Let's have a chat

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The drive inside the car was silent but for some odd reason it wasn't awkward. The radio played the latest music while the rain started to beat with the chorus against the windows. Looking out the window it was actually soothing. Prom was being held at Ave Garden often known for its wedding and classic forest theme. I have only been there once in my life for another party that was held by a distant cousin's for her wedding. As the rain began to beat louder than the music, I knew that Estephania and Maria were probably annoyed and angry with the fact the forecast was right for a change. I can already picture them annoying Ben and Antonio on how they need to find a way to cover their hair and makeup from being ruined. I began smirking with the idea Antonio saying he would turn this car back around like the mother figure he was born to be, if the girls kept pushing his buttons.

"What are you smiling about" Josh finally spoke after a long moment of silence driving through the rain.

"Just thinking about Antonio" I answered not really realizing I was talking to a very possessive werewolf in the car.

"Why would you be even-" He started his voice sounding like a low rumble. I broke my gaze from the window giving him an annoyed stare that immediately made him zip his lips.

"Relax your furry balls. I'm just thinking of how miserable Antonio is right now being stuck with Estaphania and Maria in the rain" I coughed at the end trying to hide a chuckle that attempted to escape from my lips.

"And people say I'm the evil one" Josh rolled his eyes with one hand still holding on the wheel and the other was intertwined and locked with mine.

"When did you start holding my hand!" I gasped immediately feeling my face growing warm. I attempted to pull my hand back but his large hand had a firm grip.

"You're just now noticing." His voice sounding slightly amused on how long it took for me to notice him making his move. Josh's hand was much bigger than mine and made me realize how small I really was.

"Well, I'm noticing now so you can let me go" I said finally feeling my flushed face disappearing. Josh's annoying smirk never faded away appearing to enjoy my embarrassment. I was not a hopeless romantic kind of girl. In fact when it came to romance I needed constant cuing because I could not see the signals even if it was right in front of me.

"Josh. What is the point of this?" I said wanting to figure out what was his game plan. The sudden change of heart and him claiming that I was his mate didn't satisfy me. I do not want to be part of this sick cupid game all because the universe decided we were 'soulmates'.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We are soulmates so we have-"

"We don't have to do jack shit. If you do not want me, then quit the acting. If you want the title of being Alpha. Fine, we'll go to you mother's and do whatever ritual. But after that we are done." I stated knowing this was a conversation long overdue. I can feel Josh's palm grow warmer and faintly tremble. There's was a long moment of silence as we grew closer to our destination.

"Sammy I don't-"

The car came to an abrupt stop causing Josh to release his hand from mine and instantaneously blocking me from what could have been me clashing with the front window. Before I could turn to Josh and demand what the hell he had stopped for until my passenger door was ripped open. A man with pale skin and darkest eyes lured over me. He wasn't like any other being I had met and shook me to the core. I felt my body grow so tired and weak that I couldn't mutter Josh's name.

Before the man could pull me out of the passenger seat, he was struck down by Josh who had transformed into larger and much scary wolf. This transformation was not the same lovable and annoying dog that I had recognized. It was much terrifying and angrier than I have ever imagined. I tried push myself into moving but it felt like was stuck in slow motion. The first thing I could think of was reaching for my phone and calling Ben.

"Hey, Sammy. I think we need to have a chat" Jennifer grinned yanking me out of the car and into the arms of another person. He was larger than Josh but had very smilier features. His expression showed immediate hate and disgust of me at just one glance.

"What the hell is wrong with you" I tried to yell at Jennifer but my voice was so weak. I felt like I was in a dream with sleep paralysis and I couldn't wake up from. All I could do was hear this bitch talk and Josh's howling what sounded like a sharp painful cry. Okay this bitch is going to die...I don't know how but I'll find a way.

"The demon better not kill Josh we still need him" Jennifer spoke almost desperately to end the fight between them.

"If my son is weak enough to have a human for mate and unable to defeat a lower rank demon. Then let him die. I don't need him in my pack once I take over" Josh's father declared with no remorse or compassion of his son who could possible be killed.

"Now, Samantha, I'm sorry that the moon goddess cursed you with my son so I'm going to do both of us a favor and take your title as Luna and bestow to someone actually worthy" The man said carrying me to SUV black car with Jennifer hesitantly following behind. "Hopefully, everything works out and you'll live"

a/n : Here's a chapter after several years. I was on wattpad and saw how much has changed. I was really surprised that I had a bunch of notification that people were still reading and adding this book to their reading list. So I decided to open the continue story thingy and found that I had wrote chapter but it wasn't completed. So I dabbled with it last night. So here's a treat for y'all who are still reading. I may have little energy to actually finish this book after so many year but I make no promises.

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