Brian heaved a long sigh before turning to face Freddie, "I think we should just stop for today, we are all really tired and nobody we've seen had really impressed us. And look Roger is practically falling asleep right now"

It was true, Roger in fact was falling asleep. Freddie watched as Roger's eyes fluttered closed, his head lowering towards the table. Brian tapped Roger on the shoulder, trying his hardest to keep him awake.

Freddie simply nodded before kicking his feet of the table. He stood up to announce that auditions would be closed for the rest of the day, to be honest he was glad, there must have been at least another 15 people left to listen to and right now he couldn't deal with that.

"I'm sorry everybody but auditions are closed for today, please come back tomorrow"

Grunts of annoyance could be heard but nobody really testified. Everyone started filling out of the hall, Freddie turned to the boys ready to start a conversation about the boring day they have had. However, just when Freddie open his mouth a gentle voice spoke.

"Please can I audition this is the only day I am able to, please" a young man pleaded, Freddie turned towards him. The young boy held a bass, his hair was a light brown and he his eyes were beautiful. Freddie instantly felt captured by the young man, he couldn't take his eyes of him. It was as though he felt drawn towards the younger man.

"Sorry but---" Roger began but Freddie immediately cut him off, telling the younger man he could audition. The younger man smiled, showing the cute gap in between his teeth. He ran up to the stage and plugged his bass into the amp.

"Before you start what's your name?" Brian asked, Freddie never thought to ask that, but then again he couldn't think at all...his head was clouded and the only thing that he could think about was the young man stood before him.
"John, John deacon" the young man spoke.
As well as Freddie he couldn't think. The nerves he felt before he entered the room seemed to have disappeared and the only thing in this mind was the mysterious man sat in front of him.

"Well I'm Brian , this is Roger and that's Freddie " Brian replied, pointing to each individual. John just smiled giving a simple nod as he prepared himself to play.

Once he started to play Freddie felt as though John was a perfect fit for the band. He didn't know if it was the feelings he seemed to have developed for the younger man or well he didn't know what it was.....he just knew that the man in front of him was something special.

John finished playing and looked towards the boys, wanting Freddie approval more than the others. As he looked at Freddie he couldn't help but admire his features, his soft black shinny hair, his deep brown eyes that looked so mysterious, there was something about Freddie that he couldn't pin point. John wanted nothing more than to be in this band, he had been in many bands before but they had never been serious and queen seemed to be what he wanted...what he needed. Yet since his eyes landed on Freddie he seemed to want it that little bit more.

John was soon snapped out of his though by Brian who spoke.....

"Have you been in any bands before?" He asked

" yes but they weren't serious about it, I want a band that's serious about their work" John simply replied and the other three smiled, that's exactly what they wanted. It was true John was a perfect fit, the three boys exchanged glances before Freddie stood up, a wide smile on his face that clearly showed his overbite.

"Welcome to the band John" Freddie said, clapping. John smiled extremely happy with his result, he didn't know if it was because he was in the band or because he would be seeing a lot more of Freddie. Either way all he knew this was the beginning of a new chapter and friendship...and possibly a new love?

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