Chapter 4

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Eda looked at the posh building. Melo looked at her expectantly. "It's not familiar to you ? Doesn't it reminds you of anything ?" Eda looked around carefully and shook her head.

"Apart from the many times that secretary has sent me to hell ? No it doesn't." Eda snapped in disconfort.

Melo looked at her sadly and led her inside, Eda walked in and suddenly a flash hit her. She was in the middle of this same hall and ran into someone, Serkan Bolat. A faint smell that seemed familiar but that she was sure to have never known hit her.

She saw someone look at her strangely. "Close your mouth Erdem!" Melo snapped at him.

Eda looked strangely at the same secretary that seemed to freeze seeing her. She still seethed with anger at her.

"Betul." Melo greeted as Betul lowered her eyes in confusion and Eda's death stare.

"That's the one who - " Eda snapped angrily and Melo sushed her as they stood facing Engin.


Serkan felt his heart ache with a familiar feel and followed his heartstrings outside.

"Eda ??" He heard Engin exclaim and watched in a trance as Engin stepped forwards and hugged Eda.

Serkan's breath itched, heart aching as he made his way to her.

Eda's eyes felt on his approaching figure, damn... so that was, Serkan Bolat ? She had to admit, he looked better than in magazines.

Serkan's eyes filled with tears as he reached her level, his hand went to the side of her face, craddling her head. "Eda ?" He choked through the lump in his throat, feeling his heart swell with relief.

Eda flinched pulling back a little. "Evet, Eda. Miss Yıldız." She introduced herself, to her, it was the first time she was meeting someone so high placed in her field, someone she did admire for his work, but she was still mad at him for the scholarship.

Serkan looked at her in confusion, her eyes were empty. Not exactly empty but devoid of the emotion and love they usually held for him.

"Sen çok özledim.." Serkan pulled her into his arms, embracing her tight and inhaling her hair. "Sen çok özledim." He added again on a breaking voice, holding her even tighter.

Eda went limp against him, shocked at the intensity of his hold and emotions. She felt him shake against her as he held the back of her head and kissed her shoulder.

"I looked for you everywhere, I was going crazy Eda..." Serkan backed, halting his tears and held her hands, noticing her unreadable expression and unresponsiveness to his touch.

"Sen iyi misin ?" His heart tore, she had an accident, was she okay ? He looked her up and down.

"Iyim." Just hearing her voice, smelling her, seeing her infront of him was too much for Serkan, he doubled over, sinking to his knees infront of her and taking her hands in his, craddling and kissing them. "I missed your voice, I missed you so much Eda." He sobbed completely broken, not caring that the whole office saw him, he was weaker than her, the strong facade of streght he had put on for these two long months finally came crashing down. 

"Serkan, Abi, yapma.. " Engin held his shoulders and helped him rise as Eda just stared in shock, she turned to Melo who had tears in her eyes in concern for Serkan Bolat. 

"Bring him some water, Engin bey, make him sit in the conference room, we'll give him and Eda some time alone." Melek decided and Eda looked at her sharply. 

"Napiyorsun Melo, what will I say to him ?" she asked almost panicking. 

"Explain everything to him, I'll talk to him later but right now, he'll want only you. You were about to get married Eda, he lost the love of his life, please be gentle on him." Melo requested. 

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