2. Wonderboy

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It happened at the dawn of the Fourth Age of man...

In the 31st Century of the Inner Imperial Calendar...

Part 1

Space had been a conquered frontier for almost 6 thousand years, with countless worlds terraformed and inhabited by the two major, and three minor, space nations that divided and ruled the known galaxy.
On Earth, there were only three nations left: The United Planets of America, The Renewed Star Empire of Japan and the Democratic Socialist of Russia, who all had conquered the Milky Way Galaxy.
All three countries had kept their capitals on Earth as a preemptive measure to prevent any more Terran wars. The last war the last three earth nations were involved in was the First Galactic War which took place in Inner Imperial Calendar Year 3014 and AD 2604 of the Earth Calendar. This war was initially between the Inner Empire and the Outer Empire and was waged across the Wilhelm Galaxy.
The United Planets of America and the Renewed Star Empire of Japan joined on the side of the Inner Empire ,whos official name was the Imperial Federation of Planets, in IIC 3016 and AD 2606
Their enemy was the Outer Empire, or officially the Darklon Empire.
The Democratic Socialist of Russia stayed neutral while secretly funding and arming the Darklons.
For four years the Triple Alliance of Planets fought against the Darklon Empire on the border of the Interium and Etherium.
The war ended in the Imperial Calendar year of 3018.
Currently, as of the outbreak of the Second Galactic War in 3041, the three Earth nations were staying neutral.
Or at least, that's what they told each other...
However, the Imperial Federation of Planets (which later became the Freed Allied Federation of Planets in IIC 3044) and the Darklon Empire were originally united under the banner of the Galactic Empire, who had conquered the frontier of space long before both the the two nations called the Interium and Etherium theirs. But even before them, during the old days before Wilhelm von Titus
Conquered the other 11 great house, mankind had already conquered the frontier called space.
While Buzz Aldrin, an America astronaut, landed on the moon orbiting Earth in AD 1969, The Galactic Empire was pushing star jump 260 in the year IIC 2442. To put that into perspective for those not familiar with Star Jumping, in AD 2024, NASA (an earth organization who explored space) found another hospitable planet 1,800 lightyears away or about 500 parsecs, but estimated it would take 30 million years for a single space ship to go from Earth to this newly discovered hospitable planet, which later was discovered to be Rigel 6 in the Rigel stellar region. Star Jump 260 could get you to Rigel 6 from earth in three months.
And while Earth was battling each other over supremacy for Mars in AD 2089, The Galactic Empire was fighting several uprisings across 22,000 lightyears.
Star ships in the 3040's were pushing star 355, which could get you from Earth to Rigel less than two months.
The I.E.S.S. (Imperial Experimental Star Ship) Hornet was reported to exceed Star 400. Making that jump from Earth to Rigel 6 in less then a few weeks.
It never had made sense how Earths calendar was 400 years behind the Imperial Federations. Some theories point to a rip in space time, that allowed King Noah Von Fritz to jump 1,800 light years to earth from his galaxy, later renamed the Wilhelm Galaxy, but this had never been proven up until this point in our time. Maybe when executed ancient star jump it became unstable.
The Judo-Christian religion of Christianity, or'The Way', explained it as a move of God. Scientists and Astronomers, however, couldn't stop there.
'How?' Was the biggest question. Noahs journey, which had been called 'The Genesis of a Thousand Stars', transported him from the Wilhelm galaxy to the milky way galaxy. Our historical records say that his journey probably began four years before Wilhelm von Titus rose to power.
A strong explanation that supports the rip-in-time theory is how time moves differently on different planets and especially with wormholes and black holes.
Maybe, just maybe, Noah went through a rip in time that sent him back in time 400 years. What was a mere few months for Noah, was a 400 year reversal of time and space.
Or, our history is wrong, and Wilhelm vom Titus didn't become Emperor until 400 years after Noah's Exodus.

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