This isn't going to end well for me is it, God?

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Hello WORLD! So I'm back! sort of...I'm sorry I have been gone for so long but I need to focus on school and Family. I've been accepted to my first college and I've been working my booty off to get in. I mean its no Harvard but it's a college right? So I can't promise a lot of updates but I can promise that not I'm giving up on the story. I understand I lost some fans because of my long absent but for those that stuck around here's  a late Christmas Gift :)

Josh holding my books was the most clique thing he has ever done. Well, maybe the second clique thing he has done. He followed me class to class carrying my books and as much as I persisted to give them back, he would raise them up from my reach. So I just accept it for now until school is over to have them all back. My friends were growing suspicious and were probably going to ask me a billions of questions. As much as I tried to come up with an explanation for why Josh was following me, I couldn't think of anything reasonable yet.  Ben was trying to stay close to us when Josh continued to walk with me.  Josh wasn't too happy about it but he kept his mouth shut which I was sort of surprised.  Lunch was coming closer and I couldn't find way to ditch him. I tried to stay in the girls bathroom but he would wait until I came out. 

"I thought we had an agreement that you would leave me alone?" I said putting the books I had in my bag. This was starting to annoy me each hour of the day. Everyone had left the classroom and head to lunch. For me on the other hand I'm still trying to tell this dog to go home!

"You made that agreement on your own, thinking I would actually do it." He said talking for the first time in awhile.  

"What do you think your going to get out of following me all day? We're not going to just all of sudden be happy o' loving mates and I'm sure as hell not going to be force to be your mate either" I snapped. He didn't say anything as usual when I snapped or complained. I don't know what's worse Josh not responding or him talking. 

"Quit following me" I said for the hundredth time and stormed out of the room. Ben was waiting outside of the door and hurried beside me. He didn't say anything which I was grateful for. As I was about to wait  in the long line behind freshman and juniors to the cafeteria, Ben pulled me out of the line. 

"I already got your food, its on the table" He pointed at the table where my friends were. I stepped out of line and followed behind him. My friends sitting at our regular table were waiting with anticipation ready to jump me with questions that I'm not sure I'm ready to answer yet.  I sat down waiting for the punch of questions. 

"You can quit squirming, Ben already told us everything" Maria said seeming extremely disappointed. 

"What did he tell you?" 

"The only reason, Josh, is holding your books and being super nice to you because the principle made he sure would stop picking on you and if he didn't apologize and do something nice; he would get suspend or something" Estaphina finished. I tried to have a surprised expression that what Ben said actually worked. I glanced at Ben and he was too preoccupied with eating his three burgers. Jeez, he eats as if I had never fed him.

"Did you hear we're have an assembly" Antonio said setting his tray  between Maria and Ben. 

"Wait what? What the heck for?" Esphania snapped. 

"I don't know but I heard it's really important" 

" I don't care! That means no study hour and I'm going to fail my U.S History test" She groaned. Maria shook her head " Sweety you were going to fail the test either way" 

"Yeah but I could at least pushed for a low C" She mumbled.

"Then hurry and eat your lunch so you can go to the library and study" I said before taking a bite of my sandwich. 

"But I don't want too" She began to whine. 

"Then accept the F and call it a day" Antonia rolled his eyes obviously getting annoyed by this subject. 

"Fine I'll go to the library, would any of you guys mind coming with me" Esphania said in her usually please come me with me voice. 

"Not it" Everyone said in unison except for me. This was clearly unfair, I had food in my mouth! I swallowed my food and crossed my arms. " Fine" I got up and was linked to Estephania who skipped happily as we left the cafeteria. 


After 30 minutes of pure torture and an unsatisfied stomach hunger, I some how managed to survive. As Antonia said there was an assembly and the whole school need to be at the gym. Well that's unusual we usually had the assembly in the auditorium. It's probably another pep rally . We were all required to leave to the gym after 3rd period which meant for me that means right after lunch. Estephania was holding on to my arm like a kid not wanting to loose her mother. We followed the mob of students and lucky for me I didn't cross Josh. 

"I wonder wheres Maria, Antonio and Ben"

"They're probably already at the gym since the cafeteria is closer" I answered pulling Estephania's arm to hurry so we won't be crushed by the student body. As we go up the gyms stairs we managed to find two seats in middle. Antonia, Maria and Ben were on the far  end of the gyms  but weren't squished as badly as we were. Everyone was chatting loudly trying to talk over the other person. 

"EHM" The principle had the microphone and everyone went completely silent.  Okay, some student is in a crap load of trouble because everyone knows that when Mr. Johnson is the first person to speak, it never turns out good.  I wonder who's the dumbass that  di-

"I need Samantha Garcia and Josh Wolf to the gym floor now!" 

I can feel my face go pale. What the hell did I do? No, What did he do that made get in trouble! Damit Josh!  As I went down the steps Josh was already on the gym floor with devilish smirk on his face. What did he do!  I clenched my fist as I stood by him then all of sudden Mr. Johnson  stern face turned into a smile and the microphone was handed to Josh. 

"Thought you got in trouble didn't yah." Josh said his voice echoing across the gym. This isn't going to end well for me is God?

"Sammy will you go to the winter dance with me? And before you say anything remember your in front of the whole student body and my mom is here too" He said waving over the crowed of people where mom was standing and smiling for the first time in a long time.

The microphone was pointed at me and I can feel all the girls holding on to breath waiting for my response. I wanted to blurt out "NO" but instead like a kid that didn't want to eat their vegetables but doesn't have choice I replied 

"Fine" I grumbled with my arms cross. Once I said that the students clapped as I was left glaring at Josh. He had the microphone away for a moment as pinched my cheek. 

"This could have all been solved if you would have just said yes when I asked you over the phone" He said.  When Mr. Johnson announce for all the students head to their classes now,  I hit Josh in jewels. 

"Your paying for my dress, asshole" I said leaving the gym as he laid lying on the floor. 

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