Silent Plead

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Back at your house, Striker had been waiting for over five hours, pacing between the small rooms of your apartment. He had not felt this way in a long time, he had been pacing so much that a mark was left on the carpet from his boots. Striker had been constantly checking his burner phone for your reply, he had seen the bubbles pop up hours ago but nothing ever came about them. He hated to admit it but he was really worried about you, he even went back to Ozzies to see if you were anywhere around. He knew he could not call others asking if they had seen you since he needed to keep a low profile due to his status. Feeling like a useless assassin he knew something bad happened to you, he could feel it.





The Hospital in Sloth is probably the most annoyingly bright color as if the rest of hell's colors were drained just for Sloth. It definitely pissed you off, and due to the accident you were in, you are bound to the bed. Luckily for you, Moxxie and Millie were the ones who found you on their way home from Ozzies. Millie had recognized the car you drove as it was the same one your mother had. You were so drugged up you could no longer feel the pain not only in your body but your mind was silenced, Millie would try to talk to you but, nothing but silence was received back. Moxxie and Millie took notice the first night and how you refused to eat a single thing, only drinking water here and there. Millie refused to let you starve yourself and insisted on a feeding tube if you refused any more food. You finally complied but only slightly, when her back was turned you would spit the food out. After so much crying your body would not even allow you to do that anymore, and do not even get me started on how you went to the bathroom. Millie cried to you that night, spilling her guts out to you and what has been going on the past years you two had not spoken. She did her best to comfort you, but even then she eventually had to go home, leaving the room empty not even a thought. Just Beeping.

On the second day, Blitz came by to see you with Loona, you still refused to speak to anyone, answering with simple nods and shakes of your head. You did not want anyone to see you like this, the accident caused you to have a broken horn, burn spots from the car impact causing a small fire, as well as a piece of metal that was dug into your shoulder. Being all bandaged up made you feel even worse, especially when the nurses came by to change the padding and gauze to disinfect you again. The short glimpses of yourself made you sick to your stomach, out of all the times you had felt horrible about yourself this topped that. Blitz brought you flowers while Loona spent time talking to you without being on her phone, it was nice knowing she cared about you. Even though the conversation was one-sided and you were heavily drugged up, you listened to her nonetheless. Blitz asked Loona to leave the room that day and said he wanted to have a conversation with you. He knew you were unable to answer him but he needed to get things off his chest. Blitz spoke to you for over an hour talking about his life like Millie did, he told you all about Stolas and him. You thought he was done once he got up but instead, he took a pause, telling you he saw you with striker two nights ago. He expressed how it made him nervous since Striker was after Stolas and he was worried Striker had hurt you or has/had intentions of hurting you. Blitz notices you crying while not saying a word, not even the drugs silenced your mind when Strikers name was mentioned, the beeps became more frequent the panic attack started again, Blitz begins to apologize running to get a nurse leaving you alone a crying broken mess. 

The third day was rough, you assumed your phone had been blown up by Millie so you asked a nurse to plug it in since it had been dead. Physical therapy started today so nobody was allowed to visit, you could barely move your right arm since the impaction of the metal, and even trying to write hurt. The nurses were patient and kind and took a liking to how you just listened, they knew you were able to speak but decided not to. The nurses started off small by getting you to squeeze a stress ball and rolling things against your hand and arm to see if there was any loss of feeling, Luckily for you, there was none. The nurses tried to make you feel better, bringing you snacks from their lunches as well as calling you pretty, beautiful, and how lovely you will look once you heal properly. You thanked them, a simple thanks for the compliments and snacks, which you never would eat but took to make them feel better. The nights were rough, sleeping was a pain, never being able to find a comfortable position. Once again they drugged you up, giving you the feeling of ecstasy and silence yet again.

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