Umm what?

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I hit the off button. What the fuck? What the actual fuck? Why in my nightmares is someone always dying? What the fuck was that? I mean Kristy being shot? What the actual hell was that funeral? My father causing a school shooting that killed my sister? What the hell. Holy shit.

We haven't even started sophomore year yet. I had that cold sweat from a nightmare, you know, and my breathing was heavy. I grabbed my water and then went to shower. That nightmare freaked me the fuck out.

Thats what chemo does it makes you sick and can fuck with your brain or whatever. I'm so glad I only have two more chemo sessions.

A/n- very short I know, this is definitely the end I cannot write this story anymore. Also I've deleted the car wreck chapter. Also comment if I should do another BSC story I've been thinking about it and I have like 5 different ones

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