5.seeking solace- living on my own

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Authors note-
Hey guys, I know I write to many authors notes but for this book I feel I need to...well I want to. Anyways this theme is seeking solace and I really didn't know what to write for it but here is the idea I have. I hope you enjoy it please vote and comment...
----<<actual story>>----

John sat at the bar, his head down, staring at the bottom of his glass. He had already consumed a decent amount of alcohol but it hadn't helped him at all. He still had the empty feeling inside of him, a feeling that just couldn't be filled.
It was as though ever since Freddie came back from the game tour he had been different. After he adopted the leather look, grew a moustache and cut his hair, his attitude changed and he thought he was invincible. As though consequences didn't apply to him and that he could do what he wanted? Oh how wrong could Freddie be?
Maybe he wasn't dealing with the consequences but John sure as hell was now. He sat in the bar, broken heart staring into the bottom of his glass, remembering the night he had caught his boyfriend... his boyfriend which was now his ex-boyfriend
John had just got back from a weekend stay at his parents, he had enjoyed the trip very much and loved catching up with his parents and begin able to act normal again. His family didn't see him as the famous bassist from Queen, but their little boy who they raised and love. Although he very much enjoyed his weekend with his parents he was glad to be home, glad to be back with his boyfriend who he hoped was waiting for him inside.
Pulling up into the driveway John turned off the engine. He took of his seat belt before grabbing the car keys and his back which sat on the passenger seat. He could feel the excitement bubbling up inside of him as he got out the car and approached the house him and his boyfriend shared. He couldn't wait to see Freddie's perfect smile and sparkling dark eyes.
He jammed the key into the lock, turning it and pushing the front door open. He closed the front door and walked further into the house, making his way to the living room where he expected the older man to be. Yet he wasn't there, the next place john thought to check was the kitchen, but once in the kitchen he realised he wasn't there.
He began making his way up stairs, wondering if Freddie was in the bedroom or maybe taking a bath. But when John reached the top of the stairs his heart stopped at the sound of soft moaning and pleading...
"Oh god...please...mo...morree" someone moaned, John couldn't put his finger on who's voice it was, but hell was it familiar.
Wearily he made his way across the hall, standing outside the bedroom Freddie and John shared, standing outside the room the unpleasant noise was coming from...well the unpleasant noise for john, whoever was in there seemed to be enjoying themselves very much.
Hesitantly john reached for the door handle and slowly turned it, ever so slowly he pushed the bedroom door open and his heart stopped at the sight before him.
There underneath his boyfriend, moaning and pleading was his best friend Roger. However, the two boys who seemed to be having an affair didn't stop the activity they were participating in, they just carried on clearly not noticing John's presence.
John walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him and it was only then that the other two men noticed john had been in the room.
A tear slid down John's cheek as he remembered the horrid moment, watching both his lover and best friend fucking each other....a moment he couldn't get out of his head. He had been left heartbroken ever since that day. He quit the band, moved away and lost contact with everyone he used to know, everyone except his family who were there to comfort and support him.
John never thought Freddie could be so self-centred and stupid, he truly believed Freddie loved him but he guessed he was wrong, something along the way in their relationship must have gone and now it was over, ruined and John was feeling extreme heart ache.
However, catching the two fucking each other's brains out wasn't the worst part; it was the argument which followed....
John had just kicked Roger out the house. After Roger and Freddie had discovered they had been caught both men had came down stairs, resulting in Roger immediately leaving. At this moment John didn't feel sad or upset, he felt angry and frustrated, and he wanted answers...and a lot of them.
"what the hell?!" John shouted, extremely pissed off.
"what, you weren't supposed to be back this early" Freddie shrugged
"soo because I wasn't supposed to be here that made it okay... that made this entire thing okay. Freddie you were sleeping with my best friend and our fellow band member behind my back"
"okay, dear that does sound really bad doesn't it?"
"it does because IT IS"
"just calm down darling, if you must know it has only been going on for a few weeks now"
"if I must know? Of course I must know...Freddie this is our relationship your jeopardizing. This isn't something you can get away with Freddie. You're dealing with fucking love here, our love. You're just going to hurt roger in the end...just like you have hurt me"
"I'm sorry john....but the truth is I love Roger...I love him and I only realised that a few weeks ago"
"you...you...no... are you even capable of loving someone? All I ever see is you hurting people first Mary and now me, I would warn roger but I think it's a little too late for that don't you think" John said, a few tears of frustration rolling down his cheeks.
"Do you know what I'm done okay; I'm quitting the band, moving away from here and most importantly this...." john said pointing back and forth from him to Freddie "is over."
John stormed upstairs grabbing most of his stuff and stuffing it into a suitcase which surprisingly held it all. He could hear Freddie protesting as he stomped back down the stairs and towards the front door, if Freddie really cared about him, he thought, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. With that he opened the front door, stepping outside and slamming it behind him...leaving Freddie a mess inside.
It had only been a week since that day, a week since he had caught Freddie and Roger, oh how much he missed everyone...but he knew staying away from them was the best thing right now. Yes, he missed the bad, he missed his best friends and ex-lover but he needed a new start....a new-start which didn't involve the people he loved so much but the people that caused him soo much pain.
John titled his head back as he raised the cold glass to his lips, allowing the liquid in the glass to run down his throat, leaving a burning sensation behind. He regretted a lot of things he said that night, but they needed to be said...he just hoped Freddie had gotten the message and had began sorting himself out.
Still John felt empty; he felt alone...although he had got ridden of all the things that caused him pain, he had got ridden of the things that once brought him so much love and happiness. He was now living on his own and it was something he didn't like, yet was something he needed. As he drank the last of what was in his drink he couldn't help but think maybe he had made the wrong decision. Maybe he should have stayed and resolved things instead of just walking away, but right now he felt as though it was too late. Right now, drinking seemed to be the only thing that brought him comfort, however the comfort he really wanted was that from his family, not his biological family but the one he had so suddenly left....because now he was alone.

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