3.light- sunny day

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Well hello there,
I apologise for the lack of updates however I hope to be updating more frequently now. I didn't know what to write for it, but this is the idea I had. I hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment.
----<<Actual story >>---

The sun shone through the open curtains, creating a soft and heavenly glow as it reflected of the white walls. The window was open and the light breeze coming through it caused the curtains to slightly flutter.
John simply led in bed, his hand combing through his boyfriends hair, whom was cuddled up against him. His one leg was sticking out of the blanket that only covered his waist and below. His hair was sprawled out all over his pillow but right now he didn't care, he just wanted to enjoy the moment.
Freddie's head rested on John's chest as he snuggled up to him, still sleeping soundly; drained from last night's events. His head moved up and down with John's chest, John's heartbeat sounding like a lullaby as he slept. But Freddie didn't stay asleep much longer. The sun shining on his face and the feeling of John slightly moving next to him was what caused him to awake.
His eyes fluttered softly, fighting the urge to fall back asleep. He could feel his eyes slightly dropping as he sighed in content. His head still moved up and down with john's chest as John's hand combed through Freddie's hair, slightly scratching his scalp.
"Good morning love" john said, pecking the top of Freddie's head
"Morning darling" Freddie mumbled, still trying his hardest to stay awake
"How did you sleep?"
"Wonderfully how about you, dear?"
"Perfectly" was the only word John could think of how to describe how he slept. To be honest it was the only word John could think of to describe his whole evening last night. He truly loved Freddie and the events that took place last night showed that.
"I love you Freddie" John said, his voice gentle.
"Do you really mean that?" Freddie asked, seeming serious. His eyes showed doubt, as though John would turn around and say that he didn't mean it, that he didn't love Freddie. The thought that Freddie believed John didn't love him worried John; John wanted Freddie to see the light, see that he did truly love him.
"Freddie I really mean that, I love you. I wouldn't exist without you"
"I love you too John" Freddie said, lifting his head up and pecking John on the lips. He led his head back on John's chest, letting out a sigh of content.
"Wait, what do you mean you wouldn't exist without me?" Freddie asked after a few minutes of silence.
"I need a world to exist and your my world" john said, saying the cheesiest thing Freddie could think of. But Freddie thought it was the sweetest thing someone had ever said to him.
Freddie had dated many people over the years and had fallen in love many times only to have his heart broken and torn apart. He liked to say he was riddled in scars and didn't want any more. He was weary whenever being in a relationship, not wanting to get too attached because of the fear of being left broken hearted at the end. However, he felt different with john. He could see the love in John's eyes when he looked at him and he could see that John did truly care about him, love him. He trusted him; he didn't feel as though he was putting his heart on the line this time. Freddie had always wore his heart on his sleeve and always got attached and fell in love easily, but this time falling in love felt right, it felt real. It wasn't just him loving, he was being loved. He wasn't the only one in the relationship who was in love, they both were and both John and Freddie believed it was true love.
As they both led in bed, both happy and equally in love they had both realised something. They were both in love and there was no backing out of it. There was less chance of their hearts being broken because they both believed they were going to be together forever... after all....
"There's no me without you" Freddie said... expressing the same feeling as John.

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