Nice Seeing You

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"Despite your efforts, I'm here and always will be.."

The fluorescent lighting was all too familiar, a migraine pounding at your head while trying to regain your consciousness. Right back in the Sloth Ring hospital, groaning you begin to open your eyes taking in the bright colors yet again, you hear someone clear their throat, and turning to look your eyes meet Stolas. He had a disappointed look on his face while the doctor was going over the drug test they had done on you with him, rolling your eyes you continued to look around the room slowly sitting up. More whispers can be heard in the dead silent room, you know where this is going the same conversation that's been happening for the last few weeks.


I sigh softly before disturbing the almost silence, "I'm not fucking going to rehab." Both Stolas and the doctor turn to face you before sharing an awkward glance, Stolas begins, "But Y/N it's just,-" I cut him off, "Stolas I know you're worried but I'm fine, now can I get a damn Tylenol my head is KILLING me." I state as I rub my temples attempting to ease the ongoing headache. The doctor goes to open his mouth but nods before walking out to get the Tylenol, I click my tongue waiting for another one of Stolas speeches. As if he could read my mind he started with his shit.

"You were messed up last night Y/N, I was worried." You notice Stolas step closer clutching his hat in hand, slightly twisting it before continuing, "Ever since,-" I widen my eyes and fold my arms, "Don't..." I quietly say almost inaudible. He clears his throat, "Since he left, you've just been well.. not yourself, and as your friend I'm concerned. You're lying to your friends and just completely stopped caring about yourself and your body."

Tears taking form at the corner of my eyes, "I saw what you took last night, it's beginning to become more and more of an issue, let alone slowly harming your health." Before he could say another word the doctor came in handing me the meds, I quickly took them and got out of bed, grabbing my clothes. The doctor takes notice and babbles to leave the room. "You should be all good to go, rest up, and here's a card for rehab, we cannot force you to go but highly recommend it. Have a nice day Miss Y/N." I scoff as he hands me the card, quickly I toss it to the side, Stolas sighing as I do so. "I gotta get to work Stolas, drop me off at my car?" the doctor scurries out as I remove the hospital gown, Stolas covers his eyes "Okay Y/N, just please think about it?"

Without a thought I just agree with him, slipping on my dress and heels. In the back of my mind my purse comes to mind, the drugs. I feel itchy and tired, "I'm just going to run to the bathroom then we can go okay birdy?" I smile, Stolas slowly uncovers his eyes and notices me practically run to my purse, he quickly beats me there, shooing me off to the bathroom. "Stolas I need my purse, give me my purse please," I spoke in a frantic tone while trying to snatch it. "No. Go." His tone was firm and he glared at me, I sighed and scurried to the bathroom quickly emptying the contents of last night's drinks before fixing myself up in the mirror.

Only a few minutes had passed before I exited the bathroom to a disappointed once again Stolas who was holding a tiny baggie with a variety of pills contained in it. "You were going to take these weren't you," Silence, I couldn't find the words, "Y/N!" I feel myself getting angry, "For fucks SAKE just take me to my fucking car so I can GO HOME!" I yell at him, feeling sweaty and itchy all over, I feel myself scratching all the places I can reach. "You're not the fucking boss of me Stolas, like you have other shit to be concerned about like your dying fucking marriage and your side bitch-" I pause, knowing I've said too much.

"Shit I-I I'm sorry, I-" frantically crying, "Enough. We're going." Stolas opened the portal and walked through, following hurriedly. I thank him and get in my car, without saying a word he leaves. As soon as he leaves as if it were clockwork I message my boss, 'Sorry sir I was in the hospital' Almost instantly a reply, 'I know lovebug, prince told me.' I sigh, before replying another message comes through, 'Take the day off lovebug, you can work a double tomorrow' Knowing I couldn't fight him I agreed, 'Thank you, Sir'

I hold my breath as I search my car for anything, coming across my joints and cigarettes I quickly light one of each, taking a long drag from both. The buzz from the cigarette and the oncoming high pushed the feeling of being itchy away but I still felt tired and sweaty. I quickly drive home, finishing my joint and cig, tossing the butt outside before getting out of the car and practically running inside my home. Slamming and lock the door behind me, the high hitting hard as I reach my room pulling my nightstand drawer open and popping two pills. Immediate bliss fills my body, no more sweating or feeling tired. I lay down still dressed up and take a nap for a couple of hours, till the sound of my phone ringing wakes me up, it's almost night time I sigh and pop another pill.

I look at my phone, Millie calls every day, texts every day. She's always so worried for no reason, I sigh attempting to slide the notifications away but open one my mistake, "SHIT" I quickly swipe away, but the messages start to flood in. I get changed quickly into a hoodie and sweats, sliding on a pair of socks and sneakers, packing a tote bag with some of my belongings and my pills. I grab my keys and run back to my car knowing the gang will be at my doorstep and second. I start it quickly and drive off. My only option was to Stolas again, I sighed while driving away I noticed the gangs' van speeding into my complex parking lot.


The drive was silent, I was having trouble staying in the lines since I had taken so many pills in a short span, smiling to myself as I pulled into Stolas's home. I parked in a spot nobody could see my car and ran to the door, knocking. To my dismay, Stella answers the door and glares at me, "Who the fuck are YOU?!" She barks at me, "Oh uhm a friend of Stolas's." She scoffs, "STOLAS ARE YOU FUCKING THIS ONE TOO?!" Stella storms away from the door as Stolas appears, "Nice seeing you Y/N." he takes note of my appearance and shifty eyes, "Let me guess, you need to stay here tonight?" He hums, I nod my head yes and run into his arms crying. A huff can be heard from Stolas as I start crying, "Alright alright, it's okay come in." he softly hugs me back then picks me up bringing me to the kitchen.

I hear a ding on my phone before I can look at the notification Stolas hands me a cup of tea, "Thank you, and I'm sor-" He puts his hand up, "Stop, I know your high right now, you took pills when you went home didn't you?" Silence.


"Yes.." I cry, "I don't feel right without them, I need them Stolas." he shakes his head and runs his free hand through his feathers, "No, you do not, you're quitting tonight Y/N." I pause, "What?"

Cliffhanger again :)

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