The Deer King

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( Hello! I am still alive this is the longest chapter I think I have written.ok sorry for the long wait truly

am I, but finals and all are taking a huge toll on free time.will be posting a pic of the deer King which is sadly not the deer from princess monakoa sorry anyways play the music for mood,but you don't have to. Well comment and like enjoy!)

Y/n pov

"H-hello." I stuttered out. I won't lie when I say I was scared. The boy intimidated me. I backed up a bit from him in fear he may snap at me again. I looked down at my lap , and waited for a response but it never came. I looked up a bit to see the boy was starting at me with his iced green eyes. He wasn't glaring just staring. He let out a sigh and then placed a hand on my head. I flinched at this, but held still. " hmm." He said in observation. The boy then removed his hand,and stood up. He walked away into another room. It seemed to be the bathroom. He then came back with a damp wash cloth. The boy then sat by me without saying a word, and reached out to me with the damp cloth. My reflexes kicked in so I backed out of his reach. The boy glared a bit then sighed. " I won't hurt you." He said, as he drew his hand into his lap with closed eyes. I didn't say anything. Only stared back at him. The boy opened his eyes, and looked back up at me. " My name is haku." He said with his eyes piecing my soul.( sorry if that sounds cheesy😅)
" Yours is y/n correct?" He asked still as stiff as a statute. " Y-yes how did you know?" I questioned with a shaking voice. Haku looked at me with a blank face, and said," You told me at the entrance." I opened my mouth to respond, but then shut it. There was a weird silence between us. " You'll have to leave soon." He said with a dull and bored look. I looked at him and stuttered out," b-but I can't walk-". He cut me off by saying, " That's not my problem." Glaring a bit he sighed, and said, " To be honest I am not really why I helped you in the first place." I would have been annoyed by this comment, however considering how terrified I was there was an exception. " However I will shelter you until you can walk then out you go got it?" He asked sharply. I nodded . " Good for now get some rest....I'll be back don't.move." He added rather harshly. Then he got up and walked to the door opened it then left.

  Third persons pov
Closing the door behind him you could have sworn you heard a click of a lock. ( really haku really talk about creepy lol sorry) You would have tested this theory however there's the slightest immobility of your foot. You let out a sigh or relief that he was gone. You thought about going back to sleep, but after those to nightmares you couldn't bring yourself to do it so you decided to look around. The room was plain, but held its own beauty in the plainness. The room looked like a common Japanese style only with a real door, and not a sliding one. The floor was a light birch color, but was in fact bamboo. The bed that you were laying on was a roll out ( like in Japan) once again commonly used in Japan. There was a small oak desk behind the bed shoved into a corner by what you think is the bathroom door. The bed you sat on faced the closest  that was blank. However if you looked to the left you saw out a window where you could see the calm and magnificent river .( or ocean idk) The curtains fluttered softly ,as a breeze came in letting in fresh air from the large opened window. You hear a small chiming sound from behind you. Turning your body you looked up to see a small wind chime made out of sea shells, smoothed down glass and other peculiar things like drift wood and dried fish scales of different color and size however one thing caught your attention more than the others. It was a little pink shoe dangling at the bottom. Suddenly your eyes grew heavy, and sleeping didn't sound to bad, as you laid your head down, and fell into the darkness of sleep.

Lin's pov

Crap crap crap crap crap crap I thought, as a speed down the hall. I was late.............again. This time I'll die for sure. I continued my inner thoughts while sprinting to the bath area. I skid to a stop and take a sharp right into the bathing room. Upon entering the ( frog man? not sure tell me in the comments) the frog spirit aitoe ( just go with it) looked down at me with a smirk. " Late again Lin master Haku will not be pleased." He said smirking down at me in the token both. I scoffed and turned to him. " Can you just mind your own business and do your job ." He snickered and said, " Funny something like that comes from the gossip queen that can't get to work on time." I sent him a glare." Word has it haku is looking for you." He smirks more as he says this. " well then I better not get caught." I replied as I walked off with my eyes closed and nose held high.............not a good idea. As I walked I slipped on a rag and fell into a empty bath with a large with a large thud. " Owwww." I said with a slight intake of breath my clasped eyes start to open, and what I see makes my crappy day escalate from bad to worse. What I see standing above me , and peering down into to empty bath staring at me is none other than haku. He looked down at me clutching his clipboard. " Late again are we Lin." He states with a bored look, as he scribbles something down on the clipboard. I glare up at him. I knew this was his way of getting back after I gave him a hard time trying to sneak something. " Yeah I had to.....get some more....towels..." Haku glanced up with a bored look that said I don't buy it." Really aitoe said you just walked in." He said with a flat voice......damn aitoe I hate that guy I thought to myself. " So Lin what were you really doing?" He questioned . " Ummm I was......talking to others." I replied it seemed legit to me,but haku didn't buy it. He raised his eyebrow, and sighed." I suppose you do like to talk, but that doesn't mean you get to skip out on work." He spoke with his usual coldness and said, " Also as punishment you will clean the big" He said with a glimmer of mischievous in his eye. " WHAT!? B-but that will take forever!" I screamed in outrage. His blank face remained, as he turned away and ,started to walk then spoke, " Then you better get started." I frowned and climbed out of the empty bath and headed to the big bath. I could hear the snickering of aitoe......I hate that guy.

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