5. Rock, paper...gun. I win!

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In the aftermath of that fateful night, Elaine and Ezra found a unique way to fuse their missions and spend time together. They began going out on unconventional dates, ones that involved carrying out their assignments to eliminate their targets.

Well, nothing could beat the thrill of doing what you love with the love of your life after all.

Danger and intrigue became the backdrop to their relationship and a romance like no other bloomed between the two assassins.

A few months later, Ezra was helping his beloved Elaine fix the assignment she messed up because of his interference. They were crouching behind a smashed wall to hide from their enemy. With their fists balled, they squinted at each other. 

"Rock, paper...gun. I win!" Elaine squealed.

Ezra pouted and then grinned wide when she pecked his lips. "Okay, okay, fine." He threw his hands up. "Go ahead, you shoot."

Her cherry, plump lips stretched into a smirk, elated at the opportunity to show off her skills. Getting into position, she closed one eye and let out a long breath as she focused on her targets. Then, she fired, each shot hitting where she wanted it.

Ezra cheered loudly, clapping enthusiastically. "Damn, babe, that was gorgeous."

Winking, she sat cross-legged. "Never underestimate a woman with a rifle."

Leaning forward to plant a kiss against her mouth, he murmured. "I would never underestimate you, my love." Elaine giggled as he slung the weapon over his shoulder and intertwined their fingers. "Come on, let's see if there's anyone left to interrogate."

"Yuck." She stuck her tongue out. "I hate that part of our job. Why can't we just kill them all?"

"I know, right? Fuck protocols."

"Babe," Elaine chided. "You know that cuss words give me shivers."

"Sorry, my love, I'll put another bullet in the swear jar."


The interrogations were beyond useless. Her jaw tensed and she ground her teeth. However, the frustration of being unable to catch her prey faded in the background when Ezra suggested they get married on the upcoming Saturday.

"I-I..." she stammered, teary-eyed and tongue-tied. "Y-yeah, okay."

"You don't want to?" He looked like a sad puppy. 

"No. I mean yes," she groaned. "I mean I want to. I just didn't expect you to suggest that considering we're yet to catch Snakehead."

Ezra grimaced. "His nickname makes me cringe."

"Same." Elaine nodded with a similar expression.

"Anyway, I don't want us to keep delaying this any further. We'll catch him, don't worry." Ezra circled her waist and kissed her head. "I'll make sure of it."

"Thank you, Ezzy." Elaine pressed her face against his warm chest. "For everything."

"Always, my love." He nuzzled her neck. "Plus, I've got a hunch we'll be having uninvited guests at our wedding anyway."

Wolfish smirks etched their way across their blood-smudged faces. "I can't wait. Oh, let's not invite Jess. Gunshots give her heart palpitations."


That's how, on Saturday night, the most awaited day for the couple ever since they met, they found themselves sprinting toward the kitchen in their now-ruined formal attire.

There was a collective gasp of horror from the catering staff when they burst in. The two of them didn't bother warning or alerting anyone about the current situation. Because, in all honesty, they didn't care. Collateral casualties were bound to happen. As long as they fulfilled their mission, nothing else mattered. Nothing else but the two of them. Oh, and Jessica.

All that mattered was that Snakehead, their elusive target, was closer than ever to being caught.

Grabbing a knife, Elaine tore the hem of her dress all the way to her knees. Then, she moved around and squatted down. 

"All good?"

"Yes, it's more practical this way."


Nodding at each other with a glint of excitement in their eyes, Ezra loaded his pistols while Elaine secured her rifle and throwing knives.

"Shoot first, ask later?" Ezra smirked.

Elaine mirrored his expression. "Ask never. Always shoot. Let's get these assholes." When her husband lifted his brow, she rolled her eyes. "They ruined my dress and my cake. I'm starting to get more pissed by the second."

Whistling, Ezra blew her a kiss. "You're hot when you get pissed."

She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his mouth. "Oh, baby, I'm about to light this place on fire then. Make sure you watch me."

Flames of passion and desire flickered deep within his soul. "Always and forever."

Word count: 745

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Word count: 745.

Total word count:  5653.

The end, I guess.

I wrote this at the last minute. 

Writer's block is a meanie.

I think this should be rated mature, idk.

This sucked big time but I had fun writing it so whatever. I'm just glad I finally wrote something.

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