Chapter 5

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Eda stormed out, she had never been so offended her entire life, people called her a failure, poor, an undergraduate, but buying her as an escort in exchange of a job and her scholarship ? Serkan Bolat was sick. Her scholarship was her right, she didn't have to beg anyone or do favours to have it, Eda wished the world was different, all she had ever wanted was to complete her studies. She had admired Serkan Bolat the architect but he turned our to be an asshole like all the rich people in his circle must be. 

She collided with someone in her haste. "Ah oh - Eda ?" Selin smirked, she had heard everything, the entire office had. "Nice to see you here again, came to collect your cheque ?" Selin smirked. 

"Excuse me ? Who are you ?" Eda looked her up and down, she was a posh, styled woman with big blue eyes. 

"Serkan's girlfriend. I and him broke up a little before you met him, he made that contract to use you to make me jealous and get back to him. Only once you had tasted the life of luxury and job here you had by playing trophee fake fiancee to him, you didn't want to give it up so you manipulated you and trapped you into falling in love with you." Selin spat, with a smirk. 

"What nonsense are you on about, I don't give a damn about Serkan Bolat or his money, keep your disgusting man to yourself." Eda snapped, she hadn't ever felt this bad, everyone basically considered her a gold digger. 

Selin smiled at the hatred in her voice for Serkan. "Glad you found it back to have a little dignity florist girl, stay away from Serkan. You're of no match for him." She taunted as Eda walked off, boiling with anger. 


Melo and Engin were at his side as Serkan loosened his tie and removed it, trying to compose himself. "She doesn't want to see me, she doesn't remember me ." He shook his head, her beautiful features were so close but he couldn't touch or hold her beloved like he had wanted to. 

Her eyes were void of the familiar look of love she always held for him even while they were broken up. 

"Abi sakin ol, she'll remember you, she has to, these amnesia things are usually temporary." Engin promised. 

"Evet, she is just brusked Eniste, don't take anything she said seriously, you know she doesn't mean it." Melo conforted. 

"She who ? The Eda I knew, my Eda, because this one meant every word she said Melek, you didn't see the look in her eyes, she hates me." Tears filled his eyes. 

"She doesn't. She was always like that, headstrong, quick on temper, please try to be patient, try to understand her, she is lost." Melo tried again, her voice soft with empathy. 

"Ne patient ? I waited for 2 months, we turned the entire ocean upside down, each body we found I dreaded it was her, I missed her, she is my life, you don't get it." Serkan held his head in his hands. 

His heart ached with the control he was keeping on it becaus every instinct and cell in him was telling him that if Eda was here and alive he should just rush to embrace her and hold her close. Smell her familiar scent and kiss every part of her body. 

The coldness she had shown not only broke and hurt him but it scared him, what if she was never his Eda again ? What if she never remembered ? 

Selin walked in the conference room, sighing and hiding her smile, this was a golden chance, and she had to be tactical with it. 

"I'm so sorry Serkan." She apologised in fake empathy, a hand on his shoulder. 

Serkan inhaled shakily looking at her strangely, she seemed sorry. "Thanks Selin." He just said too tired to think, Melo sighed, quietly taking a leave. 

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