Chapter 5- Edward

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I took an involuntary step back, my mouth falling open against my will. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to say such a thing! I had expected her to express appreciation for the fact that I was rescuing her from social death. Non. In fact, she responded with an insult, implying that we were as savage as our Norse forefathers. With all eyes of the court on me, I knew I could not let such impertinence go unpunished. I would not give them another reason to doubt my ability to rule.

"I beg your pardon," I began, rising to my full height. I reached for her arm in an effort to pull her away from prying eyes. The last thing I needed was for her to damage my reputation further.

The resulting slap was so unexpected and unprecedented that it shocked me to my core. My subjects mirrored my shock with many audible gasps.

The sting of her disrespect was worse than any lingering pain. And on top of that she had the audacity to declare me a racist in front of the entire court. I glared at her, quietly fighting to regain some semblance of composure. I would not lose my temper this publicly. My father would have my head at such a lack of control.

Her own blue eyes mirrored the anger. As if she had any right to be angry at this moment. It was she who had slapped me. She insulted me. I did nothing but try to welcome her. Ungrateful chit! Most of the court would sooner soil themselves in public than willingly go toe to toe with royalty. I admit I was intrigued by the brashness of it all.

"I am the Crown Prince of Sa'mary. As such, I can have your head lopped off in mere seconds if I so desire," I declared, flicking my fingers to summon the guards. At once they surrounded us, hands ready to draw swords at a moment's notice

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