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Alek stands to the side as he watches Bonnie say her final goodbyes to Sheila at the funeral, turning she walks over to him and wraps her arms around his middle "Come on, I got you Bebe Veshtitsa

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Alek stands to the side as he watches Bonnie say her final goodbyes to Sheila at the funeral, turning she walks over to him and wraps her arms around his middle "Come on, I got you Bebe Veshtitsa." he tells her gently, leading her away and to her family. Rudy smiles thankfully at him "Thank you." he tells him. "I promised Sheila I would look after Bonnie, that's exactly what I plan to do. If either of you need anything, please let me know. Bonnie already has mine, Stefan, Damon and Marco's numbers." Alek tells him. Rudy nods in response "You take some time, okay? Only come back when you're ready to. I've given you Kat's number, if anything happens and you can't get hold of any of us just call her. I gave her your number too so she knows it's you, you're family Bebe Veshtitsa and we protect our own." Alek tells Bonnie. "Thank you, Alek." Bonnie weakly smiles. Alek kisses her forehead "Call me if you need anything, even if it's just to chat." he tells her.

Alek stands next to Stefan as Elena puts her clothes away in a draw "Alaric's wife might have been your mother?" Stefan asks

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Alek stands next to Stefan as Elena puts her clothes away in a draw "Alaric's wife might have been your mother?" Stefan asks. Elena sighs "It can't be true, right? I mean, the coincidence alone is just crazy. I have the address for her friend Trudie." she says, Turing round and showing the couple a post it. "You wanna talk to her." Stefan asks. "I don't know. I...I--I don't know. If it's true and they are the same person, that means that my birth mother is dead, and I don't know if I could handle that." Elena explains. "Elena, did Jenna tell you anything about Alaric's wife? How she died?" Stefan asks. "Just that she was killed and the case was never solved." Elena responds. Stefan and Alek nod, Elena looking at them in surprise "You knew that already?" she asks them. "The night at the school when he attacked us, he told us some things about her death." Alek explains. "Well-" Elena starts. "No, no. It's not possible. The coincidence is—it's too much. Now, listen, if you do decide to go talk to Isobel's friend, we'll go with you. Okay?" Stefan tells her. "I just don't know what I'm gonna do yet." Elena tells him, wrapping her arms round him. Alek clenches his jaw, Stefan awkwardly patting Elena's back "I should get going. I gotta go deal with Damon." Stefan tells her. "How's he doing?" Elena asks. "He's dealing in his own way." Stefan responds. Alek looks down, acting hurt by the knowledge his sister wasn't in the tomb "What about you Alek?" Elena asks him. "I'm... coping. Stefan and Marco are the main reason I haven't gone off the rails." he responds, Elena nodding sympathetically at him.

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