Chapter 9

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Come on Rose! Think FAst!! What do I do ??!??!!!

Mikeal. Yes! That's it !!

I quickly run upstairs without a sound into my room and pick up my phone to call him. After 3 rings he finally answered to my relief.

~~~~phone call~~~~

Mike: what is it?! It's fucking early Rose you better have a good excuse.

Me: sorry. I need you to come at my house and pretend to be my boyfriend. Please!! I'll explain later everything! I promise. And get Zoe to come too so my dad would believe it!! Pleaaseee sayy yes *i practically whisper begged*

Mike: Fine. I'll be there in 30 minutes. Then he hung up... ~~~end of phone call~~~~~

Uugg why did he hang up!!?? I quickly went on my message app to text him.

Mike "Our relationship" happened went Zoe was out and I was bored so I came to your place. We have been together for 10 months.

I took deep breaths to calm myself and went back downstairs as if everything was normal. I'll tell him now that I have a boyfriend... Well a fake one but he doesn't need to know that!! I really hope that he believes my act.

"Hey daddy" i said in a happy voice

"Good morning princess" he said smiling at me.

"Dad I have something to tell you, and I know that you won't like it but you have to know that I was just scared to tell you. I didn't want to to disapprove of my relationship with him. He is very special to me." I said cautiously walking around the subject.

"What are saying??" My dad questioned

"You have to know that I tried telling you and that I really to love him daddy." I say with an innocent voice

"He treats me like a queen" I continued

"Spill it out Rosalinda!"he said impatiently

"I have a boyfriend, we've been together for 10 months. At first I didn't think we would last because he is a player but he isn't with me. It's like i'm the only girl in his eyes. And you know him." I said rapidly trying to convince him that i'm in love with Mike... Witch i am not obviously.

"Who is it?" He asked with curiosity and a hint of anger

"Mikeal Jefferson" I answer cautiously on a very good timing the door bell rang and I got up and fast walked to the door. Mike and Zoe were there both with a wide grin on there face.

"Heey babe. I missed you" Mike says pulling me into a tight hug, kissed my cheek.

"Aawwe you guys are to cute together!!" I hear Zoe squeal and giggle. God. Please make this work! My dad clearing his throat made me and Mikeal put some space between us. I turn around to hug Zoe then turn to face the reaction of my father. He has always considered Mikeal like his son. They were close, well went we were younger obviously. When he was actually home for more than a week.

"Dad, i'm sorry I didn't tell you." I say trying to sound a bit ashamed.

"Come here princess" he says opening his arms for me to hug him. Witch is exactly what I do.

"Does he make you happy?" He asks

"Yes" I reply smiling without even meaning to. Because really at sometimes he was the one that would make me laugh for no reason even when I felt like shit.

"Well then you can be with him."he said softly witch widen my smile for some reason.

"Thank you daddy. I love you!" I say hugging him a bit tighter. He chuckles a bit and when I pull away from the hug he brings his attention back to Mike.

"Son, you know i've always thought of you as my own. But if you hurt her I will cut your balls off and feed them to pirañas" he says in all seriousness. I had to hold back a laughter. Pirañas really??

"I would never hurt her"he says with sincerity full in his voice has he looked at me with a smile. Our eyes locked and i smiled back at him. This time it was Zoe's turn to clear her throat and my father laughed while I looked aways bitting on my lower lip.

"Say goodbye to your friends. Were ganna miss the plane." My father says

"i'm going to get your bags." Then he walked upstairs toward my room I imagine. Once he left Zoe started whisper-yelling how incredibly good actor we were, while I stared at him and he stared back.

"Well what's all this about?? And where are you going ?!" Zoe asked making me snap out of my weird trance and break eye contact with Mike.

"Well I heard my dad on the phone say something about an engagement and how his daughter didn't have a boyfriend. And i'm waaayyy to young to get engaged so I thought that maybe this would make him change his mind..... Thanks both of you. I owe you big time Mikey." I say walking up to him hugging him one more time. And place a soft kiss on his left cheek.

"Come on Rose. We have to leave now. You're gonna see them on Monday anyways."the voice of my father says from behind me.

"Bye you guys thanks for coming" i say sweetly and I hugg them bith one last him before they get in Mike's car and leave.


To soon i'm in the air plane flying to New York. I really hope that I heard him wrong or that he changed his mind ..

I mean i'm only like 17 years old!! I'm sure Mom would disagree. She would take my side. Well ... Then again, me and her don't have the best of relationships...


I hope you guys like this chapter Sorry it took some time to post.
I had A LOT of distractions lately.

Take care

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