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THE NEXT day Natalie woken up and changed into grey shorts and a white shirt. She then had her mom drive her to Anchor Cover Sports Centre where the team was gonna meet their new coach and just exercise so they will be good for the Nationals.

"Thank you love you bye" Natalie kisses her moms cheek before hopping out the car and running up the steps and into the building.

The coach checked the time on her watch then stared at Natalie as the blond placed her bag on the floor and stood next to Summer "You made it just in time" she then kicked the mat griff was holding making him fall "okay is everybody here? Great. I'm Elo Radic, your new coach"

"And my sister" Wren whispers to Summer and Natalie like they were supposed to care.

Summer took a deep breath in then exhaled "great" she muttered to herself.

"We'll congratulations on making the Victorian State Team, it's no small feat. It's just a shame that you guys haven't brought home a National Title in what is it? 20 years? Well, lucky for you I coached Team Queensland to the winning podium three years running the reality is, surfing is an individual sport and it's my job to work out what drives you, to bring out your very best kn the water" Elo rants as everyone was doing some time of exercise.

"Hey coach, what's Sousa doing here? He didn't make the cut" Griff states as he continued to pull weights.

"Marlon and Cassidy are out subs. Back-ups in case of injury or if I decided that you're out of your depth. Come on guys let's go" Elo says yelling out the last sentence.

Baxter placed his bag on the floor as he walked over to the group standing next to Natalie "ah. Sorry sis, did I miss your big inspirational speech?"

Natalie let out a quiet giggle which Baxter heard as he smiled at her which she smiled back.

"Burpee's now. Until I say stop" Elo demands

"What happened to 'surfings an individual sport?" Summer asks as she and Natalie stood while the others were doing Burpee's.

"Yea, there's no need to do burpee's. It's not like we're gonna do this while we're surfing" Natalie adds on.

"It's called accountability, Torres. Williams. Burpees now" Elo commands which both girls followed instructions.

Shortly after Ari and Bax were racing each other on who can climb the rope fast as Bodhi and Poopy were doing battle ropes. Summer and Wren were jump roping, and Natalie was jumping onto a high wooden box and jumping down.

"Right so ten years ago aerial surfing was underground and now it's pretty much expected on the men's tour. And by the time you guys turn pro, Ari revs and full rotation they're gonna be expected for the girls too. Alright? Let's see what you've got" Elo claps her hands as Wren stepped onto the trampoline.

Wren started jumping high... then did a front roll in the air landing on the mat cushion
thing they have in gymnastics.

"You're not even trying. I expect a lot more from my team caption" Elo says frustrated.

Wren walked up to her sister "I don't need airs to win heats"

"Guess our fearless caption can't do everything" Summer states bluntly.

"Come on America. Show us your stuff" Marlon says as Summer went onto the trampoline and started to jump high then twirled in the air.

"Yes, Summer good techniques. That's more like it" Elo cheers as she clapped her hands "okay. Bax you're up"

Bax stood up from the spot he was sitting as he placed his water bottle down then went onto the trampoline as he began jumping. He did a front flip.

Natalie clapped for the pink haired boy "wow not bad, Bax"

Bax walked over to Natalie "not bad? You think you can do better?" He asks with a small smile on his face.

"Do I think? I know I can" Natalie states as she patted his shoulder "watch and learn" The blond started jumping high then did a front flip but twirled In it.

"Yes. That's how it's done. Great Williams" Elo claps.

Natalie stood up and walked over to Bax standing in front of him. He was taller so she had to look up "Okay, I used to be In gymnastics when I was smaller so I had an advantage" the blond says as Bax laughed.



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Summer Loving•Baxter RadicWhere stories live. Discover now