Chapter 12

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We watch some boring ass movie. Well it was boring for me ... Stella on the other hand laughed through almost the hole movie.

"That was fun !" She said like a 3 year old smiling as we got into my car

"Yeah totally!" I say with the fakest smile ever

"I'll drop you off at your place or at your mothers ?" I ask wanting to get rid of her.

"Oh I still live with my mom" she said turning the radio on... Blurred lines come on .... Please don't start singing ! Oh please don't !!

EVERYBODY GET UUUPP " She yell-singed from the top of her lungs and her singing was worst than mine!! I didn't think it was even possible!!

Jesus christ my precious ears !! I thought as I speeded up a bit to get her off my rental car. The car on witch Dad insisted on me having for accepting my sister.

A ride that was suppose to be 20 minutes lasted 12 minutes. Thank god there was no police on my way cuz I was going very over the speed limit.

"Bye Rose! Text me alright!" Stella said cheerfully exiting the car

"I will. Bye stella" i say fake cheerfulness. The girl is really dum she never gave me her number. She closed the door and walked towards the door.

Before she could even realize that I didn't have her number I speeded off towards the hotel.


"DAAAD!!" I shouted once i got in the hotel room. No answer. Thats just great!

"DAAADD !!" I yelled louder walking towards the mini kitchen that we have.

"Yes?" He finally replied coming out of the bathroom

"I want to go back home, ... Please" I ask-demand

"What? Why? Don't you wanna spend time with me and your sister?" He says. i wanted to tell him that she was not my sister! Or would she ever be! But instead I said sweetly

"Of course Daddy I wanna spend time with you!You know I love you I just .. It's just that I need time to think about this hole sept sister thing and plus I missed a day of school because I wasn't feeling well so I have some homework to catch up on."

"Alright i'll tell them you felt home sick and had to catch up on some homework. Tomorrow morning i'll have someone drive you. I have a meeting. " he said giving in turning around to leave the mini kitchen


"What is it princess?"

"This morning  you were talking to someone..  before we came to New York, before my friends came to say bye.... " hesitantly I continued " what did you mean by they will get engaged and by my daughter doesn't have a boyfriend?" I question him

"You heard that" he says scratching the back of his neck.


"It is an agreement between Stella, a man name Marco , his son and me... They will get married for ... Business." He said the last part hesitantly

"Oh... THANK GOD!" I say relieved and added " oh then you should know that Mikeal and I aren't really dating"

"Well thats good news" he said letting out a sign of relive

"What ? Why?" I ask curiously

"Well your my little girl! You dating means that my little girl is growing up" he say looking at me with a little smile

"Aaw dad" i say walking over to him to give him a hug " i'll always be your little girl" i say


I said goodbye to my Dad, he rescheduled his meeting so he could drive me to the airport himself. He said that he would came back home in 5 to 6 weeks from now or sooner if he can.

I got on the plane on my way to sweet sweet home.



After pretending to be Rose's boyfriend, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I mean this is the girl that I've known my hole life. My sisters best friend! And I think I might like her ALOT. Close to love even!

In the afternoon I went to one of my friends house, Cole to have some fun the rest of my friends were already there. With a bunch of fake ass bimbo slut bitches.

I like them, i mean there easy fuck. If I want sex i'll just "ask them" and they never say no.

But they are so fucking clingy and they want so much attention! I mean come on!

They think that they could actually change us.

Lucy the school's slut came to me wanting some sex and I wouldn't abject normally. I mean its sex! And her body is hot and all but I'm spending the day here and I don't need her being all clingy girlfriend on me. She isn't even my girlfriend....

So I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind to get her off me.
"I have a girlfriend"

Shit! Did I just say that ?!

She looked at me for a second and then started laughing. Does she have a mental problem or something?!

"You? You have a girlfriend?!" She says in between laughter

"Yes. Why are you laughing?" I asked

"Dude you don't do girlfriends, remember?" Cole said from the other sofa with some blond on his lap.

"Well I do now" i say getting a bit irritated

"50 bucks it won't last 2 weeks" Mathew says chuckling

"50 bucks it'll last at most one week!" Jared one of my friends said smirking

"GUYS! I'm right here!" I say annoyed

"So who's the lucky girl?" Cole asked

I just stared at him. Fuck! What am I suppose to say ?! There is no girl !!

"What?" I ask buying myself a few seconds to think

"Whats her name?" He said slowly

"Oh her name ... Um.. It's .. " then I blurted out the first name that came to my head "Rose"

shit what did I get myself into!!



It was 2h00 pm when I finally go home. I was so tired from no sleeping well yesterday and the airplane ride that I just went to bed without changing my clothes.


Hope you guys like tour reading !!

Love you all ❤️❤️
Take care


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