7.dream- A kind of magic

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Hey, guys. Okay, I know this isn't really deacury...I added a little in, but I didn't know how to contribute it to my idea. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and please vote and comment.

-----<<actual story>>--

John sat on a chair, completely confused and disorientated. One minute he was at home, cuddled into the side of Freddie, softly falling into a peaceful slumber, and the next he found himself wearing a red and gold suit and a crown which sat upon his head. He had no clue as to where he was or why he was dressed up. Wanting some sort of answers he got up from the comfortable chair and began making his way down the long corridor he had been sat in.
Continuing down his path...down the corridor, he noticed many doors, some locked and some freely unlocked- ready for someone to discover. Feeling rather adventurous John opened one door and took a step inside. Before another word could be said the door behind him closed, locking him in the room. Slightly panicked and startled John turned around, scratching at the door desperately trying to get out. However, he immediately stooped and calmed down when he heard a familiar voice....Roger.
"Your majesty what are you doing here?"
John turned around only to notice he was stood outside in a street somewhere, his location unknown. John looked around before focusing his eyes on Roger, who strangely looked like a hobo. His hair was a mess, pointing in every direction. His face covered in dirt and his clothes being old and ripped... he looked exactly the way he did in the 'a kind of magic' music video. John who was now extremely confused finally found his voice and spoke up.
"What- Rog- where am I?- Majesty?" John mumbled.
"You have just entered a room in the palace your majesty. There are many more rooms for you to discover"
"Rooms, what do you mean rooms?"
"each room holds a moment, a situation you have lived....either it is a music video you have created with the bad...a loving moment you have shared with your beloved Freddie or a concert you have preformed"
"Okay, but wait that still doesn't answer my question...where am I?" John asked more frantically, glad he was finally getting answers but desperately wanting to know where he was.
"That is a question I still do not have the answer to" now John was confused, if hobo Roger didn't know where they were, and by the sounds of it he had been here a while, how would he know where they were....how he would escape this place.
John didn't have the chance to ask any more questions. The door that had previously been sealed shut flung open and Roger pushed him out of the room. With a Wave from Roger and a 'good luck' the door closed and John found himself back in the hallway.
Not knowing what else to do John continued on his journey down the corridor. He passed many rooms which were locked but finally came upon one which was open. He reached for the door handle and wearily pushed it open.
He stepped inside and just as before the door slammed behind him, though this time he wasn't as surprised...as scared. He looked around the room, the whole scene being in black and white as though it was an old movie. Feeling more courageous than before he walked further into the room but immediately jumped when he felt someone stood behind him. Speedily turning around he faced the mystery figure....who turned out to be Brian. His mouth was practically glued shut as he wore that big beak on his face. His hair was as curly as ever, he wore a suit which made him look like a penguin and well, a penguin stood in-between his feet. This was the scene for 'I'm going slightly mad'. The title certainly expressed how John was feeling at that very moment.
"Brian?" John asked but all Brian could do was nod.
"Where are we?" Brian shrugged, seeming as unknowing as Roger.
" do you have any way you can communicate with me" John asked, finding it hard to get any sort of answer unless it was a yes or no question.
Brian nodded frantically and with his little penguin following him he waddled off. Moments later he returned with a pen and paper. He began scribbling down what he couldn't say...
Hello your majesty, what brings you here?
John read the note and replied....
"I'm just..Umm exploring....say do you know where we are?"
I'm sorry I have no clue, I don't know how I got here or when but it seems as though I have been here forever....
"Well, okay...I'm sorry, It must get rather lonesome" Brian nodded but then began scribbling again.
Where is the king, he seems to always be by your side. You too make such a cute couple.
John gasped...of course, Freddie.
"Sorry Brian I must go" John turned around and made his way back over to the door. The door flung open as though it felt his presence. John quickly left the room shouting one final 'goodbye' before the door slammed closed.
Just as before he found himself back in the corridor. Slowly walking up the corridor he noticed a room that hadn't been there the previous times he had gone searching. The door was white, yet let some sort of golden glow off it. John instantly knew that behind that door was Freddie, he could tell, he could feel it.
Determined to find Freddie, John raced towards the door. The door swung open as soon as he reached it. He almost felt as though he was being pulled into the room, like a vacuum sucking up a spider.
Once in the room, again the door slammed behind him. He looked around the room and indeed there stood Freddie in all his royal glory. He wore exactly the same thing he did in their last ever concert, In fact he looked as healthy as he did on that day. He didn't look like the ill, fragile man John seemed to have left behind.
John took a deep breath in as he stared at Freddie, Freddie also looking at John with equal intensity.
"John dear, where have you been?" Freddie said before marching over to John, embracing him and planting his lips on John's, catching them in a passionate kiss.
Although John was shocked and surprised he kissed back, smelling the common amour of Freddie. Slowly and in unison they pulled apart. Yet John was disappointed to see that his surroundings were beginning to fade, and Freddie was beginning to disappear.
John's eyes fluttered open and he found himself cuddling with Freddie. The ill and fragile Freddie not the 1986 version. He was glad to be home...in real life. It hadn't taken him long to realise everything had been a dream, Roger would never be caught dead in dirty, ripped clothes...and Brian was soo chatty that him wearing a beak for so long was unlikely...but the worst reality was that Freddie was ill, dying and wasn't fit and healthy at all.....he would never be healthy again. Yep it was a dream....a strange dream, parts he wished could come true...other's he knew were crazy, but isn't that why they are dreams. Fantasy's that won't come true but you can only wish for and imagine.

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