Outsmarting a Witch

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( Hello Ladies and gents! Hope you enjoy the story sorry for long update the writers block is for real! Now as you know my lovelies I don't own spirited away , nor do I own the characters, or music in the chapters! Now don't forget to like and comment! Enjoy! ( that is if anyone is there sorry again for late publish)


Your pov

My head snapped in the direction the voice oriented from only to be faced with a angry old woman. She stood at the edge of the bridge small, however her presence held great power. I stopped, and stood up straight. I stared into the eyes of the angered woman silently. My face was blank, but my eyes were wide in pure terror.

3 person ( for now)

Y/n stood looking down in fear from the old woman . She didn't know how to respond to what she said. To be honest y/n had enough of this she was tired, hungry, and scared all she wanted was to leave. " Well!" the hag yelled at y/n. Y/n flinched at the aggression in the crone's voice. Y/n finally mustered all the courage she could, and looked up from her shoes to face the hag head on with a determined face." I came here because I was seeking shelter that's all I'll be on my way now." Y/n said, as she started to walk away. ( See I told you she(you) would toughen up) Then y/n felt a gust of wind brush her cheek, and wind whip her hair. Standing in front of her was the furious old lady obviously not happy with y/n's previous words. Y/n's breath caught in the back of her throat, as she stared into the woman eyes. " Now what makes you think you can just leave?" The old crone growled through gritted teeth. Y/n gulped and backed up a bit losing the confidence she had gained. The old woman smirked at this and said, " HA! Not very confident now are you little chicken?". Y/n eyes narrowed at what she had said, but remained quiet.

The old hag's smirk only widened as she heard y/n's silence. " Hm chicken you wouldn't make a bad chicken." The woman cackled to herself. " Pl-please let me pass." Y/n said trying not to stutter. The old lady glared daggers at y/n. " Sorry to say, but your not going anywhere." The old hag said, as she put her hands together . When she did this y/n notice a tiny spark flare up , as she did this. Suddenly she opened her hands to reveal a large glowing orb. She raised the hand that held the orb in it, and flung it towards y/n. Y/n having to constantly be on her feet sense she was but a few years old.( remember your a gypsy you have to out run cops, and be able to do the slide of hand at the drop of a hat ) Y/n dodged the glowing mass, however she could feel the pure heat radiating off of it, as it flew by her. The orb had trimmed off a small piece of y/n's hair now leaving her with new bangs.( nothing to big tho) The woman growled in frustration." Fast little chicken you are." She muttered to herself. Y/n still a bit shaken by the encounter of the ball of energy stumbled back. The old lady's hands once again clapped together, but before she could summon the orb the boy emerged from the forest. " wait." He called out calmly. The old ladies hands returned to her side and she glared. " Haku what is the meaning of this can't you see I am busy?" She spat at him. Haku face was blank of expression, as he said, " She wants to get a job."

Y/n's head whipped to haku, as he said those words. Why in the world would she want to work here. The old crones face practically screamed outrage. " How dare you say that!" She screamed at haku. She clapped her hands together, and summoned the glowing orb once more. However Haku didn't move he stayed put. The orb suddenly went shooting at him.

Your pov

The orb started to rapidly advance towards the boy. My eyes widen, and I sprung to my feet. Suddenly I bolted to the boy, and pushed him out of the way. Suddenly I feel a powerful force pushing my body back with pure energy. I clenched my eyes shut in anticipation to meet my demise. However it never I opened my eyes slowly. As I opened my eyes they were flooded with a scorching light. When my eye finally adjusted to the extreme shift of light. The blur soon focused, and what I saw was........astounding. The necklace fastened around my neck was floating in the air, as well as my h/c locks and the once voilent surging force was now motionless , and being held in your grasp. You looked to see the boys wide eyed expression. He's green steely eyes looked at the fiery ball then up to you in question, and astonishment. You soon turned your glance to the old woman who's jaw was quite literally dropped. her eyes remained glued to you in pure awe, as you held her weapon. Soon the fire ball shot out of your hands, and towards the old crone. The woman growled in irritation, as she held her hand out in a stop manner, however the surging mass ceased to stop. Her eyes widened in disbelieve, and rather fast for a old woman she moved out of the way.

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