4. Eternal Night

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My Dearest Commodore,

Your letter was a small escape from my life of boredom. I am told by our servants that Imperial Space Marshal von Sydock has been halted between the frontier planets of Corrigador and IshVak, Two places i have never been too. What are they like? I've hears that IshVak has rolling grassy hills with little villages where the people of IshVak live and work, and that when winter arrives on the planet, the snow is so thick you'll sink to your knees in it!
Have you seen such a thing? We obviously get snow here on Astra but it's regulated to a light fluffy blanket.

My dear commodore, don't take your promotion as one that came with Admiral Vaungences promotion. You could have easily been left as a Lieutenant or a Captain, but, from what Freddy has said, Jack Vaungence doesn't pick his subordinates lightly. You, my dear Commodore, were promoted on your merits and skills. Your superior saw something in you to keep your skills near to him.

As to the question of your devotion: i am where your devotion lies. As a daughter of our Kaiser, your loyalty belongs to me.
I saw you, and i picked you. For the first time in my life i had decided something of my own: you.
Our kiss was to solidify that you are mine, and i, now, belong to you.
I have never had these feelings before so please don't tease me, but please don't be mad at me if I tease you.
I am like a little girl with no knowledge of this world. My only defense in this world has been my wit.
You can't escape me now, Paul von Whittenfeld. You've promised to save me from my life. Let me make a life with you. Show me the world through your eyes.

Write me more.

Your loyalty,
Erika von Talbot
10th May, DC 462.

