5 | An Unexpected Attack

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Izuku had been wondering about his past for the past week. Ever since that kid had said he was abandoned, he was curious. Had been curious. He'd first suspected it when he was quirkless despite both his parents having powerful quirks, but put it down to the fact that erasure could be non-inheritable. Then that woman had appeared in his dream. It was like jigsaw pieces waiting to be put together.

Both Aizawa and Yamada didn't know what to say. But, they were aware they had to tell him the truth somehow. They just didn't think they would have to tell him this early.

"Who is she, Dad? Papa?" he asked again.

Aizawa put his arm around Izuku. "There was a woman called Inko." He began, thinking of how to continue. "She gave us a letter with you in tow that explained that she couldn't provide for you anymore."

Yamada continued. "She asked us to care for you and take you in."

Izuku began to piece it together. "Was Inko my mother? Th-the one I saw in my dream?"

"Yes. She wanted to tell you that she loved you so, so much."

The blonde left the room as Aizawa continued to comfort the greenette while telling him the truth of his past. But, the greenette in question was only beginning to understand. He knew he was adopted, but this wasn't exactly what he'd thought his past was at all.

Yamada returned a few minutes later, holding a small box. He handed it to Izuku before sitting back down.

"What's this?" He asked, observing the object.

Aizawa took the lid off. "It's the blanket we found you in. The letter that came with you."

To whoever finds this,

My name is Inko Midoriya. If you are reading this, I guess you found Izuku. I never intended to give him away, but it was my only choice. I'm hoping you can provide him with a better life than I could. In the envelope, I provided all the information you need. I'm hoping you can give him the affection he needs, as well as providing for his needs. Thank you, whoever you are.

Inko Midoriya

They weren't lying. He was abandoned. But he knew he was lucky to be adopted by a couple who loved him for who he was. Aizawa and Yamada loved him even if he was quirkless. He wasn't sure if anyone else was going to be like that.

He smiled up at them, small tears blurring his vision. "Thank you," he said, hugging Aizawa. "Thank you for.. everything. Th-thank you for telling me the truth, for taking me in, for lov-loving me."

The ravenette hugged back, a small smile escaping his lips. Yamada came over, joining the hug as Izuku whispered incoherent things through tears. The jigsaw pieces had finally come together, forming the full picture.

He would never be alone again.

A year had passed. Since they had told their parents about what was happening at Aldera, Aizawa had pulled them both out of school. Instead, they were homeschooled, completing online courses in place of their last year of Middle School.

They had also gotten better at training. For one, Izuku wasn't getting thrown into walls anymore. They both had gotten stronger, landing strong hits on the training robots. Aizawa said that if they improved just a little more, they'd be able to learn how to use his capture scarf.

Izuku and Hitoshi were still as inseparable as ever. Their insomnia had gotten worse, but Aizawa had helped them get better gradually. He would be there for Izuku's night terrors instead of Hitoshi having to do it every night. He had also suggested sleeping pills to help them regulate their sleep schedule.

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