Excuse me?

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( I am back! Don't worry I am not dead and I am continuing .Now before you read this I should tell you that throughout the first chapters you can find the five stages of grief though out some of the chapters,including this one. Some are less obvious than others, but if you read carefully you can find them. Well that's all I have to say , but ps play the music for the mood if you want, and Enjoy the Story!! )

( don't forget to like and comment!)

Your POV

I woke up in a cold sweat, as I clutched my chest with my heart throbbing out of control. My eyes where wide and sweat was rolling down my forehead. This hadn't been the first time I had a dream like this. It had been many years ago when I was young. I had the same recurring. My mother would usually be there by my side and sing me a lullaby, however she wasn't here. My eyes started to tear up at the thought of this. " W-Why ?" I coughed out. "Why did she leave me?" I stared to cry again. I knew she didn't intend for this, but I....just don't understand. What did she mean it was for me? What did I have to run from? I don't get it was there someone or something after us? "uhgggg!" I cried out of frustration, and sadness. I just didn't get it why she have to leave me?! What was so bad she couldn't come with me? This made no since. I let out an uneven sigh, as I tired to stand up only to be met with the ground again, and a slither of  pain . " That's my right my ankle." I muttered out. I huffed in anger at the situation I was in. "Ok ok y/n clam down, and analyze the problem." You said to yourself. You were suck in a room, your head was still pounding, and your ankle didn't look like it was healing anytime soon. I started to look around the room inspecting it for anything unusual. When suddenly I heard the door click. I instantly Plopped back onto the bed, and closed my eyes. I gulped a little was it that boy? If so why did he bring me here? Is he letting me stay here?

Haku's POV

I slipped inside the  room  carrying the bucket of water in both hands, and shutting the door with my foot. I sighed as, walked over to the girl. I muttered,"she must be asleep still". I set the bucket of water down next to her. Then placed my hand on her forehead. " Still has a fever." I said with a heavy sigh. I removed my hand from her hand , and got up went to the bathroom and came back with a washcloth. I dipped the washcloth in the bucket, then placed it on the girls head. "Well I have to get back to work." I said to myself , as I got up and walked towards the door. By the time I get back she should be up. I  existed  the room, and headed down stairs.

Lins pov

I watched haku exit his room, and head down stairs most likely to boss people around again. I crept out of my hiding place, and went over to his door. "What is that boy hidding?" I questioned myself, as I moved towards his door. Then I placed my hand on the door knob and turned it slowly, and creeped into the room. My back was turned to the bed, as I locked the door to make sure that haku wouldn't foil my amazing plan.( really Lin really) That's when I heard a voice. "Ummm hi." I turned around slowly to see a HUMAN girl with h/l  h/c hair sitting in haku's bed. ".....hey." I said with a small wave. There was a silence between us a long pause before I finally mustered up the courage to ask,"what are you doing here human?" The response I got from her was a long pause, as if she was calculating the right things to say. Finally there was a break in the quietness. " Excuse me, but could you repeat that for me." The girl asked with a bit of disbelief. I sighed, and replied, " what are you doing here human?" The girl stared at me with widen eyes then looked away. "I-I don't know I was thinking maybe you knew or that scary boy." She said while twiddling here thumbs nervously. " Scary boy?" I questioned. " Yes the one with the one with the shortish hair." She said while making hair length gestures. It took me a minute to figure out she was talking about haku." Oh you mean haku?" I stated. " Don't worry he's not evil ,or anything he's just a pain in the butt." The girl seemed a bit uncomfortable. " I see.............so what's your name?" She asked quietly. "Hmmm oh sorry Lin ." I said a
,as I put my hand out to shake. She looked at my hand with a bit of hesitation, but soon grabbed it and gave it a shake. " Nice to meet you Lin my name is y/n...y/n...l/n  firebird." I chuckled a bit at the name. " firebird? " I questioned while chuckling. The girl blushed a bit , and quickly stuttered out " O-Oh you see it was my clans name and all decedents from the clan get the last name." Firebird I have heard that somewhere before, but I can't put my finger on it. Hmmmm well it can't be that important. "I see so firebird who did you exactly get wound up with the likes of haku? Hmmmm?" I asked her. She raked through her hair a bit before responding. " Well I was out in the woods you see when I came across this abandoned theme park, and well it was getting dark so I decided that maybe I could stay here for the night. But then haku was it? Anyways he just poofed in front of me, and well here I am." Y/n stated. That's when I started to think to myself was haku trying to fill sins place? I mean it would make since after sin left the boy was devastated. He wouldn't come out of his room for weeks at a time. Heck he wouldn't even listen to Jubaba! But is was so out of character to of him to do. No he wouldn't would he? My train of thought was then interrupted by y/n saying ,Umm excuse me Lin? You there?" I quickly snapped out of it, and replied, " yea sorry just thinking about what you said." There was yet another awkward silence.

Y/n  p.o.v

I sat there in the silence. I always hated the silence the awkward moments. So I decided to break it by asking, " So Lin can u tell me where exactly I am? " Lin let out a small laugh. " Hon your in the spirit world." She said while still giggling. My eyes widened that's not possible. Spirit world really. No no! That absurd I can't be can it? I let out a dry laugh. " Spirit world no way that's insane." She looked at me for a minute then chuckled. " Ok hon if you don't believe me theres nothing I can do, but I assure you that's where your are.".. I thought about her words for a minute till I let out a sigh. " If I am truly in the spirit world then that means......I can see my mom again.." Lin looked down and shook her head." Sorry but it doesn't work that way." She said with a bit of pity. I tired to respond, but she shhed me before I could say anything.
Lin drew a sigh before saying, " well I should get back to work before haku finds out I am gone I'll talk to you later k." I nod. " Good well see ya later." Lin said as she exited the room. Well I thought to myself at least I can get some peace and quiet. I laid back down on the bed, and started to let sleep once again calm me, as I plugged into the abyss of blackness. This time I saw only darkness....I was floating in it nothing could be seen not even my hand one inch in front of my face. When I heard the booming voice again. GIVE IT TO ME NOW! A flashing of red eyes suddenly surrounded me. I tired to run, but I couldn't. Then something in the darkness came towards me. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. Almost like a seventh sense that someone has about something. In a life or death moment that last thought before it happens on what's going to happen. The thing grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I felt like I was drowning. I could hear a faint voice though. " Wake up!" Wake up!" The voice became more clear then light invaded my vision. It was another dream. I looked over to see the boy by me. " h-hello" I said.

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