Chapter 7

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Eda sighed in frustration, she had gone to the University. All her fees were paid off. Now that what was the major problem in her life once was tackled, she couldn't help overthink. The person her proffessors described wasn't her, some talented Art Life intern that was working on an ecological project. Eda knew she was being a coward, she didn't want to go face Art Life for two reasons, one that she wasn't sure she had the skills and capabilities this alternate version of her in the past one year seemed to have, and two, she didn't want to face Serkan Bolat. 

She looked at her watch as she stood on the platform of the express train line, she just wanted to go home and think. She sighed getting in, oblivious to the fact that she was being followed. 

Eda climbed the stairs up to the top deck and sat, closing her eyes and inhaling. Serkan observed her as he sat three rows behind her. Just following her and seeing her itself was balming his heart, he thought her dead, she didn't knew just how much he had missed her. Eda bent rose to open the window as the train left the station and took up speed, it was rather empty as this hour, 2 pm more the time for naps than daily comute. Her phone fell from her lap and she cursed, bending to pick it but she couldn't reach between the seats, she rose and turned to grab it when her eyes fell on... Serkan Bolat. 

"Napiyorsun burda ?" She yelled. Serkan rose, unmasked, her anger never tamed. 

"I used to pick you from you classes sometimes and we would walk back home, just remembering old habits." Serkan casually said sitting opposite her. 

Eda stared at him in shock, but not wanting to cause a scene, she sat back down too. 

"How many times have I told you to stay away from me ? You're begining to be creepy, get yourself checked." She pressed. 

Serkan chuckled. "Best you can come up with, Eda Yilidiz ?" He had promised himself he would be kind and patient, he had to, he had no other choice. "Or do you want to pick up a new random boyfriend, the guy sitting there in blue coat maybe ?" He teased. 

Eda fumed. "What I and Deniz are, is none of your business." She said in his face, stubbornly, hoping inside that Melo hadn't told him anything. 

"I know it when you're in love Eda, this isn't it." Serkan said confidently. 

"How would you know ?" She challenged and Serkan smiled even more. 

He leaned in, holding her bare knees and Eda inhaled at his proximity.

"When you're in love, you melt away feeling his eyes on you." He whispered and Eda swallowed and looked away, feeling her insides melt. Serkan smiled, he knew her by heart. "Then you look away, trying to hide your feelings even as you feel excitement inside but you try not to give in." He completed and Eda looked back at him, trying to quiet her pounding heart and looking at him with the most neuttal and hard expression she could fathom. 

"Your heart starts to beat faster, even as you tries to stay calm." Serkan held her wrist and could feel her pulse, her heart hammering against her ribcage, he traced the inside of her wrist. "I can see and feel the love in your voice, breath. His smell is enough to stun you with how much your heart swell with love and your body desire him." Eda blinked as her lips parted and she breathed, his smell did have an insane effect on her, it inspired a weird sense of familiarity, affection, confort but also, indeed... desire. 

"Every cell of your body screams love when you're in love." He added, eyeing her lips as one hand traced circles on her thighs while the other continued to massage her wrist. 

"Serkan..." Eda breathed, trying to quiet her body's unvolontary reactions to him, this was silly, it was just chemistry, he was an attractive man afterall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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