Chapter 10

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"Princess wake uup"

"Come on we have to get off the plane now"

"Uumm 5 more minutes" I mumble trying to block out the familiar voice that is disturbing my sleep.

"Come on Rosalinda" the voice wined shaking my shoulder Well i was certainly not gonna get mush sleep now...

"Fineee. I'm up. Happy now." I say grumpily getting up. To see my father chucking at my reaction.


I've been at the motel room for 4hours now. My father left for his business meting. And i'm bored out of my mind!! Uugg.

Well maybe I could go out. Yaa. I'll just leave a not and take my phone. I walked to the desk and wrote down

"Hey daddy don't worry about me I left to walk around, your business meting was taking to long! Call me went your finished. Love yaa -R"

I took my purse, phone and some money that my dad left and went outside. I started walking towards a Starbucks. I got inside and ordered my delicious drink. I think I sat there with my drink for like 2hours playing on my phone. Thats when my father called asking me to come back.


I walked in the hotel room to see my father dressed in a different suit with a slightly nervous expression. I frown because he doesn't get nervous at least not with me...

"Get ready, were going to meet some people." He orders. I just nod and go put on a cute little dress.


We were in a cab to I don't know where to meet i don't know who. You see my frustration here?! I mean come on! At least let me know where were going!!

"Look princess ..." There was a pause as if this was a difficult conversation for him to have.

"... You see before I meet your mother..." Pause again. He really didn't want to have this conversation with me and that just made me more curious and eager to fond out where this was leading. " ... I was ... Wellaplayer" he says way to quickly. "Wait what ?!" I ask not understanding the last part of his sentence."I was a player.... " OMGG! My father a player!! Well that explains me toying with boys... I couldn't help but laugh at that. " ... I had a lot of .. Well girls and you know .." He seamed really uncomfortable at this point "eww Dad spare me the details me!!" I say, he didn't continue after that and my patience was coming to an end. I want to know the point in all this. So what if he was a player ?!
"... Youhaveastepsisterthats21yearsoldhernameisStellaandIswearIjustfoundout aboutherlike1yearagomaybe... Sorry I didn't tell you." My father says really quickly. All I understood from his speech was sorry I didn't tell you.


What was he sorry he hadn't told me?! Did I really want to know.

"What?!" I blurted out with meaning to.

he took a deep breath "You.. Have a step sister her name is Stella shes 21 I found out about her 1 year ago but I didn't know how to tell you... But this doesn't mean that I love her more. You will always be my little girl. And She wanted to meet you for some reason...." He kept talking but nothing was very clear after finding out that I have an Older step sister and shes 21...

He found out about her 1 year ago...

********************************Sorry it's short!!
But i have finals coming up and having time to write is becoming more difficult than I had originally thought.
Hope you like this chapter!!
Love you all !!
Take care

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