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NATALIE AND her best-friend since childhood Summer had decided they were gonna suprise Ari their other friend since childhood. Plus, they wanted to be in the surfing competition. Summer, wanted Ari again.

Natali and her mom Beth had made it to Abbie's house first so they waited in the car for Summer and her mom to get there, which didn't take long considering as Natalie saw Summer running over to the car which was Natalies sign to get out the car and run over to Summer hugging her.

"Oh my god, I missed you" Natalie chuckles

"I missed you too, Allie. Now you ready to surprise them?" Summer asks as they pulled out of the hug.

"Duh" Natalie squeals as she grabbed Summers hand so they can run to the house together.

"We're back baby" Summer yells as she flung open the door "hello? Ari? Honey?" Summer says as she picked up a picture frame of Ari, as both of their mothers walked inside.

"Really, hoping they still live here otherwise we're breaking and entering" Margot states as Beth laughed.

Natalie walked over to Summer "Mhm, is this why you wanted to come back?"

"No do you think I'll seriously beg my mom to come back here for a boy?" Summer asks with a smile on her face. Natalie's phone went off so she looked at the notification.

"They changed the dates. Tryouts are today, we gotta go" Natalie states, running out the door and back into the car waiting for her mother to get in to drive.

Summer and Natalie sprinted out the car and ran over to where the microphone was. Summer grabbed it then both girls crouched down behind the table as Summer began to talk into the microphone "Attention Poppy, Bodhi your pizza is ready. I repeat your pizza is ready"

Natalie grabbed the microphone from Summer to add on "And Marlon can you please put on a shirt for once"

"Hey, give me that" a cop says snatching the microphone out of Natalie's hand. Summer walked out first hugging Poppy and Bohdi then Natalie walked over after.

"Omg, Natalie?" Poppy says as she ran over to the blond and hugged her "Why didn't you both tell us?"

Before Natalie or Summer could answer Marlon walked over "Americas? Aye what's up" the brunette boy says dabbing Summer up and hugging Natalie.

Summer looked over to the water watching Ari walking towards them with his surfboard in his hand. Natalie, looked over noticing Ari "omg, Ari" the blond yells as she ran to him and hugged him.

"Allie, what are you doing here?" Ari asks

"We came to surprise you" Natalie answers pulling out the hug so Ari and Summer could talk. Natalie, walked back to the group standing next to Poppy as they watched Summer and Ari. It was awkward to say the least.

"Hey" Ari says as a smile grew on his cheeks.

"Hi" Summer smiles as she started to slowly walk to him when a girl ran to him.

"Hey handsome" The girl says kissing him "how was practice?"

"Um. Wren this is Summer and this is Natalie" Ari points to each girl.

Wren squealed as she hugged Natalie then Summer "omg, Summer, Natalie hi. I've heard so much about you guys"

"And Allie, Summer this is Wren my girlfriend" Ari says wrapping an arm around her waist.

Natalie thought Wren was nice and sweet so she immediately wanted to become good friends with the girl. Especially, since that's her best friends girlfriend.

"Okay we'll, me and Summer are going to check in with the selectors to tryout so we will be right back" Natalie clears her throat as she grabbed Summers hand dragging her along.

After talking with the selectors they were not letting Summer or Natalie, all because of what happened last year. Natalie had fallen off her surfboard because something hit her board but nobody saw the animal. Summer because her stand wasn't good last year.

"Allie. We're sneaking in and showing them we can surf" Summer tells the blond as Natalie nodded her head.

Both girls walked into the lockers room and went up to Ari "So the selectors rejected our application, so I'm thinking if you could distract the guard so we can jump in the pool and take our shot"

Ari stared at Summer "no"

"No?" Natalie states confused

"Aye, Mate how'd you go?" Ari asks a guy with pink curly hair.

"Yea, alright" the pink haired boy says fist bumping Ari then unzipped his suit thing so his top half was showing.

"Listen so we're clear you're asking me to help you cheat which I'll be risking to get in the finals?" Ari whispers

"We helped you get on the ferry to get to the finals. Ari, please help us out" Natalie begs.

"Look I'm glad you're surfing again Summer and I'm glad you're actually trying to get into the finals but I'll be risking to get into the finals. And I have a chance. I'm glad y'all are back" Ari whispers as he patted Natalie's shoulder then walked out.

"Did he just say he had a chance? He basically just said we didn't" Natalie scoffs as she crossed her arms.

"I'll help" the pink haired boy says staring at Natalie.

The pink haired boy started talking with the guard as Summer and Natalie ran to the steps of the water with their surfboards throwing it into the water then jumping in after.

"What are you guys doing? Get out" Wren yells

"May the pool intruders get out the water" the guy on the microphone says which Natalie layed on her stomach as she began peddling with her hands. A wave then came so Natalie stood up and began surfing.

"She took my wave" Wren yells in annoyance "no stop"

Summer then started surfing after Natalie, Them both landing each trick they did.


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