10. Breathe again

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Freddie was relieved...ecstatic....he was gonna see his friends again. It had been 24 year....24 years since he died, since he said goodbye to the cruel sick world that wouldn't leave him alone in the last few days of his precious life.
Indeed heaven had treated him well....but earth...down there on the ground was where he belonged, it was his home and it always would be. His friends, loved ones and fans all walked upon the earth and each day his little 'army' expanded. Every generation that passes more and more fans are created and because of that Freddie feels somewhat proud....proud that his music has never really gone out of fashion...that people still listen to his extraordinary voice and that his legacy is still known....that he indeed is known as a legend and that his wish has come true. Maybe it is like what Roger and Brian said in that one interview which is stated in the 'these are the days of our lives' documentary, they were never really fashionable, just popular...and they still are.
Yes, they have TV's in heaven and Freddie watches every interview, concert, documentary and program the boys have put together to do with Queen or Freddie's life. He does indeed find it odd watching concerts that he cannot perform in, after all he was a part of queen and queen isn't the same without him or John....but he's glad the boys are carrying on, and not giving up on Queen.
Anyways back to the reason of this story, he was going to see his friends...his family. Every...maybe...100 years an angel is given the opportunity to live again...to have their life back and this time Freddie was that lucky angel.
He had gone over the rules with God himself....he made a mental note of them...knowing if he didn't follow them he would end up back here...and maybe suffer some sort of consequence.
To return to heaven you must die...you know longer have a fait so your death is a consequence of something stupid you do.
You can do what you wish but in no-way can heaven help you.
You will have no further contact with heaven until you return
But there was one thing that God said which continued to swirl throughout his thoughts...."do what you did...rock the world and show them what real music is"
He knew God never favourite-ed, he treated all his 'creations' equally. But Freddie was pretty sure that God enjoyed his music....and that he wanted Freddie to bring his music back, changing the style of music down on earth and somewhat be the rock-God he used to be.
With a final wave from God and a "do what you were born for" he stepped into the swirling portal...that would take him down to earth. ..Take him home.
His heart was thumping as he kinda landed on the ground. His heart was thumping....his heart hadn't beaten for 24 years and now he was here....actually alive. His heart was beating, his mind was racing, his senses were working and he was walking on earth.
As he looked around he found himself outside his old house 'garden lodge'...the house he had given to Mary. But it seems as though it wasn't just Mary who was home. At least 5 other cars were parked outside and Freddie could feel himself becoming anxious.
He hadn't seen anyone in 24 years...and well everyone thought he was dead. His best friend+ ex-girlfriend lived in the house he used to own and now he had no-where to go. The only option was to walk into that house and face whoever was there.
Feeling rather brave and defiantly excited Freddie made his way up the drive way and to the front door...not before passing the wall were all the notes written to him had been stuck.
Anyways, he made it to the door and with a shaking had he knocked...hoping Mary or one of the boys would answer. Though there was one person he was more excited to see John Deacon...his lover he left behind.
Freddie was pulled out of thought by the door swinging open, revealing and aged Mary. Her jaw was hanging open, her eyes wide as she looked Freddie up and down....unsure if this was real or if she was just hallucinating. She reached out her hand, touching Freddie on the shoulder and almost fainting once she realised it was actually him.
"Freddie...what you died....24 years ago....you look like your 37 all over again" her voice was rather frantic as her eyes still sat wide.
"Can I come in dear? It's not like I have anywhere else to go...plus I really want to catch up with my best friend" Freddie spoke, his eyes seeming somewhat puppy like as he looked at Mary.
"Yeah come in come in....be warned the boys are sat in the living room. Even John is here and he hardly ever visits" Mary ushered him in, closing the door behind them. Freddie's heart pounded with anticipation....he was going to see the boys again....he was going to see John.
Mary and he walked through the house, slowly making their way to the living room. Freddie stopped just outside the doorway peeking around the corner to see indeed all three of them were there.
Nervously he entered the room, no-one yet acknowledging his presences, too caught up in conversation between them. Freddie had taken a seat in the corner of the room...he was trying to think of the best way to get their attention...surprise them.
"So when's the next concert lovelies?" Freddie asked....immediately all three turned around staring at him in the same way Mary had done earlier.
"What? No....this isn't real...you died" Roger spoke first, seeming to be the only one who could muster a sentence.
"It's me darlings, I'm back and better than ever"
"But you look like you did when you were 37, you moustache...your fit and healthy...what...how are you here"
"More importantly are you here to stay?" john finally butted in, catching Freddie by surprise. John was worried his lover, well late lover would leave him....love him for a day then go. It had been 24 years and John had never gotten over Freddie....he loved Freddie.
"Let me explain...yes I'm healthy, and my age has returned to 37. In heaven every 100 an angel is given the opportunity to live again, go back down to earth and live the life that ended. I was given the chance soo here I am. And John I'm here to stay, until I die of course" Freddie smiled warmly at John and I glimmer of hope shone in John's eyes. Maybe there was a chance they could get back together. Have moments like they did before...love as though they were both young again. But john doubted that...he was old and Freddie was young...Freddie could probably have anyone he wanted now, why would he chose an old man.
"Soo darlings as I asked before....when's the next concert?"
"Wait you want to perform? Oh my god queen can get back together again....it will be like the old times" Brian cheered.
"Yes...I want to perform.../we should make another album dearies, show this world what real music is. I have seen some singers and bands today and believe me.....this world needs a reminder what real music is"((A/N: NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE READING THIS WHO LIKES TODAYS MUSIC...ITS JUST MY OPINION.))
"I think that's a great idea" Roger spoke up. Queen was back together and they were going to show the world what they were made of.
It had been as though Freddie hadn't even died. For the next two hours the boys joked and laughed, talked and caught up as though nothing's changed as though it was old times...no-one had been away. Though john didn't say a lot. His eyes remained on Freddie for the majority of the time and the boys had noticed.
"We will give you two some space" Brian said as him, Roger and Mary left the room to go to the kitchen.
"Hey" Freddie said awkwardly.
"Hi" john replied
"I missed you" Freddie's voice cracked.
"I missed you too..."
"I still love you ya' know"
"I love you too...but it ain't gonna work" john said, leaving Freddie slightly hurt. If they both loved each other why couldn't they be together?
"Because...because I'm old and you're the boys had noticed.
"We will give you two some space" Brian said as him, Roger and Mary left the room to go to the kitchen.
"Hey" Freddie said awkwardly.
"Hi" john replied
"I missed you" Freddie's voice cracked.
"I missed you too..."
"I still love you ya' know"
"I love you too...but it ain't gonna work" john said, leaving Freddie slightly hurt. If they both loved each other why couldn't they be together?
"Because...because I'm old and your young and it ain't gonna work. You could have anyone in the world probably, why would you chose and old sod like me"
"John" Freddie spoke as he got up from his chair sitting next to john. By now john had tears rolling down his cheeks. Freddie pulled him into his chest, wrapping his arms around him and comforting him the best he could.
"John that doesn't matter...I don't care if you're old...I don't care if I'm young. Whilst I was dying you stood by me and you knew I had nothing I could give you...you knew I had little time but you loved me anyway...you stood by me until my final breath....you loved me and that's why you stood at my side. I love you John and you being older doesn't change that. Just as you did to me I will stand by your side until you take you final breath...I'm not gonna leave you...cause I love you" and with that Freddie pulled john in for a kiss, his younger lips meeting john older ones...but that didn't matter. Things were back to the way they used to be. Freddie was given his life back...john was given his love back....and Queen.....they were back.


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