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Sonic was standing out on his balcony from his room...the party had of course had long ended a few hours ago, but some of the siren guests had stayed behind to watch the final part the of the hedgehog's birthday, and that was the transformation ceremony.

Every Siren had to go through it, but it all depends on how early that siren's abilities had came in...Sonic was rather an early bloomer, when he first got his sign of his abilities was when he was eight and he accidentally used the song to get free candy. He stepped away from the balcony and looked at his large room, it was covered in some many gifts from the normies and other creatures that came to his party.

The door to his room opened, and Aleena walked in. Sonic shifted his gaze from the large stuff animal pile that was in the corner of his room...to his mother that was holding a small wrapped present for him. He already knew what it was...it was a necklace to help him control his own his powers. Like random transforming in the pouring rain or when water splashed on him...well that's what it's supposed to do, in fact it just made it so that he more control of when he wanted to transform, as well as made the hypnotic song of his last as long as he wanted, not that he was gonna use his voice in such away unless he really needed it work.

"I hope you like your gift from us...Your Father and I got it custom made just for you son." Aleena said as she handed over the box.

Sonic didn't say anything, he just took the box and started to unwrap it, when he lifted the lid of the box...the necklace was looking back at him, a soft golden chain with a golden heart medallion hanging off of it, with a large purple gemstone in center. "Thank you...Mom" he said as he just looked away.

Aleena only smiled before it turned to frown at her son's reaction, she lets out a small sigh placing her hand on his shoulder. "Maurice...you know what we are doing is to keep our species safe."

"Safe from what!? It's been centuries since our species had been hunted down...if anything this just cruel to most of the other creatures, and normies." Sonic pointed out.

Aleena only shook her head, to much of Sonic's disappointment...he had the same conversation with his own Father, no wonder Sirens were classified as the most dangerous, Creatures on Mobius. Only caring about themselves and their own kind. If anything this whole mind control thing was just to benefit them...so that they weren't targeted to be extremely existent.

"Now come everyone is waiting." Aleena said as she turned around to face the door.

Sonic only nodded as he followed his mother out of his room, there was no point in calling the ceremony off...he couldn't do that to the those who took the time off of their schedules just to come to see this.

Aleena started to put the necklace around her son's neck, before he stepped up to the diving board, when the necklace was on...Sonic took a deep breath and walked onto the diving board, after a few jumps and threw himself into the deep pool below, sinking into the water.

The gemstone of the medallion started to glow, and his legs slowly combined together as shiny sapphire blue scales started to cover over his lower half to form into a fish like tail, with a purple granite at the fins, the scales travel up to blend into his upper body, the same color scales forming around his neck as the scars forced themselves opened to create gills, his hands formed into webbed hands with sharp claws at end of his fingers, the light purple scales appearing on his shoulders and elbows, bending into his fur to make it look natural, same around his muzzle, when he opened his eyes he can clearly see in the pool, with no issue, his eyes were mixed of emerald green an ocean blue, when his powers like his song was in use they were shifted to a purple a color, his mouth had more sharp canine like teeth instead of those obvious hedgehog like fangs in the top and bottom. He swam up to the surface of the pool. Where he heard clapping and cheering.

This moment was supposed to be the happiest moment for any siren, but for Sonic...it was just a reminder of how privileged his life is. He was anything but happy.

When he pulled himself out of the pool, the medallion gave a soft glow and his turned back to his mobian form. The butler walked over to gave him a towel.

The rest of the ceremony was rather normal...it wasn't anything different from his own birthday party, just with a little less gifts...that mostly had to deal with his siren abilities.

When the whole thing was over, he didn't bother saying goodbye to the guests, he just went straight upstairs and slams his door shut to his room.

"Please forgive our Son...he's still adjusting." Aleena said to the guests that were leaving.

Sonic only fell flat onto the bed, tears in his eyes...he didn't really ask for be born into a siren, he just hated the fact that none of his species shown any remorse for what they are doing to do everyone around them. Of course those people didn't have a say as to what sirens did, since they are always blinded their good looks and voice.

It just didn't seem right. To just take control of someone and force them to do whatever against their will.

A small whimper came from Casper as he floated over to the hedgehog and started to lick away his tears.

Sonic sniffs and and looked at the ghost that was comforting him. "...I just don't understand...on how selfish my species can be..." he mutters as he makes some room for the ghost dog to lay with him.

He didn't really have any friends since he was tutored, and he refused to his those abilities to force others into being his friends, so his dogs were the only friends that he had, getting them both on his fifth birthday as an attempt to keep him looking happy when he really wasn't.

Casper only rest his head on Sonic's lap. Just letting the hedgehog pet him.

"Maybe...one day, we can experience the world without these abilities..." he sniffs as he wipes away his own tears, watching some scales fade into view on his hand.

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