The Deal preveiw

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( Good evening lads and lassies I am back, and here to write yet another chapter for this story! I know it seems to take eons for me the update I apologize sincerely for that. I know that I must stay on top of my story but the sometimes conflicts with my actual life ,  but the good news is I have returned and I am here to weave more tales of the gypsy and the dragon.
In other news I have now found myself a editor/ motivational co- writer to help with frequent updates. So  Do enjoy.


                 ყ/ŋ ℘ơ۷

I stared at the silent male. Letting the breeze ascend my  h/c locks lightly. The silence practically drowning the area only the crackling ,of the house fire could be heard. Yubaba's word rattling around in my head. " Attend to my Assistant." It repeated it's self over and over almost booming now. Slowly I took a wobbly step forward my body still racked with adrenaline from my previous actions. After all I had never done something like that . EVER. Soon I pushed my storm of chattering thoughts , and aggressive emotions down into my gut reminding myself at the task at hand. The boy seemed to be glaring at me this was not new , but instead of hate, or ice. in his eyes I saw suspicion. He was scared . I knew it . I stopped in mid step watching him clutch tighter onto his bleeding arm. His steely eyes morphed into ones of death. He began to shift in his place obviously not comfortable in his current poisson. Finally after a good minute I planted my left foot firmly on the ground , and proceeded from there taking slow steps towards him . The narrow green slits seemed to widen into the size ,of a golf ball and the body shifted back a bit more acting as if I were a bomb. I saw this and knowing the feeling I called out to him,

" Don't be scared I- I don't- " I paused having a lack of knowledge of how to explain my.... talent... I tired to resume my sentence bur was cut off by a sharp voice, and a gaze of ferocious beast.

" I am not scared of you mortal. I am only uncertain of you."
Haku if I recall stated . His ivy eyes reclaiming their narrow appearance. I gulped uncertain on how to respond to that. Take offense or try to persuade him I was on harm. But honestly ....I can't be certain anymore. This is too much my family is gone. My life is gone. My freedom is gone. I don't know what to do- no. Not now . I can't do this now I call out to myself mentally. I'll deal with it later. I looked up at the glaring boy and replied with a uncertain smile,

" Sorry I didn't mean to offend you."
The boy known as haku furrowed his brows a bit . Then sat  up a bit straighter and stayed bluntly and cold,

" I don't need you're apology."
( ass )

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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