Approximately 243 miles from the Federation front, was the Darklons own front . A shuttle craft carrying Vice Admirals von Linderman and Durchdenwald and their seconds soared passed destroyers and battleships. It's ultimate destination was the Command ship, Prinze Brëinhand.
On arrival, the two Vice Admirals were taken to the office of Imperial Star Marshal Hannes von Sydock.
The Imperial Star Marshal was sitting behind his large desk currently looking at a file entitled: "Inner Imperial Federation Vice Admiral James Thatch Gordon."
Four men stood next to the Imperial Star Marshal.
Vice Admiral Von Kessler and Rear Admiral Kahn were there as well as one man who wore a white porcelain mask and another who was a much younger officer.
The two admirals saluted.
"Ah, von Linderman and Durchdenwald. Please come in and take a seat." The Star Marshal said in a calm tone.
"You know High Admiral Vaungence and Commodore von Wittenfeld?"
"Yes, sir." Von Linderman said.
"Good to see you again. Congratulations on your achievement from the Kaiser." Durchdenwald said.
"Thank You. All for our glorious Empire." Vaungence replied.
"Please, all be seated. Let us go over out plan of attack." Von Sydock said. "Vice Admiral von Linderman, please explain the current position and circumstances we find ourselves in."
"Yes, your excellency." Von Linderman said.
The black haired Admiral stood up. A holographic map appeared before them showing the current battle lines. The blue of the hologram illuminated his green eyes.
"Currently we are at a stalemate with Federal forces between the planets Corigador and Ishvak. A few weeks ago, they launched an attack that failed. Whatever they're goals were are unimportant. What is important, however, is that we firmly have their attention away from Meiji Fortress." He said.
"Very good." Von Sydock said. The Star Marshall turned to High Admiral Vaungence. "High Admiral, please explain the battle plan we have finally, with much argument, agreed on." The Marshal cracked a smile making the room lightly laugh.
"My Dear star marshal! I am greatly honored!" Vaungence said with a deep bow.
"Our plan is this, the main force commanded by the Star Marshal himself shall attack en echelon while at the exact same time, i take my own 11th fleet and swoop around their flank and begin attacking Meiji."
'Always the one with a simple plan...' Durchdenwald thought to himself.
"Vice Admiral Durchdenwald," Von Sydock turned towards the auburn haired admiral.
"Yes, your excellency?"
"Your fleet has a terrible habit of wandering to far ahead of the fight, please try and reign them in. I'd hate to see something happen to one as gifted as you. We've lost to many good officers already."
He wasn't to far off. After the Darklons victory at Hamrisser Fortress in thr Azure stellar region, it was Benedict Durchdenwald and his 2ant fleet that reached the Terrus stellar region and the Corrigidor stellar region first. Even completely bypassing a small Federal garrison fleet of 278 at Terrus.
His advance, of course, was halted between Corrigador and IshVak by the Federals 5th and 3rd fleet.
"Yes, sir. I shall strive to keep my men at bay."
"Good man." Von Sydock said. "It's imperative gentleman that we attack precisely at the exact same moment to give High Admiral Vaungence the best possible chance."
"Sir," Vice Admiral Otto von Linderman said aloud. "Are we to stay en echelon the entire time? Or are we given just authority to exploit any holes in their lines?"
"Asses me of the situation and i will make the decision for you. I do not want our lines to be tangled or ourselves open any holes for the Enemy."
Otto Von Linderman, like his friend, was a hard and aggressive fighter. As Durchdenwald continued his push towards Corrigador 276 million miles from Terrus and its Federal garrison, it was Vice Admiral von Linderman who swooped in and completely destroyed the small Federal force.
Slightly inconveniencing as asking for permission was, von Linderman surrendered to his superiors better judgement.
"Gentlemen, his majesty the Kaiser is watching this battle very closely. As is Duke von Hälmer. We must carry out this duty for the son of Odin himself." Von Sydock said standing up. "Some of you have already fought against the Federals 5th fleet commander. Do not underestimate him. He won't hesitate to make calls that will ultimately give him victory. Don't rely on his humanity. The Operation will be set for the 4th of June."
Four crisp salutes ended the meeting.
As von Linderman and Durchdenwald proceeded down the hall away from von Sydocks office,
A voice called out.
"Vice Admiral Durchdenwald, Might i have a private word with you before you go?" Vaungence said, his aide von Whittenfeld standing nearby.
Durchdenwald turned to his friend.
"You go on ahead, i'll meat up with you in a bit."
The trio waited for von Linderman to leave before commencing.
"There will be an assassination attempt on Duke von Hälmers life soon." Vaungences said plainly.
"What?" Durchdenwald said completely stunned. This came as a complete shock to the 26 year old Vice Admiral.
"What do you mean? Are we making our move now?" Durchdenwald said his mind racing.
"No." Vaungence said. "It is merely a feint."
"Explain yourself, Vaungence." Duchdenwald said in a venomous tone.
"The attempt on the Prime Minister's life will be nothing more than a political distraction from our larger goals. I suspect the D.M.C. Has been plotting quietly to assassinate the Kaiser himself, they'll then make a puppet out of one of the royal offspring, and through him, take complete control of the Empire." Vaungence explained. His porcelain mask glinted in the light. "Our comrades on Astra have found a small resistance movement of Republicans. We've given them the means to try and kill their biggest enemy:The Duke."
"But they won't succeed?" The auburn haired Admiral asked slowly beginning to understand.
"Precisely. Our bigger goal is to try and halt any current conspiracy to kill the Kaiser. The D.M.C. wants to win this war, they know they can't do that with the figure head of the nation dead this early in the war." Vaungence concluded. "We give the Militarists a bit of fat to chew on to distract them from the bigger picture. Just like we did here with the Federals."
The plan was sound as far as Durchdenwald was concerned. But, lingering doubts hung still in the back of his mind.
"What is my role in all this?" He asked.
"When the time is right," Vaungence said. "You will be called upon to support the next Kaiser and seize for him the throne."
It was inevitable, and as unfortunate as it was, At some point, Kaiser Maximillion von Talbot VI would have to die, in order for the Empire to survive.
It was a harsh reality for Durchdenwald to accept. He still feared for his friend. If it came down to it, could he kill his own dear friend in order to fulfill greater goals? He hoped von Linderman would choose their side over the D.M.C.'s.
They parted with Vaungences saying: "Remember your devotion"
Later on his command ship, Durchdenwald thoughts constantly bombarded his mind. He would have to tell his friends soon, or he feared he'd lose his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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