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Silver's eyes fluttered open, he heard a lot of movement coming from the desk, with a flinch he forced the box to open to see peach arms moving, he poked his head out of the box.

Sonic had some tear stains on his cheeks, as he was putting together a better living space for the bat...that had a protection from the sun, and a comfortable bed, as well as water dish for him to drink from.

"I...I don't know why I try..." Sonic mutters to himself, "Face it...sirens aren't to be good people." He admits to himself, he didn't really have a good run at the store when he was out getting supplies for Silver, hits the cans of artificial blood, and the vampire bat build your own home set.

"Haha yeah right...you probably use your powers to get a vampire to stay with you!"

There were always some people like that, sure his family is famous...but it was mostly through their song on how they were able to be so popular, they had the whole city wrapped around their finger. And in the history books...sirens were alway portrayed as monsters of the sea and land.

Monsters that take what they want, and never give.

Sonic started to remove some objects off of the shelf to make some room for the wooden home, that he built...he opens one of the cans, and fills up the little dish, before reaching for the box.

Silver quickly ducked his head back into the box. "I hope you appreciate my gift..." Sonic said as he gently the white bat into his new home, for now...and right next to the water dish. The small bat only leaned down to the artificial blood and started to drink out the dish. It was only a tiny bit but it was enough to satisfy his hunger. Well at least in this form.

Sonic puts the rest the of cans into his mini fridge, and set the backpack down out of sight in case his parents walked into the room.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that...I understand if you want to leave after your fully healed, but I'm not gonna break my promise..." Sonic said to Silver, as he started to wipe away his own tears. He just left Silver alone...as he pulls out a notebook, and a pencil.

Silver can clearly see the warping of the papers, he can tell that siren had written down a lot of things into the notebook, that had either upset him or made him think about his situation.

Upon opening the notebook, there was only depressing drawing, and common names that people and mobians would call sirens, that was followed by a drawing.

"Sea Witch" Silver thought as he saw Sonic write it down. The hedgehog just started sketching out of the scene, in the Little Mermaid where Ariel meets Ursula.

The bat only watched in silence, as he saw how the scene shifted to instead of being Ursula...but to the siren himself, even the scene with the sea witch was marrying the prince instead.

Sonic just started tear up a little as he just continued drawing...in pencil, switching to a red colored pencil to add in the blood details, like most of his drawings.

"Maurice!! Dinner!"

The hedgehog, dries his own tears...looking at the picture, much like Ursula, he deserves to be stabbed into the heart with the trident. He got up from his desk and headed to the door, he stopped to looked back at his desk...mostly at Silver before shutting the door behind him.

The bat didn't really think anything of it...after all from what he learned in school, sirens were much like this Disney Villain.

He struggles over to the notebook to get a look at the drawings, they were rather very detailed and stained with tears, but it all showed the same outcome...a different story of a broken Merhog, just trying to fit in a world full of lies, and manipulation.

"This explains why there weren't any sirens in schools..." Silver thought, as he looked at the drawing that supposed to be of Sonic, but just getting growled, hissed, and almost shoved into the view of a gorgon, just so he can be turned stone. Forced to freeze to death in a blizzard.

"It's the parents that are influencing their children to cruel." Silver thought. He only pinned his ears down...the teenager was just trying to fit in like the everyone else, but he was taught wrong, and the outside world was taught the truth.

He only lets out a small sigh as he heard footsteps coming to the room, he struggled his way back to his box to stay out of sight. Only for the door to open to reveal Sonic, instead. Based on how he looked...he didn't really get enough to eat, mostly because of that stupid diet. The hedgehog only closed the notebook putting it where it belongs and the pencils that he used into a cup.

"Maybe one day...we can start to have a conversation..." he said to Silver, before pulling out his phone to show the bat the news. "I...I think I found your family, they made a report about a missing teenager, who had white fur...Your the only bat that I've seen that has fur, but I'm not sure."

Silver only shook his head, after seeing those drawings he kind of wanted to stay...the siren looked like he was struggling just continue to live, but with these lies, he can just tell that hedgehog wasn't happy. Being shunned for something that he didn't do, or something that he didn't feel comfortable with doing.

"It's not your parents?" Sonic asked. "Oh, I guess I should keep look then, I'm glad that I talked you first before I made the call..." his emerald eyes shifted to to the window. "Though...they would probably get you tested you, to see if you weren't under my magic...or find away to seriously hunt me to get you out of my spell."

"He seemed to happy on the outside...but on the inside he's really hurting...I really can't leave him like this, not when he's going to the trouble to help me heal." Silver looks down at his wound. "I really hope Mom and Dad can understand what I'm doing...as horrible as siren are everyone deserves a friend, happiness even."

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