Chapter 4- Theodora

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Mon Dieu. I thought your father had already hired the entertainment?" I heard someone call out. It took but a moment for me to locate the speaker, a portly man with a scraggly beard.  His large nose was raised to the heavens in disdain, revealing a veritable forest of unkempt nose hair.

Laughter echoed through the room in waves, making my ears ring from its awful cacophony. If I hadn't already been holding my breath, I would have gasped in horror.

The nerve of him to say something so... so derogatory. My cheeks burned. I itched to find somewhere to hide, but I couldn't move. I felt the paltry bit of food I had eaten that morning churn repeatedly in my stomach. My heartbeat thundered in my throat as shame turned to fury. I took a deep breath, attempting to center myself.

Remember what Maman used to say. Have the courage to be yourself. Those who can't respect that don't deserve you. I sighed. Why did I ever allow Josephine to cover my face with makeup? I know she was only acting out of a desire to help, but my mother never hid her true skin. There wasn't much I could do now except stand tall as mother taught me. My hope was that if I stopped acting like prey, the vultures of society would move on.

I began to scan the room for a quiet alcove to wait out the storm. I spotted one with a large blue drape that I could conceal myself behind. All I had to do was cross the room without drawing even more attention to myself. Unfortunately, it was too late. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man approaching me.

I swallowed, my gaze flitting to his goateed face, locks of black hair falling to his chin, then to the royal crest upon his feathered hat. I knew it from memory—a red shield with a fox on the right and a dragon on the left. A heavy cloak of animal skin was draped over the man's shoulder, held in place by another pin bearing the same crest.

My blood ran cold. Mon Dieu! It's Prince Edward, the heir apparent to the Sa'maryan throne. And here I thought I had imagined the worst possible scenario. I never would have thought meeting the prince a possibility, let alone having him walk over to insult me on this, the most humiliating day of my life.

His footsteps were like nails being driven into my coffin, each one bringing me closer and closer to my social demise before the entire court. No doubt whatever the prince was about to do would seal my fate as an outcast for the rest of my life.

I felt lightheaded from lack of oxygen. I attempted a breath, but only achieved a staccato effect. I stayed frozen in place, staring at the prince, dumbfounded, watching the way his thin lips moved, stubble stretching across his defined cheekbones as they did so.

His hand reached for mine, causing panic to surge through me. Merde! What had he said? Something about Sa'mary? A welcome of some kind? I paused. Mayhaps he is different. Mayhaps he will be polite. I lent him my hand, recalling my decorum.

As soon as he had taken hold, I saw his entire form turn to stone. His arm twitched, the suddenness jarring my hand. His gaze darted from my knuckles to my face, then back to my knuckles. My pulse galloped under the intensity and duration of his attention.

Tears pricked at my eyes as I pieced together the prince's thought process. Non! Without a doubt, he was preparing demeaning and degrading remarks even as he held my hand in greeting. As if the court's reaction to my entrance were not bad enough, now the prince was preparing to take his shot. I glanced at my worn and scuffed boots, bristling as I noticed how infuriatingly shiny and flawless the prince's were. I bit my lip, hating the tears slipping through my eyes. Why, Lord? Why did you make man to be so cruel? Why do your servants treat anyone different with such disdain?

The prince bent his head down, his lips brushing softly across my knuckles, as was the custom. I shivered despite the circumstances, a cold tingle running down the small of my back.

"Your exotic beauty is truly a welcome sight in a land of mediocrity."

This time, the words reverberated in my ears rather than simply pass them by, his sonorous voice conveying all the authority his position demanded.

Tears welled up as I realized what he had done. It wasn't enough for his friend's insult to club me over the head with its bluntness. Non, the Prince had to add his refined sarcasm to perfectly slice through my remaining defenses like a well-honed blade. His words clearly laid bare the difference between me and everyone else in attendance. And he had the nerve to pretend that referring to me as 'exotic' was a positive thing. The truth was that the only thing the courtesans would ever accept is more of the same. If I hadn't been so offended, I would have marveled at the practiced efficacy of his wordplay.

Even so, they would have to do better than that to bring this Moorish girl to her knees. Not that I would fail to retaliate. I too could wield words as a weapon, your high-ness! I have nothing to lose at this point, as the King has already likely planned to take away my land and title. At the very least, I can leave this court knowing that I defended my dignity.

"Well, I'm afraid we can't all be as fortunate as the Anglo-Saxons now, can we?" As expected, the court gasped, insulted that I would dare tie any of them to their barbaric ancestors.

I could tell the prince was vexed with me. His emerald eyes blazed in fury, his hand reaching for my arm to drag me away like a disobedient child. That was the last straw. My body was trembling with pent up rage until I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

Not caring what anyone present would think I slapped his hand away and shouted at the top of my lungs. My words reverberated through the halls. "This is the very reason my father swept my mother away from this place, because of bigots like you!"

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