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When Sonic woke up in the morning, he sat up slightly in his bed...his body was still trembling from what he had eaten last night, if anything would have been happy with just starving. He got out of bed and stretches up his arms, checking on Silver.

"Hey...I know your probably sleeping, but...I guess I should tell you my name at least. It's Sonic, Sonic Maurice Merhog, or Hedgehog." The hedgehog told the bat, he didn't get an answer which he was find with, he only grabbed some clean clothes out of his closet...nothing special besides a black t-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans.

Silver's ears twitch slight at the sound of running water, he opened one of his eyes looking in the direction of the bathroom to see the light was one underneath the door, he could go for a shower...but with the injury he could hardly even stand. A smile spread across his face at the curious look he got from the siren when he first revealed himself to him.

"I never seen so much life in those eyes..." He thought to himself as he started to slowly fall back asleep.

Sonic only had himself a quick shower, he felt rather dirty after eating that normie's flesh. He looked at himself in the mirror, running his thumb over the birthmark of his cheek...he never really understood why he had it, when neither his father or mother had one. Even if he's been eating his body still looked skinny. He only lets out a small sigh as he started to get dressed, he stepped out of his bathroom putting some socks on, before leaving his room to head downstairs.


"Yes Father?" Sonic said when he reached down the steps only see Jules looking at him with disappointment in his eyes.

Jules pointed to the office that was at the end of hallway. "Disrespectful little Shits don't deserve to eat."

Sonic only nodded "Yes Father..." he just started to walk down the hallway and opening the door to his so called classroom, it only had a single desk, with a stack of booklets with lessons. He just waited patiently for his tutor to arrive...to give him more lies about his species role in on this planet. He only rests his head on the table in his arms and just softly started to cry, out of all the creatures that he was forced to learn about.

The wars, just change the point of view...Sirens started the wars, creatures and creature mobians segregation again Sirens doing just so that they didn't have to suffer.

Sonic's ears perked up as he lifted his head wiping away his tears as he looked at the tutor.

Another fellow Siren, she only looked at him with same disappointed look that his parents gave him...he was just to strong well.

♫ ♫ ♫

Silver's ear tilted up slightly when heard voices coming from outside in the backyard, it was of course the middle of the day so he really couldn't go and check it out, but he can listen the conversation thanks to his bat like hearing.

"But I don't want to..."

"I don't care if you don't want to or not...as a Siren you should know that no one can be trusted, not after all the pain that they caused none into the pool so we can start the lesson!"

There was a loud splash sound, which Silver can only assume was Sonic and this other more controlling voice...he could only lay there in the box, the more that he stayed here the more that he was starting understand that...Sirens are sea witches...but mostly to their own kids in trying to push them to be more like them.

He only bare his fangs, before just letting out a soft breath...he really couldn't do anything to help Sonic, besides just being a good listener for him...be that actual friend that needed in a time like this. He looks over at his bag, he wonder what his parents are doing...he knew that they are looking for him, that's for sure...but he wonders if he they knew where he was.

"Even if he is a Siren...he's at least trying to show that hes nothing like his parents." Silver thought as he thought back to moment last night when Sonic saw him in his true form.

There was so much hope in those eyes, besides that obvious sadness of someone who was mentally suffering, if anything he wonders if these siren parents understand the pain that they are causing to their kids. Or are they just that heartless that he only have kids to keep their population growing.

"We can continue this lesson tomorrow"

There was only silence, before the sound of footsteps were heard getting closer to the mansion.

♫ ♫ ♫

Sonic hurried over to the servant, a very young Mobian, and a human.

"I'm...sorry, I had no control an-"

"S-Stay a-away from her..." the human said as they grabbed the trembling mobian pulling them away from Sonic.

"But I..."

"Creatures like you...deserve to be in our place, not living a life of luxury!" The human spat, as they got up and walking the Mobian away from the Siren.

Sonic lowers his hand and pinned his ears down, he hated this lesson...out of all the sirens he only used his abilities if they were needed.

"I'm sorry..." he mutters as tears started to form in his eyes as he just stood there by his own pool.


That's all he was, no matter how hard to tried to fit in, or even communicate with someone outside of his own home, they would look at him in fear...mostly because they didn't want to upset his parents and become their next meal, or worst.

Suffering the consequences of his species had done to everyone else in on mobius. He hung his head low as he just softly started to cry himself...he couldn't just run away, he was to famous for that, he couldn't just kill himself, since no one would care.

"I...I don't have a choice...but to give up..." He thought as he looked down at the medallion. Then at the window of his room. He couldn't do that...not when he was helping someone.

That hadn't left him when he had so many chances to.

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