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Alek finishes getting changed, after spending the whole night with Stefan trying to find Elena and Anna

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Alek finishes getting changed, after spending the whole night with Stefan trying to find Elena and Anna. Walking downstairs he finds Damon and Stefan talking about where Elena could be "Maybe we should asks Caroline and Marco?" Damon suggests. "Already messaged him, we don't want him more involved in this yet. We're trying to let him have some normality before Kat comes into town." Alek tells him. Just then, Stefan's phone rings "Elena? Are you okay?" he asks, picking it up. "She's fine. For now. Tell me you have the grimoire and she'll stay fine." Anna responds. "I can get it." Stefan says. "Which means your brother has it. And I have the witch. So one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together." Anna tells him, hanging up. The three of them look at each other "As soon as we get Pearl and Harper out, I'm having words with her. Come on, we need to tells Sheila that Anna has Bebe veshtitsa." Alek glares, storming out the Boarding House with Stefan and Damon behind him.

The three of them reach Sheila's house, Alek knocking before walking in "Sheila?" he calls softly. "Alek." Sheila smiles before seeing the brothers in the doorway "You can come in." she tells them, making them walk in. "Place hasn't changed a bit." Damon tells her. "Sheila, Anna has Bonnie. She's using her to get the spell to open the tomb, she doesn't understand that we're opening it to get her mother and Harper out." Alek explains. Sheila nods "I'll do a locator spell." she tells him. "Channel me." Alek tells her. "Are you sure?" she asks him. "It's Bebe veshtitsa, of course I'm sure." he responds. After a few minutes, Sheila gets Bonnie's location "She's at the motel." she tells them. "I'll go distract Anns in the town square while you tell go get her and Elena." Damon tells his brother and in law. Alek nods "I'll bring her home safe." he promises Sheila. "I know you will." she smiles, the three vampires leaving and splitting off in their designated directions.

Alek storms up to the room he can hear Bonnie in and kicks the door, the vampire inside begins to burn. Stefan rips the curtain open, making the vampire hide in the dark between the two beds "Stefan!" Elena smiles. "Alek! Stefan!" Bonnie exclaims, jumping into Alek's arms. "I've got you Bebe veshtitsa." he soothes, kissing her forehead. "Let's get outside!" Stefan tells the girls. the girls nod and follow Stefan out, Alek stalking over to the vampire "When the sun goes down, leave town. If I ever see you again, I will kill you." he threatens, leaving the room. Bonnie immediately goes back to him and wraps her arms round his middle finger"I knew you'd help me." she tells him. "I'll always be there for Bebe veshtitsa, always." Alek smiles, holding her close as he rests his chin on the top of her head. "I don't get it. How are you two so close?" Elena asks in confusion. "As soon as he could, he told me everything. You didn't tell me anything until it benefited you." Bonnie shrugs. "Bonnie..." Elena starts, hurt that her friend thinks that. "Come on, let's get you back to Sheila." Alek tells Bonnie, the girl nodding in response with a slight smile.

Back at Sheila's, Alek leans against the door as Bonnie and Sheila talk at the table "How did you know where we were?" Bonnie asks. "Many things can fuel a witches power. Worry. Anger. After Alek told me they had taken you, I had a lot of both. Simple locater spell was easy after that." Sheila responds. "I'm sorry. About all of this." Bonnie tells her. "Not as sorry as they're gonna be." Sheila smirks. Stefan and Elena enter the room, Alek smiling when Stefan kissing his cheek "So what do we do now?" Elena asks. "Well, for now, you need to stay here." Stefan pipes up. "A prisoner, in my own home? I don't think so." Sheila tells him. "We can't protect you if you leave the house." Stefan tells her. "We'll protect ourselves." Sheila responds. "We need to let him have Katherine back. He's not going to stop until he gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it." Elena points out, Alek trying not to smile. "No! He doesn't deserve to get what he wants." Bonnie exclaims, lying through her teeth. "What other choice do we have?" Elena asks. "Witches being pulled down by vampire problems. As much as we tried to do to stay out of it. I'll open the tomb. You get your brother's girl, Alek's friends and destroy the rest with fire. Then this will be all over." Sheila tells them.

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