3. Clarity

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My Dearest Princess,

My duties have taken me to the frontier once again and I have been promoted to Commodore as my direct Superior, Jack Vaungence, has been promoted to High Admiral and rightly so. Although his promotion wasn't based on his victory at Dre-Nada, he was still promoted nonetheless so that he can make executive decisions in this coming operation. It also gives him expressed command over the other Vice Admirals under Imperial Star Marshal von Sydocks command.

I find myself conflicted. I've devoted myself to the Navy for almost 10 years now, and my every waking moment has, to the detriment of my duty, been reserved for you. I relive the moment in your garden like a movie on replay.
My devotion to my country is starting to be shared with a growing infatuation with you.
What do i do? That kiss confounds me, entices me and moves me.
Am I to share this new found joyful feeing with with both the Navy and with You? My job is to defend Darklon from the Federals, and now all i want to do is wonder your expansive garden.

Hopefully, my duties here are fulfilled quickly that i may be in your presence once again.

Commodore Paul von Whittenfeld
7th May, DC 462

The battle for LS 1-9-7-7 was a small victory for the Federals and resulted in stopping the Darklon Imperial Navy from expanding their lines even further towards Meiji.
By the time Vice Admiral von Kessler arrived with reinforcements, thereby leaving Rear Admiral Herta to hold not just his own lines, but also the hole left by  von Kesslers, it was already to late.
237 ships were limping back from a beating.
Not even a spies information could help the detached forces.
The Following day, von Kessler and Kahn were summoned to the Capital base-ship, Prinze Brëinhand, where Imperial Star Marshal Hannes von Sydock waited.
On bended knees, and heads bowed so low they almost touched the steel floor of Prinze Brëinhand bridge, von Kessler and his staff, plus Kahn and his own staff, waited for a punishment that was sure to come.
"For the loss at the battle at the extreme left flank, and leaving our right flank exposed, as the commander responsible for taking and holding sector LS 1-9-7-7, i accept full responsibility for what happened." Von Kessler said humbly.
"No matter," von Sydock said calmly. The bowing officers looked up in shock and surprise. "We've successfully grabbed the attention of the Federals, and once again they're focused on our battle lines. There precious fortress, while still protected, is far from our battle lines, and still lays in wide open space"
Von Sydock turned to Vice Admirals Otto von Linderman who commanded the Darklons 7th fleet, and Benedict Durchdenwald who commanded the Darklons 2ant fleet.
"My dear Admirals, we must look towards the future operation. Small losses are not my concern. However, we must continue to strive for absolute victory. For the Kaiser and our fatherland."
The two Admirals nodded. Von Sydock turned back toward von Kessler and Kahn.
"Although you failed in your previous objective, be mindful not to repeat the same mistakes in future operations. You'll find, Admiral, that i do not tolerate failure."
The Darklon Imperial Star Ship, Prinze Brëinhand was a standard bident class Bass-ship and had been von Sydocks capital ship since the Great Galactic War when he was its Captain.
He had declined taking one of the new Trident class star ships in favor of the Prinze Brëinhand. Bident Class star ships were approximately the same size as the Federals Vesuvius Class heavy carriers give a mile or two. And just like the Vesuvius Class ships, Bident class ships also had tram lines to traverse the massive ships.
Currently on said tram, sat von Linderman and Durchdenwald.
Vice Admiral Otto von Linderman was a young man in his late twenties as was Duchdenwald. Both were 26 years of age and graduated from the Darklon Naval Academy in DC 455. Von Linderman had neatly sculpted jet black hair and green eyes while Duchdenwald ha loosely slicked backed his own auburn hair.
"I must say," von Linderman said. "I was quite shocked at the Marshals grace with von Kessler."
"I agree. However, I think his excellency is more worried about the upcoming operation than one admirals failure to extend our lines." Duchdenwald said.
"Do you think it's the operation? Or the man picked to lead said operation?" Von Linderman asked.
Operation Blitzkrieg had been entrusted to Vice Admiral Jack Vaungence. This announcement from Imperial Star Marshall Sylis von Jochenberg, had sent ripples through the Darklon Military.
Vaungence didn't have a great reputation amongst the military or Nobels, not since the accident that horrifically scarred his face.
His defeat at Dre-Nada, although a feint, had caused O'Berts fleet great harm and were currently sitting the war out for right now.
"I guess we'll just have to put our faith in 'black' Jack Vaungence." Duchdenwald responded.
The two Vice Admirals were definitely worried. They had pushed the Federals all the way back to Meiji Fortress and had been halted between IshVak and Corrigador, something that couldn't have been done in the first war.
Now they're hard work was in jeopardy.
"Oh well, i guess for grander plans to work, to reinstate Darklon to his original glory, we'll need to trust him again." Von Linderman said.
The tram took them to the hangar bay, where the two bid each other farewell before returning to their respected fleets.
One thought hung in the back of Duchdenwald mind, as his shuttle left the Prinze Brëinhand and headed for his own base-ship. It was what von Linderman said without realizing.
"Oh well, i guess for grander plans to work, to reinstate Darklon to his original glory, we'll need to trust him again."
He was referring to the grand strategy to defeat the Federals, but what von Linderman didn't know was what actually was to come.
When the time was right, would von Linderman join Duchdenwald and the new order?
Would von Linderman side with the Militarists and the Nobels? Or with Darklon and his people?
Duchdenwald shook his head.
"I guess we'll just have to see..." he said aloud to himself.

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