The broom is the worst enemey

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I suck at updating , I know. But the pressure is on guys. School, College  its a pain  in  the ass. I've  been on a writers block for a while and other writers  can relate the "the struggle is real"
So I hope you enjoy the chapter and forgive me for my long absence.

I was completely shocked to know that even though Ben was technically “Part of  my pack”, Josh would still try to threaten or harm Ben. My answer to that was “ over my dead body”. When we had finally had Antonio updated to what was going on, he was still in denial but after a few yelling and cursing and bribing, he took the werewolf thing pretty well. The only thing that he didn’t like the fact is the idea of Ben sleeping over his house and neither did Ben. So through another ten minutes of arguments it was clear that Ben was going to stay over at my house disguised as my dog.

“Well, my mom just texted, wondering when I’m getting home. I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow” Antonio waved heading to his truck that was given to him by his grandpa. Once Antonio left, Ben already shifted to a wolf. He gave me a wolfy grin as he lay down on the ground.

“When my mom is a sleep, I’ll let you in the house but you have to stay as a wolf. I rather get in trouble for having a dog in the  house than having my mom find a boy instead” I said. I didn’t expect a response since he was in wolf form but…

Gotcha Luna

My body froze as I quickly turned around to stare at him. Since when could he talk during when he was in his wolf stage?

I guess I forgot to mention that once we made our contract, we have been linked to talk to each other through thoughts.

“Wait what! I don’t want you to hear every single thought I’m thinking nor yours!”

Lucky for you since your ‘Luna’, You can close that door. It’s like on and off switch. Just simply ignore the voices and usually they fade indicating that you don’t want to hear their thoughts

“It sounds too ea-

“Uh sweetie, Why are you talking to the dog?” My mom said giving me my-daughter-is-crazy look. I looked at my mom and I can tell my cheeks were reddening.

“I..uh… I was telling him goodnight?” I said in more of question.

“Okay, um. When you're done ‘saying goodnight to your dog’ come inside.” She said. As soon as she went inside a loud blast of mexican music can be heard.


What the hell is that?

“My whole day is going to be spent cleaning” I said feeling my shoulders slump. I hate cleaning all day. It almost makes me want to go to school, almost

How can you tell? Ben tilted his wolf head slightly making him look almost adorable.

“The music. I don’t know why, but everytime my mom plays some Spanish song, my entire day is either doing laundry, mopping the floor or doing some weird odd errand” I sighed.

“Oh, Well good luck” Ben let out a yawn and did that thing that dogs do when they circle around and lay down.

                         (Five hours later)

“Please Mama are we finished” I groaned for the thousand times. The house was literally sparkling clean. I don’t know what she thought was dirty? There is not even speck of dirt on the floor or on the table since she had me dust. My mom placed her hands on her hips observing very carefully everywhere.

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