Chapter 2

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Serkan locked his car and carried the cartons full of terrariums. He had made 20, one by one, by his own hands.

He stepped inside the garden of the orphanage and the dozen of children he had gotten to know and were around crowded him. He smiled, distributing lollipops he had collected on the way to them and walking inside.

This was the orphanage Eda went to every saturday. She had sketched ideas for the landscape designing of the place the day they could get enough funds.

Serkan had used his own money to finance it, bought the two additional lots surrounding the orphanage land and followed Eda's ideas.

This was one of the only places he still found peace in. Eda loved these children so much. And bonding with them, Serkan could understand why. Her selfless love and kind hearted heart shone with light. She was truly a Peri Kizi in everyone's lives.

Serkan walked back into Art Life with the award in hands and everyone clapped for him in welcoming.

"Congratulations Serkan, you've won this best social project architect awards for the orphanage project thanks to your dedication. We've all watched you working day and night for it, you deserve it." Engin smiled and hugged him.

"If Eda was here, she'd be so proud of you Enişte." Melo said emotionally and Serkan's eyes filled.

"I did nothing big, I just realised Eda's project, all the credit goes to her." He smiled through the tears.

Serkan moved towards the conference room and took a seat. Pictures of him and Eda all over the table.

"When Eda comes back, she'll be so happy about this, and now that she owns 45% of the company's shares, she'll have even bigger projects to her name." Serkan smiled proudly as everyone looked at each other warily.

Melo sighed, she missed her friend so much and if anything was more painful than losing Eda, it was watching Serkan completely break down in pain and longing for her.

A knock was heard on the doors as Selin walked in, file in hands.

Serkan shut his eyes in frustration. In the past two months, Engin and Pyril had a fallout and she ended up divorcing him and leaving Istanbul, transfering the shares she had to Selin out of spite instead of Engin or him.

Since then, Selin had barged in their lives again and constantly tried to control the company, specially taking advantage of Serkan's absence and weakness in the worst weeks of his life.

"Serkan, I need to discuss your interview with you." Selin demanded.

Serkan sighed. "There’s nothing to discuss Selin." She gave him a headache.

"Yes there is. You cannot keep doing these kind of low charity projects and promoting them too Serkan, this is bad for Art Life. It will turn all the big investors and brands away from us." Selin pressed.

Serkan placed his award next to one of his picture with Eda, from their engagement, his eyes softening on her smile and how her eyes shut in bliss as he kissed her forehead. He missed her terribly, each instant.

"I don’t care. I know my work, I know what to do. Stop interfering in my matters." Serkan said disinterested.

"Leave him alone Selin, if you have any questions, you go through me." Engin said firmly.

"I don’t even want to talk to you after what you did to Pyril. But as a friend, you should tell Serkan that he is being delusional. Eda is dead, he needs to move on." Selin pressed and walked out.

"I hate her!" Ceren grumbled and Ferit held her back from rising.

Serkan closed his eyes. Eda wasn't gone. He knew. He could feel her warmth in his heart. He'd know if she was no more. He'd feel it. But he felt her, he didn't knew where or how she was but she was alive.

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