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"Cap'n?!" Agent 3 jolted awake. They were in a dark room, sleeping on top of trash bags;They could hear running water. Their hands went to their belt only to discover that their Hero Shot was missing. Sighing in exasperation, they looked around the place.

The wall read 'Trash Zone' and by the large amount of trash bags and cans of glowing waste, Agent 3 inferred they were in the dump of wherever they were. The entire place was chasm like, with a river of clear water running down the middle of the room. A loud creaking noise came from above Agent 3 and they realized they were standing underneath the chute. They yelped as. they jumped out of the way of the trash bags that came down from above. A small dark-blue object slid out of one of the bags, and Agent 3 picked it up. It sparked briefly in their hands before projecting a hologram of a large map that read 'Kamabo Co. Test Facility.' 

"Ka...mabo?" Agent 3 wondered out loud. "...how did I get here? Where's the captain? That octo I was fighting...where am I?"

At the last question, the device sparked again before a red-orange ping appeared at the bottom of the map. 

"...uh, thanks...?" Agent 3 said cautiously, slowly lifting their fingers to the map and zooming in. Noticing an office of sorts further down the dump, they began to follow the river and climbed a set of stairs before finding a large door and entering the room. They froze.

A group of blue-green Octolings were all looking at monitors and pressing buttons, but all of them stopped and turned in sync to look at Agent 3. Glancing across the room at the opened door, they smiled sheepishly before bolting it to the door and heading deeper into the building. Agent 3 breathed quickly as they ran through the facility; They slid down a hallway, and narrowly avoided the strange goop being flung at them by the troops. Suddenly, the device pinged and it pointed towards the right; Agent 3 looked up ahead to see the right hallway was covered with caution tape and seemed to lead nowhere. Groaning, Agent 3 steeled their nerves and ripped through the tape. Falling through the glass roof, they only remembered crashing into a large blender-like object before passing out on the ground.


Agent 3 woke up to a blinding light again, but managed to shake it off; The wind in their hair and the view of the ocean grabbed their attention first. The second thing they saw was the octoling.

The octoling girl was squatting; She had a completely black attire and looked to be like the Octolings Agent 3 saw earlier, but her hair was pink and she had mocha skin. Looking them up and down, Agent 3 blinked as they recognized her as the octoling they fought earlier. Strangly enough, the octoling simply looked at Agent 3 and smiled warmly, a loving light dancing in her eyes. 

Agent 3 felt confusion and guilt at the fluttering in their chest.

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