~Turkey sandwich with Jelly??

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A/N hey I usually post every weekend but school kept me busy. v_v. well I hope you all had a great Easter.  Thanks for all the reviews and votes, the numbers get higher and higher.  I have to pinch myself to see if its real.  but I wont because I don't like pinches xD Anyways enjoy the chapter. Expect some grammar.  ill fix them in the morning.

~Turkey sandwich with Jelly??

I laid on my bed as I searched through my new phone. Everyones numbers were still there  even Josh’s number. The temptation of deleting his number was great but then I couldn’t. I mean I could if I wanted to. And yet, I couldn’t.  It’s difficult to explain, I can’t even explain it myself. The name of his voice use to be nothing to me and now it gives me tingles. I still didn’t want to feel this way for him. I didn’t want to be weak. My dream was to live independently on my own.  I could do what I wanted, and not have to tell anyone where I was going. I was free.

But now, having a mate that I do or do not believe in? It sort of ties me down with him. This wasn’t in my plan, but I think I’ve complain about it enough. As much as I hated him...Hated? I thought I still hated him. Great, I’m contradicting myself. Okay, I Hate him but a slight less way now? Whatever, forget it, I still hate him.

My stomach made a rumbling noise signaling I was hungry again. It was midnight and my mom was dead asleep. I could hear her snores nearly echoing. It was tempting of not recording but, I think I should continue on getting my food.  I tiptoed down the squeeky stairs as I went to the kitchen.   When I came down it was pitch black. I couldn’t see anything, although I could hear breathing. The light switch to the kitchen was next to the door. I ran to the light switch and ran back to the staircase. I was scared and I didn’t have a metal bat to defend myself or at least a broom. Really Sammy what are you going to do with a broom? Sweep whoever it is out the house. The fridge door opened letting out white bright light.  I could only see from the bottom of his feet that he was barefooted. So then I've come to the conclusion that a hobo was stealing food from my house. As he closed the fridge, my heart nearly dropped.

“JOSH! What the hell are you doing in my house” I whispered in a yelling fashion. He had a bag of bread in one hand and the other turkey, cheese and Jelly? He looked at me causally and went to the table setting up his meal. Spreading jelly on his slice and then add turkey and cheese over it, I couldn’t help but gag. Who puts jelly on a turkey sandwich?

“So why are you at my house” I questioned. He bit into his sandwich first causing me to cringe. Jelly and Turkey, its just not right. IT’s not right at all. I heard of Cranberry with Turkey but strawberry jelly?

“ I was hungry” he shrugged.

“Yeah, I’m hungry too but you don’t see me going to your house and raiding your fridge do you?” I snapped.

“I need to sleep here for the night” He stated. Did he just say he wanted to stay the night? I was hoping he was joking. I waited a couple of awkward seconds for him to claim it was joke but he just continued to stare at me. It kind of reminded me of the Black wolf... wait a minute!

"I'm not joking I'm staying here tonight" his voice was back to commando. I kept the wolf that I ran over back in my head. I could question about it later to him. Right now Josh Wolfe is a my house!

"And where do you plan to sleep? Because once my mom wakes up she's going to freak. And the only person who's going to get in trouble is me" I sneered pointing my  thumb to myself.

"She's not going to find out i'm here and beside Antonio came and sleep here before" he said  Antonio's name in pure disgust. Why does he keep rating down my friends.

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