Chapter 1

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Eda stood infront of the mirror in her wedding day's white silky bathrobe. Fifi had worn a black one, ofcourse, and all her friends were so excited, she was too.

She was finally getting married to the love of her life. After spending months broken up because of him hiding her parents news. It took her time to trust him again and get back to him and when she did, her grandmother barged in and tried to separate them.

They had finally overcome all obstacles and were becoming husband and wife. She was so happy and a little bit nervous.

Eda checked her wedding gown again on the hanger of the dressing room, after a few final touches of blow drying to protect the delicate fabric and iron it without using direct contact that could damzge it.

She checked her list, the cake was ready, bridemaid dresses had come, her shoes wete there too and she blushed a bit, Ceren had packed her lingerie for tonight.

She looked into her jewellery box, her hair broach was there, her flower ring on her hand, their wedding bands were ready, she froze. She couldn't find her earrings.

They were her mother's earrings, diamond ones she had saved specially for her wedding day. She tried to recall and she didn’t remember taking them this morning, she cursed herself. God damn. She couldn't get married without them.

She peeked from the dressing room in hurry. "Hala ? Did you take Anne's earrings ?" She asked.

"Hayir canım, I thought you had them." Ayfer shrugged and Eda closed her eyes in frustration.

"Çok sacma ya, I forgot them in my room." She held her forehead then looked at the clock.

"Kizlar nerde ?" She asked.

"They've gone to get ready, Aydan Hanim's with them.

"Tamam, Serkan's dressing room is upstairs right ?" Eda rushed.

"Evet, ama.. Eda !" Eda grabbed her purse and swapped her fluffy flippers for the pair of docks she had wore in the morning, she grabbed her furr coat on her arms and made a bee line for the stairs. "I'll go get them Hala!"

She couldn't get married without those earrings and she didn’t want to disturb anyone. She wanted today to be perfect, she would get them before the girls even got ready, and then, they could prepare her.

Eda looked through the venue's corridor and spotted Engin, Ferit and Erdem.

"Eda ?? Napiyorsun burda ?" Engin asked blocking her way.

"I need to see Serkan, that’s his room right ?" Eda asked, she didn't want to go without telling him.

Ferit chuckled. "Yes, ama Eda, the bride and groom can't see each other before the vows, Eda."

"Sacmalama Ferit, what Caliphate era traditions are you talking about ? I need to go get some earrings I forgot." Eda pressed.

"I can't believe you women!" Engin shook his head and let her pass.

"You think she really meant that or is it an excuse for a pre-marriage helvet ?" Erdem said suggestively and Eda shot him a killing look.

"Erdem! Suss." Engin snapped at him and Eda pushed the doorknob open.

Serkan was standing infront of the mirror, fixing one of his button when his eyes fell on her.

His eyes locked with hers in the mirror as she walked up to him and held him by the back, kissing the back of his neck like she sometimes did in greeting. Serkan closed his eyes and opened them again to find her snuggling in his arm from behind and looking at him in the mirror.

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