Chapter Forty One

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A/N:: In the picture is Tom Parker. Perrie's love interest and new kid

~Liam Pov ~

"Liam, could you get the door?" My mother called from the kitchen.

"I got it," I said, jogging to the door in the foyer and opening the door to see and teary eyed Zayn on my doorstep. I never seen him this upset, this really caught me by surprise. Something must be up. "Mate, whats going on? Are you alright?" I wasted no time in asking.

He sniffled before he could answer. "M-my, um.. my dad decides to show up in the p-picture. He t-tried to get back into me and mum's life, and I-I can't let that h-happen." He let a few tears escape from his eyes. He wiped them away roughly before he continued. "He's probably still there and I don't want to go back. I-I don't want to stay over there as long he's there, is it alright if i could stay here?"

"Yes, yes sure," I say, pulling him inside and closing the front the door behind him. "you can stay for as long as you like. You're my friend, you're always welcome here."

He nodded, looking down at the floor shielding away his falling tears as he wiped them away. "T-thanks man,"

I pat his back. "No problem,"

"I called Perrie's phone before i got here to see if i could crash over there but she hasn't picked up. I don't know if she's too busy or whatnot, so i came over here."

When he mentioned Perrie i could feel nothing but anger and that urge of telling him what his girlfriend's up to. And most importantly what i saw earlier. I wonder why she hasn't answered her phone. What if she's with that Tom guy? If Zayn finds out about this affair no telling how he would feel.

I shook my head at the thought. My main focus is my best friend is hurting and needs a shoulder to lean and i'm going to be there for him. "Well, i'm glad you're here mate." I say with a small smile.


~Tom Pov ~

I could hear the shower stall come on in my shared bathroom letting me know Perrie has stepped in. We had our little fun while my parents were out at some dinner, so i called her up and told her to come by as soon my parents left.

I laid in bed with my back against the headboard, the sheets covering my lower half of my naked body, the room smelt like sweat and sex. With nothing else better to do, i reached over in my bedside table, opening the drawer and pulling out my heroin I've ordered from my dealer Joseph. I took a sharp razor edge and moved the powder around and snorted a nice amount up my nose with a rolled up dollar bill until i felt the drug basically consume my haze.

I put it away back into its original place, i laid back enjoying the feeling of complete ecstasy. I felt loose and untensed. Heroin was suppose to make you feel like you're on top of the world. And thats exactly how i was feeling at this point.

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