12. Insanity- im going slighty mad

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Authors note—
Hey guys, okay this theme is insanity. It's kind of a strange idea but personally I think it's also a good one. Feedback would be very much appreciated guys and please vote and comment. I appreciate all your support and I hope and am glad you are enjoying this book.
---<< actual story>>----

It had been two weeks since the dreadful breakup... two weeks of avoiding one another and locking themselves up in their rooms. It was true, they were officially over and it was breaking up the band. Freddie and John couldn't be in the same room without arguing or one of them bursting into tears. It was even harder at home, all the members of the band shared an apartment and that only made their life's more awkward. Both men did their very best to avoid each other whether they were at home or in the studio. One would lock themselves in their room whilst the other wandered around the apartment, when the one went into their room the other would come out of hiding.
However, it was no longer just affecting the two men; Brian and Roger were both affected by it as well. Watching their two best friends ignoring each other and suffering wasn't a very pleasant thing to do. Even though it had nothing to do with them, they couldn't help but feel bad for the youngest and oldest members of the band.
This routine had gone on for the past two weeks, avoiding each other and only leaving their rooms for the essentials: food, drink and to use the bathroom. Today was no different; John sat in the living room, watching a TV programme he watched about this time every day. Freddie on the other hand had locked himself in his bedroom, to avoid any awkwardness with John. It had been this way for what felt like forever and it was driving Freddie insane.
Two weeks of not speaking to each other, two weeks of lack of physical contact and the expression of love and that lack of love was driving Freddie insane.
Even though john and he had a massive argument resulting in john shouting 'I hate you' he didn't feel any different towards the younger man. He did truly believe that john never meant it, the pressure and stress of the argument drove him to say it....and it held no true meaning. He hoped that was the case because he still loved John....but he wasn't sure john felt the same way and that's what killed him.
Once or twice throughout the two weeks he had pumped into john, and I must say each time it led to a very awkward moment. But each time they would have a collision Freddie would look into John's eyes and each time he would see it, see the hurt, regret...the love.
Yet John didn't dare express that and it was driving Freddie mad. Freddie spent the past two weeks regretting that one argument that ended it all, regretting that one day that wrecked his future. He didn't know how to fix it, he didn't know how to get things back to the way they were...but god how he wished it would go back to normal.
All he wanted to do was hold the younger man in his arms, apologise profusely as he allowed the tears to cascade down his cheeks...however, he didn't know how to make that happen.
He craved for the younger man's lips to be on his own, trapped in a passionate kiss as they held each other tightly, bodies pressed close together....but he didn't know how to make his wishes come true, and it was causing him to go mad.
Each day that passed agonisingly slowly he would think of John and all the moments he still wanted to have with him: walking up in the mornings, cuddled together as the sun shone through the window, having water fights in the summer, watching the sun set, kissing in the rain. He wanted to share all of those moments with John, there wasn't anybody else he could wish for to share those moments with. But he messed it up, ruined it all and now he was sure it would never happens.
Freddie was on the brink of insanity, going slightly mad because the one he loved, the one he was in love with possibly hated him.
However Freddie had had enough of it, enough of the sneaking around, avoiding each other and feeling downright sorry for himself. He was going to make this right. Fix what he had broken and make his wishes come true...he wanted to show the love he felt towards John. He was going to express it in the only way he knew how....shouting.
Freddie got up from the bed he had previously been lying on. He stood up and stomped to the door, his hand reaching for the door handle. He turned it, swinging the door open in frustration and anger. Just as before he stomped out of his room, walking into the living room, he stopped in front of the sofa, in front of John. Both Brian and Roger were sat at the dining table placed at the side of the room, they both looked at the scene unfolding before them, both scared yet anticipating what would happen next.
Freddie took a deep breath in before letting out a sigh, a single tear rolled down his cheek as he opened his mouth to speak...
"I am literally going mad, do you realise that. You have made me go insane and do you want to know why? I can't stop thinking about you. I have all these perfect moments I want to experience in my life...all these moments I want to experience with you. Do you know how much it hurt when you shouted I hate you, do you? It practically killed me...i have been sat in that room of mine for two weeks, two weeks regretting everything that has happened, wanting everything to go back to the way it used to be. I have literally been going mad in that room because I still love you. I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. And I want you to understand that. I have been going mad not able to talk to you, not able to embrace you and hold you in my arms... I am going insane because I love you and that...that will never change" by the end of his ranting Freddie had tears running down his face. He was glad everything was off his chest but he didn't know how John would react. He could see Brian and Roger sat at the dining table in the corner of his eye, both sat with jaws dropped and eyes wide but that soon changed and they wore proud smiles on their faces.
It was true; Freddie had been going insane because he did love John, with all his heart. It had taken John these past two weeks to discover that he was wrong and just like Freddie he was regretting the argument that took place just two weeks prior. But now he and Freddie were on the same page, the truth was he wanted to be the person Freddie experienced those moments with, he wanted to be the person Freddie relied on. He did one simple action to show Freddie he wanted the same, one simple action that both boys had been craving for the agonising two weeks...
He stood up from the sofa and literally jumped into Freddie's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and planting a passionate kiss on Freddie's lips.

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