The Deer and The Dragon

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( I am back and here's the completed chapter. Made some edits and corrections. Now please do enjoy darlings


( Not dead yet yay! So anyways this chapter will be based on action .......for now~, and also the deer picture you see is in fact one I drew so I do own the picture. Not anything else besides the story and plot. I repeat I don't own Spirited Away or it's characters! Well please like, comment, and Enjoy!)

( play music for mood)

Haku's. Pov
I dropped the rice balls and backed up a bit. How?! How did she? I looked around my hair whipping, as I looked around. Where is she?! She couldn't have walked out her ankle was broken. I ran my hand through my hair, as I stepped inside and observed the room. I am pretty sure if she found out I would be in trouble already. I rushed over to the bathroom and swung the door open. It was empty I started to hyperventilate. I turned my head to the bed. The covers were wrinkled and a mess, but that's when I saw it. I walked over and picked it up. It was a small branch with tiny golden leafs ,and crimson red buds. My brows furrowed. These buds were fire flowers, and they are only grown in-" the forest." I said in realization, as I dropped the branch, and scowled. " The Deer King." He did this. It all made sense he is the only spirit that can teleport , as he pleases, and he always left a piece of his home in return for traveling with a item. ( in this case you) There was only thing I couldn't figure out....why did he do it? He wasn't the type to do something rash without reason, or thinking , and he most certainly wouldn't do this just for revenge. It was true the king of the forest ( another name for him) was never happy with the presence of the bath house. After all it had invaded his sacred grounds, and paved over the old tree of life, but this was a stretch for revenge. And it was true him ,and I never got along. I could barley stand him. I winced ,as I thought of the incident.Then again would he? Something was wrong and I am about to find out what that is. I thought ,as I shifted into my dragon form and flew out the window.

