The beginning

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(A.N if the song stops just replay the song. You don't have to but it just sets the mood. Also sorry for any grammatical mistakes)
NO POV(yet)
It had been several weeks since you got separated from your group, and you have absolutely no idea where you were. It was somewhere deep in the forest for sure, and by the looks of it a few miles from the nearest town. It all seemed hopeless, but you were always a some what strong girl and a stupid forest wasn't about to change that.........hopefully . As you wondered through the dense forest you triped over a lose tree root. Uggg what the heck? You said as you sat up, and rubbed your head you looked down to revel a broken wheel of a large carriage. You picked up the large wheel, and gasped this was your wheel to YOUR carriage! With tears of concern blurring your vision you pounced to your feet, and started to run. Further down the trail you could see wheel marks going off road, and into a ditch. With the tears blurring your vision you could bearly see causing you to trip, and fall into to the ditch. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! You screamed as your body slammed into your broken carriage.(A.N pic of carriage on first part or intro )Oh no. You whispered, as you propped yourself up on your forearm. Mom!! You shouted while struggling to get back up. ..MOM! You continued to scream, as you searched the premise. In here honey. You heard a frail voice call out. MOM! You shouted. Mom where are you? Under the carriage darling. You rushed to the side of the tipped over carriage to see your mom trapped under it. Mom don't worry I'll get you out of there! You said trying to lift the carriage only to fail. Now listen hon I don't have much time so you need to listen. Your mom said in a raspy voice. No mom you'll be fine all get Jeff and simond to help were is everyone mom?! You replied with tears gushing down your face. I-I.....I don't know, but honey that's not important right now what's important is that you take this and run. Your mother says, as she presents you a gold necklace with a fiery red stone at the bottom(A.N will post a pic of it in the next part) But mother what happened to them!? You cryed out as she holds the golden trinket. All you need to know is that they did it for your safty, and that's all that matters. Now take this necklace, and RUN! Your mother says as she utters her last breath. Her hand falls to the ground the delicate necklace still in her hand. are you there? You say, as you try to shake her back to life. No-no this-this can't be. You mutter while holding your mothers lifeless body. You look towards her hand see the necklace. You let out an uneven sigh as you take the necklace from her cold hands, and put it on. You look back one final time before you take your leave, and vanish into the forest. To tell the true you didn't know what you were going to do. First off your family is dead, and you don't haves any aunts or uncles you know of. Second your were a gypsy, and the cops were after you,also your ankle was twisted from the impact the carriage, and your head was pounding. So your options had limits. You continued to limp down the old dirt road when the road came to a sudden stop. In the middle of the road stood a odd creepily smiling statue. You limped over to the statue to use as support for your twisted ankle. You winced in pain, as you supported yourself on the statue. You looked up to see a giant gateway like arch. Looking at your twisted ankle then at the gateway you let go of the statue. Limping over to the gateway at desperate pace trying to reach so kind of shelter before night fall. Your head was pounding and your ankle was in moral pain, and you were all alone. Tears still continued to pour down your face freely, as you limped through the gateway. Good god this place is creepy. You say as pass through the old crumbling arch that probably was a spider nesting ground. A shiver traveled up your spine and you continued limping onward. Ogggh if this head ache keeps up I think I may pass out. You muttered to yourself as you make it out of the gateway. You look up to find a beautiful field of grass. It's Beautiful. You whispered making your way towards it leaning out in attempt to touch it, but you brought back to reality when realizing that it was sunset. Crap! You said mentality better keep going. You sighed as you limped on. Soon you discovered an old stone road, but you didn't like the look of it. Well what other choice do I have? Either this or turn myself into the cops. Hmmmmmmmm....... Well creepy ass road it is you decided, as you continued limping on. Owwww you winced, as you clutched your aching head. God I feel like a freaken rock landed on my head you thought to yourself. After what had felt like a hour you had finally came to what looked like a abounded amusement park, but something was off. You keep getting this feeling someone or something is watching you. Then you heard a twig snap. Your breath hitched in your throat, as the hairs on the back of your neck started to stand up. Snap. There it was again. You took a deep breath, and waited till it got closer, closer,closssserrr, and then ......AHA! You whipped around only to see nothing there. A sigh escaped your mouth. Thank god no was there to tell how much of a Idiot you looked like pointing at nothing. Sniff sniff what's that smell? You asked following the sent , until you bumped into a some kind of food stand. What in the world this place is just getting weirder, and weirder. You mutter, as you look down at the food. Hmmmmmmmm well this place must not be as abounded as I thought. You said to yourself, but you would admit the food did look pretty good, and your stomach was growling. Wait a second Y/N! You mentally scream to yourself. If someone is in fact here it would be rude to eat their food, and they may not let you stay here so better wait, and to be quite frank this place was a little creepy. You sighed, and said well better keep going. You continued limping down the road, as you gazed at all the old buildings with weeds taking over them. This place could use a little makeover you thought to yourself, as you continue limping down the road. Suddenly the road came to brief stop, and there was a large bridge. Across the bridge you saw a large building that looked much more taken care of then the buildings around it. Perhaps people live here in this giant................... Bath house you mumbled. You were half way across the bridge when suddenly a boy just poofed right in front of you!

Your pov.
Your mind.

Yep ok I am officially weirded out now yep no denying it. I should just turn around and go..... Ok legs why you no work for me . Well this is just fan-flipping-tastic here I am with a broken ankle a pounding head, and some magic possible wizard boy. And here I am just standing here only one word to describe this...............awkward as hell

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