Chapther 6

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I took a deep breath and open the door, with the key Zoe had made for me. I had to just remember that they cared and that if they snap it was my fault really ... I walk in and the house seamed empty... "

Mikee ?? Zoee ??" I whisper yelled. Wait why am I whispering?!

"ZOEE ?? MIKEE ??" I call their name shouting this time. No answer. Okaay.. What is happening?! I walk to the kitchen slowly trying not to make any noise. Well I tried!

Then went to the living room looking for my 2 friends. No sign of life on the first floor... Slowly I walk upstairs and hesitantly open the door to Zoe's room.... Nothing.

Okay now i'm just starting to get pissed, I mean what is this ?! I just talked to Zoe! I got check Mike's room. I walk in to see Zoe lying down on the floor.I just start laughing,
"Zoe ... Come ... On... You didn't.... Actually.... T-think that ... I was .. Gonna fall .. For that ??" I said in between laughters. I go sit down by her side. I poke her once ... Twice.... Nothing." Come on Zoe! You have to yell after me!! You know cuuz i got drunk!" I said with a desperate voice. Was she really unconscious?!? Where the hell was Mike?! This is not real. I got up went to the kitchen pored water in a large bowl and went back upstairs to Zoe.

"Okay Zoe.. Get up now i got my lesson! I won't make you worry anymore! Pinky promise! But the promise is only good for the next 10 seconds!! 1...2 ....3...4...5..." and then I emptied the bowl of water on her. Still NOTHING! Okay now I'm starting to really worry!

"ZOE ! WAKE UP !! COME ON PLEASE!! I NEED YOU TO WAKE UP!!" I said my voice cracked at the end of my sentence. I let a tear out. I got up to look in there parents room and in the guess room. What do i find ?! NOTHING! Where the hell is Mikeal!?I went back to Zoe. Took my phone and dialled Mike's number. He did not answer that stupid idiot ass .... Uugh!

"I'm gonna call for help okay Zoe. You do not get to leave me. Not you!" I says while tears started falling like a fountain. I was about to call an ambulance went...

"Don't worry Rosie. I would never leave you." a familiar soft voice said. I lift my head up towards Zoe to see her sitting up with a grin on her face. I just jump on her hugging her tightly.

"Can't .. Breath" i hear Zoe say. Then I pull away and punch her on the shoulder and walk out of the door.

"That hurt!"thats all i hear as I was about to walk out of the house.I mean how could she do that?! Uugg ! I open the door to see Mikeal with a smirk on his face. I try to get pass him but who am I kidding he is taller and stronger than me.

"Come on Rosa. Don't be mad, you didn't call us last night." He said pulling me into a hug."Now where even." I rolled my eyes and hugged him back.... Me, Rose Grant actually liked having his arms around me! I just pushed away the feel that i am really not suppose to have.

"Rosiee!!" Zoe said form behind. Me and Mike instantly put some distance between us as if we were doing something wrong.

"Yes Zoe?" I answer her in a soft voice.

" wait your not mad??" She asked curiously.

"Why are you all wet ?" Mike asks before I could answer her question.

"Ask her!"she said with annoyance in her voice while me and Mikeal were laughing.

"Well I'm getting something to eat. Who wants some??" I ask with an innocent smile plastered on my face

"Whatever you make, make some for me to." Mike said then walked away but not before poking my shoulder.

" WHATS THE MAGIC WORD MIKY??!" I say loud enough for him to hear me form the living room.

"PLEASE MY SWEET ROSA" he replied, I didn't need to see his face to know that there was a big smirk on it. Zoe was heading upstairs.

"Where are you going??" I ask

"Oh Conor is coming to pick me up, but I can cancel if you want" she answered

"No no go have fun! I'll be here annoying Miky as usual or i'll go to Chelsie's" i say smiling

"Thanks, well i'm going to get ready." She said then went upstairs. I am not the best cook in the world, but I manage. I didn't feel like cooking so i just made tow cheese wraps. I took the tow plates to the living room.

"Here. It's done." I say putting the plates on the small table and sitting down next to him.

"Thanks Rosa" he says with a real smile

"No problem" I reply

"let's watch a movie" i say smiling then took a bit of my delicious food.

"Fine but We are not watching Frozen or Peter pan or Shes the man!" He said firmly

"But those are the best movies EVER!!" I wined

"Not there not." He says

" let watch a horror movie"

"No! I hate horror movies!" I reply

"Whats the matter Rosie? Scared?" He asks teasingly

"What ? No. Pfff! I'm not scared!" Lies. I say with confidence. In reality i was scared! I hated horror movies !! They give me horrible nightmares!

"Well then no problem in watching one then?" He say with amusement in his voice and a smirk on his face.

"Of course not?" I say more as a question that an affirmation.

"I gotta go to the bathroom first..uum.. You put the movie on and i'll come back in 5" i say leaving the room and making my way upstairs.

Fuck! What the hell did I just do! He already knows that horror movies give me nightmares! I close the door of the bathroom behind me and stare at myself. This is ridiculous. I plash some cold water on my face, dry the water off and walk back downstairs.

Mikeal was in the kitchen making popcorn. I go wait with him form the snack

"Where gonna watch paranormal activity I know you always wanted to watch it" he says holding back a laughter.

"Really ? You just had to pick that one?" I ask discouraged

"Aawe sweetie if your scared you can just admit it and we'll watch something else" he replies with a grin and amusement full in his voice

"ZOE! MIKE ! I'M LEAVING! BYE! I'LL BE HOME AT 11h30!!" Zoe shouted before closing the front door, without letting us the time to reply. Beep beep! The timer announced that the popcorn was ready. We walked back to the living room, sat on the comfy sofa, next to each other. The movie was already on. Ready for us press play on it...


Is something going to happen between the 2 ??
Would Hunter call her or text her ?? Thanks for reading!
Love you guys
Take care

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