Your pov

I smiled at the beautiful creature. It seemed to smile back at me, as I said those words. ( previous chapter) Suddenly I heard a odd rumbling from it's was chuckling. However it's mouth never moved as it looked at me, and spoke, " Hello my little bird."
I gasped it surprise. " Y-you can talk?! Or am I just going insane?! Uhhgg w-" The animal chuckles more and said," hush my child all will be explained, but please for now follow me." He said as he walked deeper into the forest. I quickly regained my balance and stumbled after him. The green lush  forest captured my attention, as I walked looking at its magnificence. The deer seemed to smile back, as I looked at the forest almost pleased that I was taking the time to look at it. In time we reached a small beautiful pond surrounded by rich green plantation. ( Idk trying to expand vocabulary lol) The deer sat down even when sitting the creature was larger than my own body. I sat by it , as I looked into the pond . Everything was still intact. Same h/l
H/c hair bright e/c eyes, however they seemed to have more of a fiery glow, or perhaps I was just being a bit vain....perhaps. " Tell me my bird what do you see?" The deers booming voice, said in a gentle tone. I looked up at him then stared back down at the pond.....and it started to glow. I jumped back in surprise. " Don't be afraid my bird look." The deer said, in a calm voice. I slowly leaned towards the pond. It was a murky black, but then flashed a bright yellow, and dulled. It showed a shadowy woman carrying a child. She was running from....a black mist, but it looked more...alive. In her hand she held a red stone. My eyes widened a bit, as I curled my fingers around the red stone around my neck. Suddenly a black inky wolf emerged out of the mist. The wolf had cornered her . Then it leapt into the air, but before it could come crashing down on her fragile frame she held up the stone. The stone glowed a fiery red , and admitted a fiery light pulse, and the wolf disintegrated into a cloud of mist, and disappeared. The woman soon came to a stone arch she walked through it with the newborn in her hands. I was speechless. I looked down at the red stone around my neck, and it flashed a red glow. I looked at it inquisitively, and watched as it dulled. " amazing." I muttered quietly. The deer nodded and said," Indeed it is my bird a gift from your mother and father no doubt." My head lashed up to look at him. " H-how do you know ?" I stuttered out. The deer smiled and replied,"I know many things Y/N Firebird." I gulped at the creatures words how much did it exactly know? Thats when it hit me the stag it mentioned my mother..not only that, but my father as well. Did it know my parents? All these unanswered questions swarmed in my head buzzing like bees. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the noble voice of the stag. " So my bird would you like to take a look around?" He asked, and rose to his feet. I nodded as I stood up. He began to walk deeper into the dense forest , as he walked the trees seemed to bend out of his way ,as if not to disturb him. I followed the majestic creature wondering what all did this animal know? Soon we got to a small clearing standing tall , and proud in the middle of the clearing was a tall red, golden,and orange leafed oak tree. The deer continued forward head held high. I walked a bit faster to match its pace, and to not fall behind. I finally uttered a question out." Um what i-I mean what would you like me to call you?" The stag did not face me, nor did he stop walking. " My bird one does not need a name, however if it makes you more comfortable call me Cernunnos or Cern for short. Which ever you prefer my bird." He said Bowing his head the tiniest bit, as he came to a stop. My legs came to a stop ,as I looked up at the mighty towering  tree. In pure awe I said," ......absolutely extraordinary..." The deers eyes flicked over to me curiously . I walked closer to the tree. I was almost drawn to it, as if it was a magnet. The stag watched this, and seemed quite intrigued. Soon my hand collided with the hard smooth bark. Something about it just familiar. Suddenly the voice of the stag shattered the silence. " It's true you are the daughter of bel." I looked back at him then replied," Bel? Who's bel?" The deer turned its head to me." It would make sense you don't remember you were only a child." The deer stated turning its head away from me. I looked back at deer and questioned, " Was father?" Hesitation present in my voice. The deer nodded, and looked up at the tree. I looked back toward the tree , as well my eyes wide and shaking. He knew my father..That was enough to send me cascading into a sea of endless questions. The stag again derailed my train of thought by saying," He ,and I were close I knew him half of my life. He was a good s-" His words were soon cut short by a loud raging roar.
Our heads( the deers and yours) whipped towards the roar. There standing in the middle of the clearing was a pure white dragon. It's teeth were bared , and it was hissing at Cernunnos. The stag narrowed it's eyes, and turned towards the dragon. My hand retracted from the tree, and my eyes widen I was shaking. There was a REAL dragon standing in front of me, and it didn't look to friendly. It's slivery green eyes glanced at me glaring. Cern narrowed his, and flared his nostrils and stomping his fore leg. The dragon shifted its eyes back to the deer , and it's minty mane stood on end. The dragon growled  , and speed forward. Cernunnos charged, as well however the dragon dodged him , and headed straight towards me. I didn't move for fear froze me in my place. The dragon grabbed me by my shirt , and took to the sky's. " CERN!" I screeched,and reached my hand out in a pitiful attempt to be saved. But there was nothing either of us could do. He watched ,as I was whisked away. He stood at the edge of the clearing glaring at the dragon. Just then his eyes closed, and his brown coat started to fade, and turn to a milky white. Cern's forehead started to glow a gold, and suddenly vines emerged out of the forest,and shot towards the dragon. The dragons head whipped towards the vines ,and skillfully dodged the vines. However one of the vines grabbed to dragons leg , and started to drag him down. The dragon thrashed around trying to shake the vine off. However it was to no avail. The thorns of the vines were imbedded deep in the dragons leg. With a harsh tug the dragon was torn out of the sky, and he cascaded to the ground. I screamed out in terror, as a clung desperately to the dragons neck. I could hear the snapping of branches, as it ( the dragon ) fell through the dense tree tops. Suddenly there was a big thump I decided it was time to open my eyes. As I opened my eyes I looked around. We were in a part of the forest I have never seen before. I blinked , and started to try to get to my feet. Thats when I felt a hand brush against my foot. I whipped my head around to see what it was. My eyes widened it was the boy...haku . But if haku was here where was the dragon it didn't make sense! the boy was laying on his face a vine wrapped around his ankle. It was true I was thinking of leaving him there, but he helped me I shall now return the favor. I walked around him to his right foot, and bent down. I started to remove the clinging vine from his ankle, however getting pinked several times in the process of this. When I had finally gotten the vine to detach from his ankle I stood up, and walked around him to his arms. I then grabbed his arms, and attempted to pick him up................................bad idea. I had barley had gotten him but a few feet off the ground, and I was already struggling with his weight. Damn for a skinny guy his heavy! I thought, as I lifted his unconscious body . Then his weight shifted towards me, and thats when my legs started to wobble. I couldn't support the boys weight plus my own, and I went toppling over. My back collided with the hard ground, and I felt a pressure on my chest. I looked up only to be met with a terrifying sight. Haku was onto of me not only that, but his eyes weren't closed anymore. My breath hitched in the back of my throat, as I stared into his steely emerald eyes. His face was expressionless, as he scanned me and the surrounding area. He started to get up, but winced and paused. I tilt my head to see a huge bleeding bruise on his arm, and not only that but his shirt is torn slightly where the branches snagged. His entire body was covered head to foot with starches. " H-here let me-" I stared to say , as I got up. "No." he interrupted, and tried to get up, but failed. I let out a sigh and said," Please it's the least I can do." He looked at me , and glared for a minute then sighed. He held his hand out to me in defeat he was obviously to tired to argue with me. I gave him the tiniest of smiles, and helped him to his feet. He let out a tiny groan, as he struggled to stand. I put his arm around my neck to help support him. " Hey you can lean on me if it helps." I said quietly, as I stood there. He let out an annoyed sigh and replied," I know that." ( sureeeeeee u did ) I rolled my eyes, and started to walk. It was true I had no idea where I was going, nor what I was doing. However I did know one thing I was going to help this boy then get the hell out of here. " Take a right." Haku said however it came out more as a demand. I obeyed, and turned right. We weaved through the forest together in silence not even glancing at each other. The silence for me was becoming painfully unbearable so I decided to say, " S-so the dragon did you-"   Haku let out another sigh and said," You know a little bit of silence won't kill anyone." He wasn't exactly what you would call a happy camper. I looked down, and nodded I wasn't offended by the snide comment , but I just felt like a bother. He noticed this huffed and flatly said," Yes I saw the dragon." I looked up at him and nodded. " So keep going right?' I asked. He looked at me and nodded. When we finally got to the edge of the forest haiku stopped dead in his tracks. " What is it is your leg-Mff!' He slapped his hand over my mouth before I could continue.  He peaked his head out from between the trees, and scared the area. I started to pull and tug his hand away, however it remained unmoving. I have to get out of this place away from this boy away from this nightmare. I decided to take a run for it. I dashed out of the trees, and into the streets of the abandoned amusement park. " NO You fool!" haku yelled, as he collapsed. thats when another voice interrupted. " Now Now what is a stinky human doing near My bath house."

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