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The sound of the bell was heard as the students started walking outside of the run down school building that covered in over grown vines and plant life.

"See ya tonight...Silver." A white bat said, wearing a an ancient female Greek dress, with a golden crown wing on her ears, the mobian wasn't a vampire but a gargoyle.

Night School wasn't just vampires and vamp-mobians, but gargoyles also go to Night School, mostly because of their curse...they were cursed to become statues in direct sunlight, under the moonlight is when they are allowed to roam, but because of they are statues the clothes that the are wear are bounded to their design, meaning that they can't change clothes when they aren't in statue form.

Silver waves the bat mobian goodbye as he looks at the other vampires that were starting to make the journey home in their bat forms. The hedgehog's eyes shifted to a crimson red as he turned into a white bat to join the others.

Of course it wasn't required for this kind of transport, but for vampires and vamp-mobians it was a learning experience to get them to have practice when in this form, and it was a safe way to travel...though it a illegal to hunt down these creatures...most humans and mobians still hunted them out of fear...there were locations that the vampires were rather forbidden from flying through. 

Those were Human and Mobian only territory, those locations were required to have signs just for a that reason.

As the bats flew through the darkness of the night.

♫ ♫ ♫

Sonic was sitting out on the roof of his mansion, he always came out here at night to get a better look at the stars, or to just clear his head...after the ceremony and his big party, he just had a lot on his mind.

It was kind of pointless to run away from his home, cause sirens like him weren't very much welcomed anywhere besides other siren territory...which there weren't many of them.

"They would just send me back..." he said to himself, his ears perked up when heard something that sounded squeaking. Before he knew it the sound of something small hit the pool. He quickly got up from his spot on his roof, he thought that maybe it was bird that had fallen into the pool but was really started to concern him was the smell of copper.

Siren had a hind sense of smell much like sharks do, when it comes to blood if someone was bleeding they could smell it just a couple miles away, without thinking he got a running a start and threw himself into the water, in a more dive like motion, the medallion around his neck started to give of a purple glow to not of his liking since he hated his siren form, and didn't want to scare this creature.

He webbed hands cupped around the small bat like creature as he swam up to the surface.

"A bat? But they aren't common in Empire City..." he said to himself as he started to lift himself out of water, the medallion turning him back to his mobian form when he was on solid concrete. He checked to see if the bat was breathing, he really couldn't tell.

Silver coughs up some water, trembling slightly cause of the sudden cold cause of his wet fur, he winced when he moved his wing and side, it was just his luck that he was one to get shot by stupid hunters, in the side just because he was didn't want the young vampire to get shot first...always had to look out for those late bloomers. He looked up to see the blue hedgehog looking at him, or rather for the injuries on his body...it took him a minute to realize who this hedgehog was.

"It's the siren...from the news."

"Hold on." He said as he covered the small bat with his hand, and started to walk inside house.

Silver was rather surprised that this siren was helping him...but he really had to get home...if anything he didn't want his parents to worry about him, or think the worst happened to him. He heard the sound of a door opening and closing, when he was set down he felt something soft underneath him, looking down it was small towel. He also got a clear view of the room, it was rather large compared to his own, with a large twin bed in the corner, and a huge stuffed animal pile in the other corner, a bunch of superhero posters, and a large bookshelf with some books and action figures.

"Your a little far from home aren't you?" Sonic said to the bat.

Silver looked over to see the first aid kit on the desk, Sonic pulled out some tweezers, scissors and bandages. He forced the bats up and saw the small bullet wound and the silver bullet lodged into the bat's side.

"Okay this might hurt but I need to get that shell out of your body."


Silver flinches and squeaks out in agony when he felt the metal tweezers pressing into his wound, when it was finally over he saw the bullet shell that had lodged itself into his side...it was small bullet, nothing big than a fingernail, the silver casing was what made it hurt like hell. Since a Vamphog like him was rather sensitive to kind of stuff...no matter how much blood he was gonna be drinking it wasn't gonna be enough to heal that big of wound.

"There...that should stop the bleeding." Sonic said as he knelt down to get better look at the white bat. It was definitely smaller than normal fruit bats, same with the ears, and snout, more hook like claws to latch onto mammals. The hedgehog stepped back a little with his knowledge.

"Your a vampire? Aren't you?" Sonic asked.

Silver didn't know how to answer to that, if anything he was hoping that he could just fly away...but with his wing and that silver bullet he was grounded, for a really long time, and he wasn't sure if this siren was actually friendly or not. He was gentle scooped up into the hedgehog's hand.

"You don't have to tell me...but with that injury of yours, it looks like your gonna being stay here for awhile, but I promise I'll return you to your family, but for right now." Sonic pulls out a box he started to punch holes into it with his pencil, he puts the towel down to act as a small cushion, and a small plushie that can be pillow with a small piece of fabric. He placed Silver inside the box. "You can in here and rest for the morning."

The box was closed and placed down, Silver was kind of baffled as to what happened...had he just ran into a friendly siren that refused to used their voice on him...or was it just out of pity that the famous siren helped him out. He didn't know for sure.

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