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Alek smiles as he watches Stefan try and get Marco up and dressed "No, I don't wanna go!" Marco exclaims, speeding to the other side of his bedroom

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Alek smiles as he watches Stefan try and get Marco up and dressed "No, I don't wanna go!" Marco exclaims, speeding to the other side of his bedroom. "You need to go, Marco. Come on, you might have fun." Stefan tries. "School sucks." Marco retorts. "Why don't you want to go?" Alek asks their son. "Get stuck in Hell for six to seven hours a day? No thanks." Marco responds. "Oh Bud, they're going to love you." Alek tells him. "But-" Marco starts. "Hey, look at me Marco. "You have to go to school, this is your first go around. Once you're eighteen and turned, then we can discuss it." Alek tells him. "Fine, but I'm not taking Psychology." Marco huffs, going to his bathroom. "What about you? You sure you want to go back to school?" Alek asks Stefan as they stand up. "Yeah, this way I can make sure that she is actually the Doppelgänger before we call Kat and tell her." Stefan nods, pulling his jacket on. Alek nods "Does Day know?" he asks. "I messaged him, told him not to tell Kat as we don't want to get her hopes up." Stefan responds. "Good idea, you two going to act at odds again?" Alek asks. "It works." Stefan smiles. "Mhm. You better head to school, don't want you late on your first day." Alek teases. "Marco, we're going now." Stefan calls to their son. "Coming Dad." Marco says, running out of the bathroom and hugging Alek. "Bye Bud, make sure to at least try to be good today." Alek tells him. "I will." Marco smiles. Stefan smiles and kisses Alek again before leaving "Ew, come on!" Marco exclaims, grimacing at his parents before leaving. Alek chuckles "I'll see you both later." he tells them.

After school Alek sits with Marco watching tv while Stefan goes and follows the Doppelgänger for a bit "What you two watching?" Damon asks, walking in. "Uncle Damon!" Marco grins, running over to his Uncle and hugging him. "Hey Polo, miss me?" Damon asks with a smile, hugging his nephew back. "Yeah, is Aunt Kat with you?" Marco asks him. "No, but she'll be here once she's finished some business out of town. She also said she'll call in a few days." Damon tells him. "Okay." Marco smiles. Just then, Stefan walks in making Damon smirk "Hello Brother." he greets. "Damon." Stefan smiles as they hug. Alek smiles at the two of them, hugging Damon after Stefan "Dad, Papa, can I go for a walk?" Marco asks. "Yeah, be back in an hour though. We're going to go to the Grill for dinner." Alek tells him. "Will do, see you in a bit." Marco nods, walking out the house. "It definitely a doppelgänger?" Damon asks. "Yeah, I was with her most the day and followed her after school. She's definitely Kat's doppelgänger." Stefan nods. "I'll let Kat know." Damon tells them. "You can also tell her that we're already causing a bit of chaos, I think it's time I meet the doppelgänger." Alek smirks.

Alek smiles as he walks into the Mystic Grill with Marco, the two of them walking over to where Stefan is sat with the doppelgänger and her friends "Stefan, didn't know you were coming here." Alek smiles. "Alek, it was a last minute decision. Elena invited me along." Stefan smiles. "Sorry, manners. I'm Aleksandar and this is Marco, I'm... an old friend of Stefan's." Alek smiles. "Hey, I'm Elena, this is Bonnie and Caroline." the doppelgänger responds with a smile. "Pleasure. Sorry to intrude." he tells the girls. "It's no problem, you and Marco are more than welcome to join us." Elena smiles. "Thanks." Alek nods, sitting in the chair next to Stefan's as Marco sits next to him. "So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asks Stefan, Alek and Marco. "Mm-Hmm. And moved when I was still young." Stefan nods. "I met Stefan years ago, been around each other ever since." Alek responds. "Same here." Marco nods. "Parents?" Bonnie asks. "My parents passed away, so have Alek's and Marco's. We stick together, just the three of us." Stefan tells her. "I'm sorry. Any siblings?" Elena asks them. "A twin sister but she's away on business at the minute." Alek responds. "None that I talk to. I live with my uncle, Alek and Marco are staying with us." Stefan adds.

"So, Stefan, Alek, Marco, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow." Caroline smiles. "It's a back to school thing at the falls." Bonnie adds. "Are you going?" Stefan asks Elena. "Of course she is." Bonnie tells him. "So how old are you Alek? I saw Marco at school today but not you." Caroline asks. "I'm eighteen, I graduated last year before Stefan, Marco and I decided to move here." he responds with a smile, noticing the way Caroline and Marco are looking at each other. "I'm going to get food, you two want anything?" Marco asks. "Usual." Alek tells him. "Same here." Stefan adds. Marco nods and walks over to the bar "So what you doing if you're not in college?" Elena asks Alek. "I'm studying online, I didn't want to be away from Stefan and Marco." Alek responds easily, Stefan smiling slightly as they make eye contact. "You said you had a twin sister, what's her name?" Caroline smiles. "Stefan, Marco and I all call her Kat, she's older than me by five minutes so she often calls me her baby brother." Alek tells her.

Alek smiles someone covers his eyes "Guess who?" a familiar female voice asks him

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Alek smiles someone covers his eyes "Guess who?" a familiar female voice asks him. "Hm, my wonderful twin sister?" Alek asks, Katherine uncovering his eyes and hugging him. "How are you, brother?" she asks. "I'm good Kat, what about you?" he asks. "Been taking care of some business but I missed my brother and nephew, hence calling you to come meet me here." Katherine responds. "Marco." Alek calls over to his son. Marco looks up from his phone as he walks over with his coffee, smiling when he sees his Aunt "Aunt Kat!" he exclaims, hugging her. Katherine smiles and hugs him back "Aw, I missed you malŭk boets (little fighter)." she tells her nephew, holding him close. "I missed you too Aunt Kat. When are you coming home?" Marco asks. "Soon malŭk boets, I just need to finish what I'm doing before I join you, Alek, Stefan and Damon. I should be finished soon though." Katherine tells him. "Okay." Marco nods as they all sit on the bench. "Is it a doppelgänger?" Katherine asks. "Yeah. Dad and I confirmed it yesterday, he's gone back to school to keep an eye on her with me." Marco tells his Aunt.

"You want us to cause some chaos before you come to town? Stefan and Damon are going to pretend to be at odds, we could act like Damon is trying to save you from the tomb." Alek smirks. "Seems our twin telepathy is still in sync." Katherine responds, mirroring Alek's smirk. "Any news on if Bekah is free? Maybe Kol?" Alek asks. "Not that I've heard, just Elijah and Klaus." Katherine responds, making him nod. "Thought not." he sighs. "You know what he's like, you'll get your best friends back soon enough." Katherine tells her brother. "I know, I just miss them." Alek tells her. "How long has he kept them in their coffins before?" Marco asks. "Depends, Finn has been in his for 900 years. Kol and Rebekah were daggered in the twenties, Elijah on and off over the years." Alek tells his son. Marco sighs "So, what's the likely hood of me meeting my Aunt and Uncle before my eighteenth?" he asks. "No idea, depends on how paranoid Klaus is." Katherine tells him.

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