Sweet Revenge

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Short Chapter, I know. BOO But i'm going to be in a busy schedule since Finals are coming closer and Projects are becoming Due. So I wanted to write this Chapter before I get the chance to write. Yes, I know the Spanish is pretty bad when you Google translate. I'm a lazy person and I was too tired to fix it. Nor am I that Good at Spanish besides my family who speak it fluently. When I have the time, I have them check my Spanish. Don't get me wrong, I am Hispanic but the Spanish Grammar always sets me off and most the time its pure Spanglish when I speak. :) So please Enjoy the Chapter

ALMOST FORGOT! *Funeral for Mr. Chair* He will be missed.

Translation are in the bottom.

Sweet Revenge

You know how the romance movie is played when the girl and guy are sleeping together. They are both snuggling together as if they can lay like that forever. It's practically almost the afternoon before the beautiful teen girl wakes up from her nap and her hair is perfectly messed up. She stretches and yawns as if she had slept on the most comfortable cloud.


Okay, not true. Whatsoever. Don't think I'm kidding? I'm not saying I didn't sleep but I didn't wake up comfortable. He literally took the whole damn mattress his arms and legs spread over. I had the only tiny bit of space that was next to the wall. All night he kept tossing and turning while I tried to keep at harms way. Whats worse is his snores! Luckily my mom didn't hear him because well, she snores too. They both echoed the house in unison sounding like howlin wolves. Heh..wolves; I made a pun. Carefully I hopped over him as I put my leg over while my other foot made it across the bed. I was nearly safe to say I was no longer trapped in the corner.

Looking back it him now as he finally sleeps quietly, he wasn't that cute. I was expecting him to look gorgeous like what most of the girls in school bragged about . His mouth is slightly hang open and you could almost see a tiny bit of drool come out. I don't see why they find him so attractive. He was much cuter, when he was younger. Distracted in my thoughts, the shower turned on in Mom's bathroom. A red alert flashed in my mind. Mom is awake! Shit! I stared back and forth at the door and Josh. I have a few minutes before she comes check in my room. This idiot said he was going to make sure he stay-

"Sweety do you know where the towels are at" I was going to respond back but then a loud monstrous snore came from Josh's mouth. YOU FREAKIN MUTT!! YOU'RE GOING TO GET ME KILLED! My mom in no doubt heard it. Grabbing the pillow from under him, I smothered him with it. The sound wasn't as loud but still a bit came through. I wasn't trying to kill him but I can understand if someone else saw it in their perceptive. . .

"Are you still asleep? Samantha! " My mom hollered. I could hear her footsteps becoming closer. Damit!!

"The towels are in the cabinet Mom. I just woke up." I hollered back as I tried to shut Josh's mouth. In a few seconds he come to realize that I was covering his face with pillow. Obviously stronger than me he pushed the pillow off his face giving an original WTF expression.

"My mom is going to check in my room in less than a minute. YOU NEED TO HIDE." I demanded pulling on his heavy meaty arm. He was still half asleep as I began rushing him to my closet. Giving one last push into the closet, I shushed him before he could protest. Sammy C'mon the closet? Has that ever really worked anywhere especially in the movies? The door opens and my mom steps in dress in her light blue Pjs that had clouds and wrapped around it.

I did my best to act casual as if I had just woken up, although on the inside I'm shaking. My mom is very observant when it comes to things. Or maybe I just give things away so easily. I can never tell which one it is. Sometimes I think my mom shouldn't have been a nurse, becoming an FBI was best suited for her.

" Sammy ¿tienes una camisa blanca?(1) She asked as she headed toward the closet to check. I jumped in front of her as I cracked the closet door open pretending to look for white shirt. I could clearly see Josh's eyes glowing like some golden flash light. I'm doomed. "Nope sorry Mommy, Maybe in the Laundry?" I smiled closing the door. She pushed me aside and muttered that I didn't know how to look for things. She had already had her hand on the knob as I turned around covering my face. Once she finds a boy in my closet, all hell is going to break loose.

"SAMANTHA ALEXANDRIA GARCIA!" She yelled. Yup. I'm screwed, she said my full name. I am going to die. Just kill me Lord because she's going to give me hell before I can ever receive heaven.

"Por qué hay un perro en tu clóset!" (2) She said as she placed her hands on her hips. Dog? What dog? I hurried over to see what was inside. It took all my willpower to not look surprised. Josh had shifted into a wolf before my mom could have opened the door. I don't know I should thank him or I should kill him. My theory is cleared now. He is the black wolf I had ran over and that had stolen my Shoe!

"Look I understand, how badly you wanted a dog but you could have told me before you brought him inside. He could be carrying disease! Take him outside and don't bring him inside unless I see a record of shots. ¿Entiendes?"(3) She declared. I looked back at Josh as he laid his head down apparently still sleeping.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll make sure the dog sleeps outside for now on" I said narrowing my eyes at him as he pretends that he didn't hear me. My mom nods her head in approval as she grab the white shirt from the hanger.

"I'll be working late today but there's frijoles and tortillas in the fridge if you get hungry. Just reheat them. And if you decided to bring your friends over be sure you clean up your mess" She reminded me countless of times. Jeez you throw safe soda and candy party and suddenly you become the bad guy. It's not my fault that Antonio gets sugar high easily. He was practically jumping from the walls before we could stop him throwing takis chips everywhere.

Once she finally left the room, my attention was back at the wolf or should I say Josh? He let out a loud yawn walking slowly out as if he done nothing wrong. Heh, we'll see about that you stupid wolf. I secretly went to my drawers taking out a leash and collar that used be Spikes. The collar was easily adjustable and since Josh was twice as big than my Pit, I had to make it three times bigger. Before he could morph back to a human, I clicked the collar around him. Despite being a wolf his expression was priceless.

"I'm going to take the dog out to the Vet Today!" I hollered out to my mom. I can hear the door to shower open as the steam came out.

"Okay, but be sure to have him neutered, we don't want him responsible for puppies." She said back. What she said couldn't have made it more perfect. I sometimes could hold a bit of gudge, but since he blew out my tire and took my shoe, I was going to make us even steven.

"C'mon Doggy, were going to a fun place" I cooed as I dragged him out the door. The nails on the wooden floor board screeched. Crap, I forgot how fat he was when he was a wolf. Continuing to pull on the leash, it finally snapped. I fell forward and Josh still a four animal being, he dashed down the stairs. I doubled over in laughter, my stomach was beginning to hurt and so were my lungs. I couldn't breathe from so much laughter.

Finally getting up, I had to wipe a few joyful tears from my eyes. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad having a dog around even if it is Josh.

*Votes and Reviews* Are appreciated :)

(1) Do you have a white a shirt?

(2)Why is there a dog in your closet

(3) Do you understand?

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