Chapter 53

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Callie's POV
(At the store getting stuffed animals)
"You can choose whatever you'd like" I whisper in Mandy's ear and she excitedly starts going for the stuffed animals. "Hey Jaden can you watch her for a second I just need to grab some stuff," I say and he nods. I go and quickly get some presents for everyone, I go back to Jaden and Mandy, and I see the cart and an excited Mandy jumping up and down.

"She can put some back," Jaden says nervously "Oh no I wanted her to get as much as she wanted" I smile as I grab the cart and walk to the checkout. "Would you like anything?" I ask him and he shakes his head. I pay for all the stuff and get everyone in the car.

"Okay now for your surprise" I say grinning "Yay surprise" Mandy says in the back seat, Jaden gives me half a smile but then quickly looks out the window when he sees that I noticed.

"Whose house is this" Jaden asks unbuckling his belt, "I live here come on," I say opening the door for Mandy. We go to the door and I am about to unlock the door when Grayson swings the door. "What the fu-" "FUN" I yell cutting him off "Gray these are Kai's siblings Mandy and Jaden," I say and Grayson sighs in relief. "Oh boy I thought you were about to tell me something," he says making me laugh.

"Jaden and Mandy this is my big brother Grayson," I say and they both wave. "Well I have a surprise for Jaden so would you mind keeping an eye on Mandy," I ask and he nods getting out of our way and letting us in. "Mandy we'll be right back," I say and she nods slowly. "Come on Jaden," I say motioning for him to follow me, we go to my room.

"Wow are you not big on decorating," he asks looking at my bare walls. "Hmm oh, I am I just haven't been here enough to really decorate I've mainly been with your brother," I say going into my closet. "Hey could I ask you a question," he asks as I get a box down, "Yeah what's up," I ask as I continue going through the box "How long do you plan on being with him like a month or two," he asks making me stop going through the box.

"Is that what happened with you?" I ask "Yeah she said she only planned to be with me for a month to make her ex jealous," he says sitting on my bed "First of all fuck her, excuse my language but getting in a relationship just to mess with someone is fucked up and something you should never do," I say and he nods.

"And secondly I don't have a time set for us I just want to be with him, he makes me happy and appreciates every crazy thing I have to offer and I hope that I am making him happy, look sometimes relationships suck when you choose the wrong people and you will choose the wrong people but when you find that person who makes you smile at the mere mention of their name you will see that all the dumb shit you did was worth it," I say and he smiles

"You know I hope that you and my brother stay together for a while," he says making me smile. "Yes me too but we're not here for your brother we're here for you so let me get your surprise," I say quickly getting up and grabbing what I was looking for hiding it behind my back. "Okay- Tada," I say showing him his surprise. "What No way you had a copy," he says grabbing the CD, It's the favorite one that he broke One-X by three days' grace

"Yeah you should flip it over," I say, he flips it over and his eyes light up, "No way it's signed," he says shocked "dude I love this like wow I don't even have words; thank you," he says with the happiest smile on his face. "You are very welcome," I say smiling at how happy I made him, "Come on let's go and get you home," I say as he follows me downstairs.

"Hey Cal, Kai just called him and the others are coming over," Grayson says, and Jaden looks at me confused "Um if that's the case then Gray could I talk to you," I ask and he nods telling Dylan to keep on eye on Mandy

"Your brother will be here soon," I say and Jaden nods. I go to the kitchen with Grayson "So what's up Cal" he asks "Sorry I haven't been home" I say "And?" He asks raising his eyebrow "And sorry for not checking in" I say causing him to raise his eyebrow one more time "And I'm sorry that I was staying with Kai and didn't tell you" I slump. "Why have you been staying with him, are you too you know fu-"

"NO," I say sternly "Okay do you like him," he asks, and before I could say anything I give myself away by smiling "So you do," he says pointing out my smile. "Well I mean yeah look I just realized I did yesterday last night," I say and he laughs

"You know if you two start dating I would like to know," he says "Would you even be okay with that after all he isn't Manny," I say making him laugh "Yes I'm aware would I want you to be with manny, yeah but if he doesn't make you happy then id rather you be with Kai," he says smiling "BUBBA" Mandy yells excitedly as the door opens.

"Hey munchkin," he says rubbing Mandy's head, Jaden gets up and shows them his CD. "Where's Callie and Grayson," Kai asks "We're in here" I call out, and he comes into the kitchen standing where we are. "I and Kai are dating," I say pulling him to my side "Um, yes we are," he says holding my hand I can feel him shaking just as much as he can feel me shaking.

"We got together last night this wasn't the plan but I thought you should know and now you do," I say squeezing Kai's hand. "Well thank you for telling me," he says smiling.

"With that being said I still have to give him the big brother shakes down," he says and I shake my head. "It's fine Callie plus Mandy is already asking for you," Kai says and I nod.

Kai's POV
Grayson and I  watch Callie leave the kitchen, once she was gone I face Grayson "Before you start let me just say this; no we haven't done anything like that, yes she has been staying at my house and sleeping in my room but I promise I gave her the space she wanted, and I know that I'm not your first choice on the friends you would want your sister to date but I make her happy and she makes me happy, and I know that her happiness means so much to you, so with that being said I will never try to hurt her and if I ever do I know I will hate myself and yes I'm pretty sure that our relationship will have ups and downs, but I want to be able to get through the downs together so that she is happy because like you, her happiness matters to me too, I am done now thank you for listening" I say taking a breath of fresh air. "I'm sorry," he says shaking his head "Wha-"

"I underestimated you, Kai; Manny is my best friend but you know when I came back drunk I asked him why he wanted to be with my sister he said because she's beautiful and smart, he didn't say everything you did, I am sorry, yes he may be my best friend but id say if any of my friends deserved to date my sister it'd be you, thank you for making me realize that bring it in," he says pulling me into a hug.

"I'm glad you are happy," I say patting his back and pulling away, "Okay we've made her wait long enough let's go before she comes in here guns blazing. We walk out of the kitchen and once we do Callie quickly rushes to me checking my face. " Calm down I didn't hit him he didn't even let me do my brother's shake down before he told me how he felt about you," Grayson says rolling his eyes. "Good," she says sighing in relief.

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