3. Actually, I'm an assassin.

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Her target was long forgotten as Elaine guided her mesmerizing stranger back home to show him off to Jessica.

"That was super cool!" she gushed, unable to contain her excitement. "You did this and this, and then that. Pow, boom, up, down, left and right...man, you were awesome!"

A faint sheen of pink colored the man's face as he scratched the back of his head and stammered, "Thank you. I had to, you know. I couldn't let them hurt you."

Squealing on the inside, Elaine restrained herself from jumping up and down in the middle of the street and risk waking up the whole neighborhood. 

Jessica was snoring away when she burst into her room. The old woman sprang up so fast, her back screamed and she had to hunch over to regulate her breathing while massaging her side because that was as far as she could reach. 

"Damn you, child, you'll kill me before my time comes!" she heaved.

"I promised that I won't, remember?" Elaine replied with a mischievous grin.

Rubbing down her face, Jessica sighed, resigned to the fact that her granddaughter's antics were bound to keep her on her toes. "What? What is it tonight?"

Elaine dropped to her knees by the bed, her eyes sparkling and face glowing. "I think I found my future husband."



"Weren't you out for work?"

"This is better, I met the love of my life! I can finally wear a gorgeous wedding gown like the one you wore...oh, wait."

Jessica scowled. "You're a bitch."

"Actually, I'm an assassin." Elaine's smirk grew in size and the grandmother had to swallow and clear her throat. Sometimes, she forgot how dangerous her granddaughter truly was.

"Alright, what's his name and where is he?"

Springing to her feet, Elaine skipped out, calling over her shoulder. "Oh, I don't know and he's in the living room, waiting for you."

"Fucking hell, El."

"Tsk, tsk." Elaine glanced back with furrowed brows. "Swear Jar, granny."


A couple of weeks later, under the canopy of the star-studded sky, Elaine and Ezra were having a midnight stroll by the beach, enjoying the gentle breeze and the invigorating breeze. Their interlocked hands swung back and forth as they chatted for a while, and gazed into each other's eyes for another.

"I like going out with you when it's dark," Elaine sighed. "I feel so safe."

Ezra puffed his chest, a warm smile pulling at his lips. "I'll always take care of you, my love."

She giggled, punching his shoulder jokingly with her free hand. As they walked along the sandy shore, the couple decided to pause for a moment. The sound of the waves and the scent of the ocean air filled their senses.

"Let's lay down and watch the sky together," she suggested.

Nodding, he settled down and opened his arms for his girlfriend who didn't waste a second throwing herself into his embrace. Their bodies molded together perfectly. They lay there, side by side, their legs entwined as they gazed up at the stars.

The night was calm, and the world seemed to disappear around them as they lost themselves in the beauty of the scene. The constellations sparkled overhead, and a sense of serenity washed over them, wrapping them in a cocoon of tranquility.

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